Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 132: On the game homepage!

?? "I do n’t know, do n’t talk nonsense, I tell you, our diamonds here are played in Hanbok, even if it is very good to be able to play platinum. He played absolutely diamond-level. Last time I saw him lined up to Hanbok A relatively well-known professional player 'NEED' actually even won his aunt to win. In other words, Huang Yu, you haven't told me yet, who is that guy, and how did this happen, playing the Hanbok Diamond level is all very popular. Rhythm? "Asked Longsheng's little internet cafe.

"Hey, it would absolutely scare you to say it. Did you watch the video that was so hot some time ago? Is it the video of the mysterious man Vs Great Blood Carving?" Huang Yu was proud.

"Why didn't I see it, I really scared the urine, and I hit the blind monk myself, how can I feel that my blind monk rubbed it like that, in the hands of those two people, I changed to a hero, and that skill is simply amazing ... … I rely on him, is it the man with the blood sculpting? ”Said Xiaowang Guan with a look of amazement.

"That's for sure!" Huang Yu said.

"Look at the ghost, you know how to blow." The little webmaster said unbelievably.

The people who looked on were all disbelieving.

And the blood eagle are so good that they are also the super club of a certain club, how can they appear in their little Internet cafes to rank!

"Yeah, if he is alone with the blood eagle, I will kneel directly to you." Huang Mi said.

靠 "Fuck, you mean it!" Huang Yu's temper also came up.

The people in the Blood Sè team are very clear, and the person who is singled out with the Blood Sculpture is Yu Luosheng. Who else does the LM coach have besides him, even if they are mosaic, do they think they will not recognize it!

What a pity, Huang Yu really can't produce any evidence!

It didn't take long for Yu Luosheng to return, and he was crowded into his place again.

"Yu Luosheng, hit the blind monk, Huang Mi and B don't believe that you hit the blind monk who fights with the blood carving, he said, if you hit it, give me a kneel lick." Huang Yu said.

"It's the fifth floor again to play blind monks!" Yu Luosheng said unhappyly.

Yeah, Yu Luosheng loves playing assistants, but he can get tired of playing a position. Yu Luosheng also wants to show blind monks. Is there any way for others not to give positions?

In desperation, in the end, Yu Luosheng chose a more lazy assistant piano girl.

Hit 36E, use your face to roll the keyboard, and the big move is basically 0K.

"You know how to play piano?" Qian Meng asked in English.

"Come on," Yu Luosheng said.

She Qianmeng also knows that Yu Luosheng does not like passive assistance, although 36E flash is no less than the position of the female knight, but in general, there is less space for cāo.

"You Ba." Qian Meng also noticed that Yu Luosheng was tired of playing assistant and said to him.

"Will you help?" Yu Luosheng froze, and said in amazement.

The match between Ez and VN, they confirmed each other's superb strength. Qian Meng knew that Yu Luosheng's assistance was also very powerful, but Yu Luosheng had not seen how much Qianmeng played.

"Well, I'm going to eat something, be careful ..." Qian Meng said.




的 The group of people watching the battle after seeing the two typing, their minds were suddenly speechless and marvelous!

Hit the Hanbok Diamond Challenge, you pick a girl and go eat !!!!

I despise others Korean sticks too!

There are several machines in the Longsheng Internet Cafe that have overseas servers that can play Hanbok. Several masters in Longsheng have visited Hanbok. As a result, the ranks have been stuck in gold and platinum, including the blood sè team. They are professional teams like Hanbok. The rankings are losing more and winning less.

You eat while you fight ...

不要 Can you not be like this?

Seriously, some people have begun to believe that Yu Luosheng is really the mysterious man who is singled out with the blood carving!

Qi Qianmeng played a round of support, and in the early stages of various soy sauces, it was always a spit of blood and then backed up, allowing Yu Luosheng to pick two.

In the late group fight, almost every time the big move was two or three big, and they were all key heroes, Yu Luosheng had to change the assistance of shallow dreams!

After the first few games, Qian Meng was playing support.

What surprised Luo Luosheng was that this guy was almost invincible, and his support was very good.

The most important thing is that most of her assists are passive ones that she doesn't use.

Yu Qianmeng's defensive ability is very strong, it is harder to kill him than to climb the sky.

The level of her auxiliary protection ability is even more powerful, with all kinds of limits plus shields and various gods covering, even if she sells herself, she can escape with blood!

High degree of honing and tacit understanding!

In fact, there are not many players who can really partner with Yu Luosheng. On the one hand, Yu Luosheng's ideas are too advanced, on the other hand, Yu Luosheng's assistance is sometimes very aggressive.

Jixia Road is a two-way road. If two people can't think of one, playing no matter how good they are.

Tong Yu Luosheng first cooperated with Xue Yiyi. Xue Yiyi's strength was limited after all. To put it plainly, she was taking her.

Later, in cooperation with Xue Haiyang, Xue Haiyang's strength is not as good as Xue Yiyi, which gives Yu Luosheng less room to play, but may lead to bad rhythm.

I will play with Zhong Jinbei later. Zhong Jinbei ’s strength will be better than Xue Yiyi, but it ’s too boring to play.

I can only work well with myself, there should be only Xiaobei.

Xi Xiaobei already has his own professional assistant Wu Sen. If the two people cooperate well, their personal strength will become dregs.

So, for a long time, Yu Luosheng has not found the best partner for him.

配合 Cooperating with Qian Meng for more than a week, this gives Yu Luosheng a feeling of finding his other half.

家伙 This guy's personal strength is explosive enough. He suspects that Qin Guangwang will follow in Qianmeng's hands. After several running-in, they

The cooperation between the uncles is more tacit, and the signals do not have to be hit to know what each other is going to do.

This is also an important reason why they are not disadvantaged in Hanbok!

Each friend has his own good friends. Yu Luosheng found that he finally found his good friends. It happened that the two were in a similar situation. They belong to the top players and do not participate in professional leagues!

Yu Luosheng is now getting into a habit and is online at 8pm every night.

Qianmeng will also be basically there. The two will fought for Hanbok. Before Qianmeng hit 10 points, it will go offline. Gradually it will be postponed to 11 points, because he also knows that Yu Luosheng is making money for a commentary. Computer money needs to play many rounds to screen out jīng lottery.

"Boss !!!"

A phone call awakened Yu Luosheng, which was Lin Dong's voice.

"The video you played is almost on the top page of the game !!" Lin Dong shouted.

"Go to the game homepage, go to the game homepage ... fuss, my grass, what are you talking about!" Yu Luosheng suddenly felt sleepless.

"You open the game yourself, the first one in the lower left corner is yours, Jx commented!" Lin Dong said happily.

洛 Yu Luosheng's computer has been mailed out, and there is an old notebook in the house where Yu Yu doesn't know where to borrow it.

有 There are games on it, but they ca n’t play at all. After logging in, Yu Luosheng saw a striking title:

"Jx hot commentary, mysterious national service amateurs double row 蹂躏 Hanbok high-fun!" Click and go directly to the link. Without too many commercials, directly enter the jīng color clips. In the first ten minutes, I just edited all the jīng color moments played by Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng in the past three weeks, and attached the dynamic theme music of the League of Legends. passionate!

Ten minutes later, directly into the actual combat!

The actual combat is not a game, but it is gathered on many occasions, most of which are one or two winning jīng color actual combat paragraphs, and then!

One by one, people are overwhelmed. The more you go, the more you make and cooperate with each other. The language of Jx is changed to the usual gentleness, and every paragraph is described in a jīji-like tone.

Watch this video, there is a feeling that the sea cháo shoots to the chest, when you think this is already very shocking, the shock is even more violent.

70 The 70-minute video made people reluctant to let it go, even Yu Luosheng himself watched it in one breath!

The moment I saw it, Yu Luosheng was shocked!

This is the old **** hit ???

I didn't even think of Yu Luosheng himself. When someone edited all the pictures of himself and Qian Meng, it would have such a shocking visual impact !!

At the same time, I have to admit that the level of editing and promotion of Jx is very high

At the beginning of rendering the strength of Hanbok, I even introduced some Hanbok star players who appeared in the video. After starting a kind of humiliation by domestic players to Hanbok players, they immediately released a video that defeated Hanbok celebrities. There is an urge to applaud!

Coupled with the battle in the video, it is indeed high-end exclaiming cāo work, so a video of the battle for Korean sticks that was directly clicked on the game homepage was born!

To be honest, when I saw Cheng Shancheng Hai replying to the post below the video, Yu Luosheng had jumped out to admit that “this is what the old sister hit” !!!

"Yes, Jx promised you how much money to come." After Yu Luosheng watched the video, Lin Dong hurriedly asked.

"Given more than 5,000 in total, has been settled." Yu Luosheng said bitterly.

"Mom, it's possible for him to earn 100,000 in this video, I will give you 5000 yuan!" Lin Dong said!

Yu Luosheng is not worthy of himself, but there is no way, he will not explain, not to edit the video.

Even if he has all these materials, he has to admit that the people around him can't achieve the effect of Jx.

Playing well is one aspect ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But the popularity, technology and ability of others are the most important. If there is one in the LM team, they will make videos, explain the atmosphere and recommend resources. People, I guess the money should go into them

I have my own pockets.

Sure enough, in this age of media networks, game strength alone is not enough, and you must understand packaging and promotion.

Unfortunately, there is no such talent around me, and money can't say anything to the skilled people.

"Otherwise, I asked Li Meiqi to hold you on the Internet platform. If you admit that you are a person with blood carving, admit that you shot all the shots in this video, you can also attract a lot of popularity. I heard them say that others QT, YY broadcast live, some high-end monthly income is stable over 10,000. "Lin Dong said.

"So high!" Yu Luosheng froze.

基本 Professional players' basic income is only a few thousand yuan a month. Those people can earn more than 10,000 by playing live?

This is quite amazing!

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