Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 194: Steps towards the world!

?? As usual, after the match, the audience will leave. This time, the audience stared at the screen for a long time and never looked back.

Five people in the sky team sat in a chair, and couldn't believe it.

I lost, they lost

The first time I lost so unacceptably

Full of arrogance was trampled down, trampled on until I didn't know how to get up from a chair

They are the lplr celebrity team, ranked second in strength and have never been shaken. But do they dare to say this after today?

Even if there is no blood carving present, how can this be explained after being slaughtered? ?

I knew this before, and they should not have too many fantasies of turning around, they should surrender in twenty minutes, and they would not suffer such humiliation.

At the end of the game, five members of the ln team got up from their chairs.

Suddenly, a cheering sound slammed like a wave swept across the front of the five members of the ln team.

I won, and they won with a miraculous head-to-head ratio.

All they have to do

Just, there are still many people in the jubilant audience who don't know, this is the last game of the ln team on the lpl

谢 Closing the curtain with the most shocking game

Zhou Zhouyan, Daluo, Wu Sen, and Lin Dong looked at Yu Luosheng.

After the game, they don't know where to go.

They spent so much time, exhausted their energy to compete for the LPL arena, and then battled to the world. In the end, it was so **** that people were afraid to face it.

How difficult is this road?

"Okay?" Zhou Yan walked to Yu Luosheng and patted him on the shoulder.

Zhou Yan also knew Yu Luosheng's condition. When he saw Yu Luosheng's eyes fall, Zhou Yan began to worry.

"It's okay, I can control it." Yu Luosheng shook his head.

After this baptism, Yu Luosheng felt that his mood had changed.

I ran away from home originally because he was obsessed with e-sports and was immersed in the e-sports world.

He retired, freeing himself from this virtual reality, returning to real life, and suddenly found himself after regaining himself. He still has these in his mind. After the precipitation of these things, he now understands what he wants, and his heart is not As confused as ever.

"Boss, look" Suddenly, Da Luo pointed to the rest area.

Ln looked at the five, just to see several p of the team appear in front of Xu Pingyang.

Although he couldn't hear what they said, it was obvious that Xu Pingyang was panicking and explained very hard.

"I sneaked into the system of the local public security bureau, and I have prepared the information of the camera and the evidence of illegally modifying Xiaobei's information ..." Lin Dong said.

Bian Zhouyan frowned immediately: "Lin Dong, what are you doing so recklessly, not afraid of being arrested and going to jail?

Rest assured, this time I did a quick job and will not be found, it should be the team to understand with the police. "Lin Dong said.

I walked to the backstage, and Ike of the team walked out of the lounge at this time.

He saw five members of the ln team and came over slowly.

"We contacted the police to help investigate ... In addition, Xiaobei has returned to be an LPL player, and his name will also be recorded in our LPL E-sports hall. This is what we can do." Aike said.

"He should go to jail," Lin Dong said with gritted teeth.

"Look at the police. In any case, Xu Pingyang violated our team ’s regulations. We will directly ban their long-air teams from participating in world competitions. In addition, considering that you will restore your lplr qualification, here are two Choice, the first permanent banned long-air team, they will completely lose the qualification to participate in lplr, and your team is not eligible to participate in lplr, after all, your Xiaobei player was indeed unidentified at the first time, and it is not good for you if you study deeply. That is, both of your teams will be suspended this year, and you can continue to participate next year. "Ike said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Yu Luosheng, hoping that Yu Luosheng would make this choice.

"The second one," Yu Luosheng said.

Pllpl is the only way to the world events, they must regain the right to play.

"Also, alptar is about to start and you will be on the shortlist. Based on your performance today, alptar should be born among you, Baifeng and Qin Guangwang. I hope you can participate if you can This time I went to the Los Angeles All-Star Game. "Ike said seriously.

"What is alptar?" Li Meiqi hurriedly asked.

"The All-Star Game is held once a year. Five teams from China, Southeast Asia, South Korea, North America, and Europe will play against each other. It can be said that the All-Star Game is a game that gathers the world's top players. Sai Sixi said.

Ike and Xixi both hope that Yu Luosheng can participate in this All-Star Game. His strength is undoubted. His status surpasses all players in the lplk industry. If the world's top-level fighting eagle appears in the All-Star lineup in China, Europe, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and North America are bound to be extremely shocking.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on Yu Luosheng.

Who would have thought that Yu Luosheng, who had only played in two lplk leagues, was directly identified as a candidate for the All-Star Game.This is a noble glory. You must know that the other teams are sharp. I want this place in my head

"Forget it, there is no plan to go abroad for the time being." Yu Luosheng shook his head.

匡 "Kuang"

After listening to Yu Luosheng's answer, the team leader Xixi chin almost fell to the ground

All-Star Game, the team reimbursed the entire cost of traveling to Los Angeles, USA.Some of the e-sports players were Gao Fushuai and Tyrant Gold, who could go abroad at public expense once and appeared in the media of other countries.

The meaning of the general manager Aike is very obvious. As long as you nod your head, this quota is yours, and the person on the throne of e-sports is definitely qualified.

Wu Zhouyan, Da Luo, Wu Sen, and Lin Dong all looked at Yu Luosheng with a puzzled expression. They did not understand why Yu Luosheng refused such a good thing.

If it's because Xiaobei's affairs are still in sorrow, then it's not necessary, Xiaobei must also hope that Yu Luosheng can appear on the world stage.

"World events, I will lead my team to go up." Yu Luosheng said.

Twenty years ago, he led the Wings into the world competitions and galloped in the world.

Now he can do the same, even in the fields where there are many experts and many schools of contention.

Where do we go from here? ?

No, the goals of the ln team are very clear.They also have their own way to go.Some people have not reached their personal strength sufficiently. The cooperation of the lnr team is far worse than other teams. Their tactical system is not completely built.

Moreover, they can never be satisfied to defeat the domestic LPL team, their goal is the world

的 The world championship that has not been won, you must hold it in the next year

"I believe you can do it, you can't participate in the lpl event, but there are still many second-level events, where no one can stop you." Ike nodded.

This fighting eagle seems to know that this is a shortcut he has opened up for him.

Since he is going to enter the world events by himself, as the person in charge of all events, he also hopes that this day will come, and he can see that one can really bear the banner of domestic e-sports. Foreigner

I walked out of the arena, and a bright red sunset came into my eyes.

The orange-yellow light that spit out shone on l's body.

Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, Da Luo, Wu Sen, Yu Luosheng, Li Meiqi, Jian Feng, this team is also a total of seven people

He untied the white ribbon on his head and scattered it on the ground.

No team funding, no competition rewards, no team subsidies, no training base, and even deprived of the right to participate in this year's LPL.

This time, I really have nothing.

I just do n’t know why, the hearts of the four Luo, Zhou Yan, Wu Sen, and Lin Dong are no longer as confused and confused as before.

Because they still echo the words that Yu Luosheng said just now: I will take my team to the world arena

Such a simple sentence, but the four of them have surging hearts inside

I am sweeping the world, this is a distant word, but it seems to be getting closer, even if there is nothing now, as long as there is Yu Luosheng's sentence and that unwavering faith

They believe in Yu Luosheng, he is the soul of the entire team.He once did it, shocked domestic e-sports and world e-sports. After so long, he has become more mature and stronger. The unreceived world championship is not only deeply buried in the hearts of Yu Luosheng, but also in the hearts of everyone in the wing team

It's okay, it's okay to have nothing at all ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ As long as they still have the faith not to bow to this **** fate, what belongs to them, they will definitely take it back, and even fly higher and farther

I looked back at the crowded arena ...

The five team members waved their hands freely, bid farewell to Xiaobei, and bid farewell to this LPL field.

Next year, they will appear on this field again

At that time, no matter whether it was a sky team or a land government team, no one could stop them from taking the pace of the world.

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