Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Fighting Eagle vs Blood Eagle (Mid)

Yu Luosheng would not let the blood carving escape, he chased Zhao Tinghua, who was about 300 yards away.

The two move at the same speed, as long as they are no longer cheated away, this distance will not be pulled apart.

And this distance, as long as the next q is good, Zhao Tinghua's last blood can be taken away.

Zhao Tinghua fled all the way to the grass, leaving Yu Luosheng instantly lost sight.

Yu Luosheng glanced at his cd with q skills, his heart sank, and he quickly controlled the blind monk to move up!


A thunderbolt suddenly emerged from the grass and kicked at Yu Luosheng.

Yu Luosheng had consciously escaped, but was still kicked.

There was a gust of wind in the grass, and you can see Zhao Tinghua's blind monk kicking out the second paragraph q and kicking towards Yu Luosheng!

Yu Luosheng's health is not much, these two qs are likely to take his life directly.


With cd in place, Yu Luosheng kicked almost at that moment, pressing the second q in seconds!

"Boom !!"

"Boom !!!!!!"

The two kicked each other, and the two blind monks walked towards each other one after the other!

"!"A blood!


These two system prompts appear almost at the same time. You can see two obvious avatars on the right side of the screen. One is the blind monk killed the blind monk, one green and one red, and the second shows the blind monk kill For the blind monk, one green and one red!

Two blind monks kick each other at the same time and fall down at the same time! !!

exchange! !! !!

Two blind monks exchanged lives! !!

It stands to reason that the blind monk's blood volume of Yu Luosheng is slightly more, but the extra ones are not enough to allow him to bear the two q injuries of Zhao Tinghua's blind monk.

Similarly, Zhao Tinghua's blood volume could not withstand Yu Luosheng's second q injury. When the two kicked at each other, they hit each other's vital points and both died!

But who got the first blood? ?

One blood is 400.

The second blood is 300.

The extra 100 can not only buy a cloth armor, but also buy a few bottles of medicine, which is too critical for two opponents with the same economy, grade and equipment.

"One blood is the blood carving!" Zhang Aijing said in surprise.

"This ... this is apparently dying at the same time. Why would one blood be judged to be a blood eagle?" Qi Qiao asked puzzledly.

As soon as this news came out, everyone in LM frowned.

Just now it was clear that Yu Luosheng had the advantage of blood volume, but in the end he was actually taken a blood by the blood sculpt, and this system of judgment is too weird.

"Maybe first determine the injury of the person who kicked out the second q, and then judge the latter's injury." Zhou Yan said.

"Since it is interchangeable, then the game will continue! The game and the collision between the two of us just now is really colorful, and people can't bear to blink. Coach lm even took advantage of cd to take advantage of some blood. The strength of the coach! "Qi Qiao said.

Fight with the blood carving strength?

There should be no one in the whole country who dares to really fight the blood.

What everyone on the scene did not expect was that the strength of the lm coach was so horrible that he would have killed the blood carving directly. If it was not a system judgment problem, the blood carving might not have the upper hand.

No matter what, spelling it like this with the blood sculpting, forcing the blood sculpting continuously to retreat, it has already been blasted!

Both sides quickly resurrected in their springs, and the resurrection time was very short.

When you go out, if there are more than 300 pieces, you will buy a cloth armor at most. Yu Luosheng bought a cloth armor, and then used the time to jump to buy two blood medicines.

At present, Yu Luosheng will not go to Zhao Tinghua to fight. The reason is very simple. Based on his knowledge of Zhao Tinghua, this guy must use the 400 pieces to buy long swords directly, and his own money can buy up to one cloth armor.

Although the two pieces of equipment, long sword and cloth armor, were really tough to fight against, it was hard to say, but Zhao Tinghua could use the high attack advantage of the long sword to quickly brush off the stone man and rise to level 2. He was met at that time. Basically it's the rhythm of giving people heads.

Must be promoted to level 2 first.

Based on the experience of a human head, brushing the stone man again, it should not be a problem to advance to level 2.

The advantage of Yu Luosheng here is that he was born in Lanse. He was resurrected from the spring to the wild area. In addition to the buff, this wild area has a lot of wild monsters. Zhao Tinghua will invade this wild area anyway. Come.

After the resurrection, Yu Luosheng quickly rushed to the position of the stone man.

The first-level stoneman is still a bit strenuous. Fortunately, he has the talent to hit the wild. When the stoneman is upgraded, his health is still about half.

Yu Luosheng directly added the e skill, and then began to use the q skill to explore towards the red buff.

Whether Zhao Tinghua is playing the blue buff or has invaded his own wild area, Yu Luosheng has no idea at all, every step he takes must be extra careful!

Without a relationship of punishment, Yu Luosheng now dare not have any thoughts about the red buff. After investigating that there is no figure of Zhao Tinghua nearby, Yu Luosheng immediately walked towards the blue buff wild area.

I dare not get the red buff, but I must never let Zhao Tinghua take the blue buff. One buff is directly one level, which is very clear in the early stages.

Fumbled to the position of the blue buff, Yu Luosheng glanced inside and found that the blue buff was still there.

It seems that Zhao Tinghua was also very afraid of Yu Luosheng coming directly to the blue buff and squatting after his resurrection, so he did not dare to get the blue buff in the first place. After all, there was no serious injury in playing the buff at the first level without punishment, and it will undoubtedly be dead if squatting!

"He should have taken the experience of the three wolves and moved up to level 2." Yu Luosheng began to guess Zhao Tinghua's position.

Similarly, over the red buff, Zhao Tinghua did not find Yu Luosheng's figure ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ He kicked the stone man deliberately, and the stone man area was empty ...

"The two guys have very similar ideas. They went up to level 2 first, then took a look at their buff and immediately went to the other's buff. This is a psychological game. Presumably they are guessing where the other is and Level status. "Zhang Aijing stared at the screen, her eyes flickering.

This feeling is like two peerless masters groping into a dark forest battlefield at the same time. They don't know each other's bottom line and each other's position. Through the keen sense of smell, through the presence of monsters, through some psychological Predicted to judge, to be honest, Zhang Aijing was the first time to see such a competitive, game-like jungle match.

The confrontation in this way should be shown on the screen for the first time. From the mood of the audience, it can be clearly felt that the confrontation and competition between Yu Luosheng and Zhao Tinghua in the wild area have completely affected their mood.

The two junglers didn't know each other's position or level, but they could see clearly from the ob perspective. When they were about to meet each other, they had no reason to feel tight and felt that the smell of gunpowder had already passed by them. The path is lost

(Well, well, remember to vote for a recommendation !!!) (To be continued)

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