Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 123: Life swaps again!

"This Q kicked out. It's a pity. Coach LM almost ended the blood carving!" Zhang Aijing said with regret.

视角 Through the perspective of the film, Zhao Tinghua cheated a position, leaving Yu Luosheng's skills unsuccessful.

The effect of the blue buff is still on him, and soon his bell jar skills are good again. He flew to the eye position he inserted before, and Zhao Tinghua fled towards his wild area.

Yu Luosheng soon lost Zhao Tinghua's trace. He didn't chase deeply and spared him a life.

Turned back, Yu Luosheng kicked the stone man and started to brush wild.

When Zhao Tinghua used the stone man to escape just now, he still had the effect of a golden bell. Otherwise, the 50 points of blood might be killed by the stone man.

After hitting the stone man, you can reach the fourth level. Yu Luo Shengping A took a look at the stone man and led the stone man to the small intersection near the lower road.

This way, on the one hand, to prevent Zhao Tinghua from being killed suddenly, on the other hand, it can reduce the number of attacks by the stone man, which is the most blood-saving way for the stone man.

This technique is often used in China, but the existing monsters eliminate these brushing BUGs. Yu Luoshengxin can only use the card position to slightly reduce the damage of the monsters, but cannot completely kill a stone man. s attack.

I took the stone man, Yu Luosheng's blood was not much, the second section of the blind monk had a blood-sucking effect, and he could return to some.

Successfully promoted to level 4, Yu Luosheng suddenly hesitated.

哪个 Which skill does level 4 upgrade?

With the current blood volume, if it is upgraded by 2 W, it is very possible to use this blood volume to reduce the red BUFF by using the bell jar and the blood palm.

The blood eagle must have returned to the city this time, and his blood will never be swaggered, now is the best time to get a red BUFF!

Give it a go!

"Is Coach LM wanting a red BUFF? His blood is likely to be directly killed by the red BUFF. In the rules, being killed by a monster is considered a death. If he is accidentally killed by a monster "... Diao Qiao looked nervously at Yu Luosheng's blind monk.

The blind monk's blood volume is really not high, and there is no punishment. This blood volume goes to the red father, what is the difference between this and death hunting!

On the screen, Yu Luosheng's blind monk still photographed with one palm, disturbing the elder Red BUFF Lizard!

The elder lizard's angry counterattack killed Yu Luosheng's blood with a single paw.

Fortunately, Yu Luosheng was wearing cloth armor, otherwise the lizard elder could kill his fifty or sixty health with one attack, and his blood would not be able to withstand several attacks!

"Hello !!"

Golden Bell Jar 1

80 points of health protection appeared on Yu Luosheng's body. The duration of this protection can be as long as 5 seconds, but this heart can not resist the attack of the lizard elder twice.

Second paragraph w, vampire hand!

% Vampire for 5 seconds!

洛 Yu Luosheng's blood volume has almost reached the bottom, and it feels that he will die if he is beaten by the lizard elder for a couple of times.

I do n’t know why, after Yu Luosheng's set of skills was hit, his blood returned inexplicably, and he even carried about two attacks!

"What's going on, I feel that the blind monk's blood volume returned a lot at that moment?" Diao Qiao asked puzzledly.

"His 4th level skill point is added to 2nd level W, and the blood sucking effect reaches%. This blood sucking is life drain and spell stealing. If he hits the highest damage during the 5 second blood sucking effect time, his blood volume heart can go with the trend. Enough to return, the blind monk's innocence of hitting the wild lies in the use of the second w. "Zhang Aijing explained.

Yu Luosheng This minimization of blood volume can be said to have given a good lesson to everyone on the scene. Many players who like to use blind monks have not realized that there is so much attention to the order of skill release.

The elder Lizard's blood volume is getting lower and lower, Yu Luosheng kicked it out, and the residual blood lost the xìng life of the red BUFF, and a red burning flame suddenly appeared on his body!

Killed two small lizard monsters, Yu Luosheng directly rose to level 5 1

Level 5, plus red BUFF, next time you meet Zhao Tinghua, you can kill it 100%!

Yu Luosheng could not help but smile.

"Drink !!!"

Suddenly, outside of the red BUFF, a thunderous wave kicked from behind the wall strangely!

Yu Luosheng was returning to the city. He did not expect to be attacked at this time. He was shocked!

This Zhao Tinghua didn't even return to the city! !!

He guessed that he would be red BUFF here!

This thunderbolt made the audience know that the sneak attack of Blood Eagle was too sudden! !!

Yu Luosheng glanced at his own blood volume, it was only 5, and he was almost killed by a Q in blood carving!

Behind the wall, Zhao Tinghua uttered a roar, such as the eagle carving that has been diving down from the sky, and flew towards Yu Luosheng!

Yu Luosheng really relaxed jǐng's vigilance, unable to achieve a quick backhand, and could only watch Zhao Tinghua fly away!

Zhao Tinghua already has a smile on his face, this foot can directly take away Yu Luosheng's xìng life!


Kick your feet!

洛 Yu Luosheng's blind monk was kicked to the ground, his red BUFF instantly transferred to Zhao Tinghua's body! Kill! !! !! On the screen, you can see that Zhao Tinghua successfully killed Yu Luosheng's blind monk! This sneak attack was so sudden that no one thought of it! Originally, Yu Luosheng had a red BUFF. The next time he met Zhao Tinghua, Zhao Tinghua must give an explanation, the advantage of the level, the true damage of the red BUFF, and the slowdown of the red BUFF ...

Who knows that Zhao Tinghua, who had only benefited from blood, did not return to the city, but turned back halfway.

I want to know that his blood volume is less than 50, and the heart doesn't know where he has the courage. This blood volume comes back to squat!

Even more incredible is that he was successfully attacked by his anti-squat attack!

With that kick, Yu Luosheng was hit accurately and accurately. When everyone was still immersed in Yu Luosheng taking the red BUFF to gain the upper hand, Zhao Tinghua suddenly appeared and killed Yu Luosheng.

结果 This result is really too sudden, and my heart is too unexpected.

Everyone stared at the screen, but didn't return for a while.

Zhao Tinghua's blind monk stood where the blind monk Yu Luosheng lay down, taking the pride.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth have risen slightly, and his gaze glanced at Yu Luosheng's position.

Even if you don't speak, you can know that this guy is swearing his victory to Yu Luosheng!

Yu Luosheng's eyes were still staring at the screen. He cut his perspective back to the spring shop, hesitating about the equipment to be purchased next ...

"It's amazing ~ ... Zhao Tinghua's bold counterattack finally won this one-oh no! Zhao Tinghua still ignited on his body !!!"

When Qi Qiao was about to read the results of the game, he suddenly found something.

I ignite, Zhao Tinghua's body was unknown when it was hung up and ignited! !!

庭 The smile on Zhao Tinghua's face suddenly stiffened, he looked at his blind monk in surprise ...

Ignition is taking away his blood little by little, he has nothing to do!

How can it be! !!

Zhao Tinghua stared blankly at the screen, his face was incredible!


With a scream, Zhao Tinghua's blind monk fell to the ground after 3 seconds, and the screen of victory suddenly turned into death's grayness!

"This ... is so amazing, coach LM turned on the moment when the blind monk in the blood carving kicked over, this reaction speed is simply appalling!"

Zhao Tinghua's sudden kick was nobody's response. Immediately after the second Q kick, Yu Luosheng was killed without any psychological preparation.

But who knows, it was just a few tenths of a second, that Yu Luosheng put on Zhao Tinghua and lit it!

Yu Luosheng is dead, but Zhao Tinghua can't live! !!

Another life exchange! !!

Actually ... It's not over yet, this game was so thrilling, so twists and turns, the two blind monks showed their own style and cāo work in the limit, but the final result was a swap!

A jīng Cai has been unable to describe the visual feast between the two junglers!

Cheers suddenly sounded. For them, the fierce collision between the two masters ended prematurely and made people feel sorry!

庭 Zhao Tinghua's eyes flashed a little annoyance, he glanced at Yu Luosheng again, and found that the guy was staring calmly at the screen, as if buying equipment.

"This guy ..." Zhao Tinghua cursed secretly.

In that case, you can surrender and ignite. If you have n’t played a profession, your reaction ability can reach this level, which is really annoying!

The rest of the LM team all sweated for Yu Luosheng, but saw that Li Tinghua burned Zhao Tinghua to death and a smile appeared on his face.

Boss is the boss, and you have to admire his inherent speed and resilience.

It's really a shame that this guy doesn't play a job!

"How can this guy be so fierce, I feel that the blood carving is helpless to him." Huang Lin of Fudan University said.

Lin Siyong has been staring at the screen. In this confrontation, he has clearly seen Yu Luosheng's strength. When he thinks of meeting him a few times before, he understands why he has such inexplicable fear in his heart ... ...

Yu Luosheng is an invincible master, and the first ambition of the national service can be invincible. Maybe this is his real strength! !!

"Big coach ..."

"Coach, you are here!"

Suddenly, the voices of the team members awakened Lin Siyong who was lost in thought.

Gao Lin Siyong turned his head and saw a twenty-six-year-old upright man approaching.

The uncle man wore a beautiful hat and a coat, and the whole person also showed a little exotic temperament.

His face is the face of an Easterner, but he is not very similar to the Chinese in his dress.

"Big coach!" Lin Siyong immediately showed joy on his face, with a call of respect ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The American-style man nodded, with a smile on his face: "The game lost Anymore? "

恩 "Well, we ..." Huang Lin said a little ashamed.

Yu Lin Siyong bowed his head.

The reason why Fudan University can stand out is inseparable from the guidance of the current coach. They thought that they could enter the LPL under the guidance of the first American coach. Who knew that they still lost.

"I don't blame you," the American-style man said lightly, looking through the work shed, watching Yu Luosheng and Zhao Tinghua, who were facing each other, saying, "Three in the LM team are world-class professional players. You can play with them. It was a surprise to me 2 to 3 ...

"Three world-class professional players? Coach Li, is the LM team really great?" Lin Siyong looked puzzled.

恩 "Well, they were accidentally passed over by the fast-moving history of the e-sports era. Until now, no one cares about it, but in the United States, South Korea, and Europe, many people still miss them."

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