Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Wei Bei

?? Enter candidate mode.

This time, Xiaobei did not have any hesitation in his AD choice.

Since the best is Night Hunter Wei En, why dare not take it out because of this hero's early weakness?

And the night hunter Wei En at Xiaobei has no weak period at all

英雄 The hero of the night hunter, Wei En, is very unsuitable for the first choice, because the hero's hatred is sometimes higher than Timothy, and he will be targeted without brains.

When Xiaobei confirmed Wei En, and Lin Siyong chose a female who was very restrained about Wei En, the discussions in the game began to fluctuate.

The dark hunter is weak in his matchup period, and the female jǐng is strong in his matchup period. This kind of hero choice is a kind of fading away.

Lin Xiaoyong's has already been abused by Lin Siyong for two consecutive games. Is this the final third game still such a dangerous choice?

Seeing Xiao Bei's choice, Yu Luosheng nodded slightly.

What Xiao Xiaobei lacks is not extreme speed, but self-confidence.

The moment Xu Xiaobei chose Wei En, Yu Luosheng felt the confidence and concentration in Xiaobei's eyes twinkling.

Yu Luosheng has always believed that Xiaobei can definitely surpass himself, or that his current strength has also surpassed his unprofessional himself. What he lacks is analysis of the game situation and lack of experience in facing events. It can be cultivated slowly in the following games.

恩 The night hunter Wei En is also Yu Luosheng's favorite hero. Next, this stage will be his own.

"Let's read the lineup."

"The flexible choice of Fudan University is relatively strong, such as the single fox, the blind monk in the wild, the praying mantis, the assistant piano girl, and the female jǐng."

"The choices on the LM team are the dark single head of the middle, wild spiders, Kenan on the single, auxiliary sons of the stars, AD Weien."

The appearance of the sons of the stars is strange.

The son of the stars Soraka, with his weakness, gradually became unsuitable as an assistant in this arena. Now the assistance is with powerful control skills, which can play a great role in the later stage.

Wu Sen chooses a son of the stars. To put it plainly, he stands behind and bleeds his own AD. The rest is left to AD to do.

Of course, this is also a helpless choice for Wu Sen.

Xiao Xiaobei chose Wei En, and the opposite was a combination of a violin girl and a female jǐng who had a terrible power consumption. If you did not choose a hero with a strong ability to add blood, Xiao Bei's Wei En might be directly destroyed.

"Have a good fight." Wu Sen, who chose pure plus blood and blue assistant, patted Xiaobei's shoulder.

Xiao Xiaobei nodded heavily.

Wu Sen's choice is completely a trust in him

"Our game picture has appeared"

"Dear viewers, Hello everyone, what you see now is the picture of the game explained by Qiqiao. This game is the third inning of the preseason finals. It affects who is eligible to enter the LPL and become a domestic top team.

"Now, the Fudan team has led by two innings. As long as they win the game, they will be on the LPL."

"The LM team, this is their last chance, can they create miracles and win three games in a row?

The cries of chanting came to the stage from the far end of the sea with the sweet voice of Qi Qiao, and more than 90% of the Fudan team were supported. You can feel the huge popularity of the Fudan team as a college student team

The LM team really has very few supporters, but how about that, after winning this game, more people will know their LMR name

They are going to enter the world stage, how can they fall in this preseason?

For the first team, the LM team maintained the style of not playing the first team and carried out their own defense in the wild.

The Fudan team has already won two games. They obviously want to make some moves and try to invade into the wild area of ​​the LM team. Unfortunately, they were given a very clear insight by a **** of Wu Sen.

"I don't know if the LM team will choose to change the line. The combination of female jǐng and violin girl is really too strong. Even if the constant addition of blood by the sons of the stars can guarantee the development of the night hunter Wei En. More Obviously, the role of Qin Nv's group control in the later stage played far more than Soraka, who can only add blood ... "

"Oh? If you don't change the line, it seems that you know that there are tigers in the mountains, and they are leaning towards Hushan."

On the line, Lin Siyong's female jǐng showed that he was very skilled in hacking cāo. Whenever Xiaobei wanted to go to the army, he was always able to click on him and perform his health. Some consumption.

Dark night hunter Wei En's hand is very obvious at this time. Unless he directly attacks the dark night, he can't touch the female jǐng's clothes.

Unconsciously, his blood was consumed to two-thirds.

Xiao Xiaobei didn't seem so impatient this time. He seriously paid for each soldier, and silently waited for Wu Sen's sons of stars to get up.

With the rampant rune of blood, plus the blood of the sons of the stars, Xiaobei can slowly control his blood volume.

Sister-in-law jǐng raised his hand, leaned sideways, and held the French spear with one hand to pull the trigger

者 The ambassador with a flame effect flew straight and flew towards the north gate of Xiaobei, who was going to send troops.

Xiao Xiaobei fired an arrow and pressed the button the moment he took away the **** soldier.

Dark night raid, a roll on the front side, very smartly dodging female jǐng skills

The peace emissary passed by, the arrow in his hand hit the female jǐng

A little pause, it looks like the key positions conflicted before, but soon a demon trial flew out, and the female jǐng hit and exited.

In the process of repulsion, Wei Bei of Xiaobei added another arrow, which triggered the third effect of Holy Silver.

The girl's j 血 ng's blood was consumed a lot, and she did not dare to go forward to force it for a while.

"Very fluent cāo work" Qi Qiao praised, "Everyone should know, Wei En's basic three consecutive, but like the player Xiaobei, first approach, pause and then P and A are also a kind of Good combo. "

After the girl Jǐng repulsed her, Xiaobei ignored her and continued to concentrate on the reinforcements.

After walking for more than ten seconds, suddenly, his position began to press, and riding on Lin Siyong's female jǐng, he strengthened him when he was not paying attention.

This time, Xiaobei did not flinch, and by passively pushing in, she ordered the female jǐng once again 冇

Xi Lin Siyong will naturally not let him trigger the third true damage effect. Before Xiaobei hits the third, he retreats with a caliber net, and at the same time sprays the deceleration net to Weien, Xiaobei.

Xiaobei kept a deliberately reserved one who seemed to know when the female jǐng was going to use the back. Just when the caliber net sprayed, he skillfully rolled and avoided this skill, and hit the third arrow accurately. On the body of female jǐng.

The harp girl rushed over at this time to give some of Xiaobei Weien's face roll keyboard skills.

Unfortunately, Soraka had a gorgeous silence before his skills were released.


Xiaobei flashed, and her body was forced to move towards the side of the female jǐng.


Demon Trial

The knockback arrow flew out and nailed Lin Siyong to the wall of the side wall without any preparation.

Anyone who is directly nailed to the wall by Wei En will endanger her life

75 seconds of stun, this can make Weien hit nearly two arrows, and these two arrows will once again trigger Weien's true damage

For a while, the female jǐng had only one-third of her blood left. After seeing that the situation was not good, the piano girl realized that she was weak on Xiaobei's Wei En.

After I was weak, Xiao Beisuo no longer attacked, moved directly, and kept close to the female jǐng.

When the weak time is over, Xiao Bei continues to pursue by passive, at this moment Lin Siyong's female jǐng has to flash, and if there is no flash, his xìng life must be explained here

I saw that Lin Siyong was forced to flash, but Xiaobei did not chase it.

"This ... a sudden offensive," Qi Qiao said.

"The first second was still calm and leisurely, and the next second turned into a fierce cheetah, and almost killed Lin Siyong's female jǐng. After seeing the female jǐng handing over the flash, Wei En again The original meekness was restored, and the slow reinforcements seemed to have not happened before. Also, everyone noticed that there was no detail. The contestant Xiaobei did not attack the piano girl at all just because he knew the piano girl. It's immortal, and it doesn't make any sense to attack her, because the violin girl's ability to add blood is to add two. "

Wu Xiaobei's offensive was quite sudden and there was no sign of it.

When Lin Siyong returned to God, he basically bottomed out and found that he didn't even dare to fill up. At this time, Xiaobei chose to control the line.

In desperation, Lin Siyong had to go back to the city under the tower.

As soon as Lin Siyong returned to the city, Xiaobei directly pushed the line and directly caused Lin Siyong to lose a wave of soldiers and a wave of war.

Replenishing knife 43:33

Lin Siyong turned on the TAH button, only to find that his own knife had already pulled the opponent 10

Under normal circumstances, it should be a female jǐng pressing Weien 10 times to make a knife

Qi Lin Siyong frowned slightly ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The wave of confrontation just now is obviously that they have suffered a bit.

The two sides exchanged flashes, and Qin Nv also made another weakness.

The most important thing is that after pushing the line, Weien went back to supply the equipment. Under the circumstances, he will be happy to use that set of combos to consume with you

"How do you feel this AD is a little different." Auxiliary said.

Qi Lin Siyong nodded.

He also obviously felt it (to be continued)

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