Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 96: Storm-like debugging

?? Yu Luosheng walked to the front of the stage and came to Xiaobei's side.

Xiao Xiaobei stood up from his own position, and the whole person was dead there.

此时 His brain is also blank at this time. He is a cowardly boy in himself. There is nothing to make him feel proud except to have enough self-confidence in e-sports.

As a result, even e-sports are messed up here, he really doesn't know what else he has.

"Is the LM team going to change players?" Qi Qiao watched Yu Luosheng who entered the competition area and said.

The domestic e-sports teams basically have no such thing as a substitute. They are usually fixed and five people, and their cooperation will be much higher. If you change one person, the feeling of being played may change.

Of course, this is not to say that it is not possible to change players. After all, there is a situation like Xiaobei. If you don't replace players, the third game will not be played at all.

"He has already sat down, presumably to replace AD ​​to play. In the two games, the LM team's AD play is indeed abnormal. Changing the player to play may have a better effect." Qi Qiao said. .

庭 Zhao Tinghua still stared coldly at Yu Luosheng, just as he could see Yu Luosheng's strength through this opportunity.

想 He wants to know that Yu Luosheng, who hasn't touched professional e-sports for so long, now retains a bit of his peak strength

"Okay, here's a copy of the LM team substitute members." Qi Qiao's voice came out again, and she lowered her head and continued, "The LM team substitute members, Yu Luosheng ... once participated in college e-sports. The competition helped Shanghai University win the top four, um, um, other than that, it seems that it has not participated in any competition. "

"Oh, this bench member is still the coach and analyst of the LM team. This is a bit surprising. What do you think of this coach and player?"

庭 Zhao Tinghua smiled uncontrollably, saying in a very strange tone, "He has participated in many games."

Zhao Tinghua just said this lightly, and immediately turned to the question asked by Qi Qiao: "Since it is coaching and analysis, no matter what the individual strength is, his joining will make the team coordination and tactical guidance stronger. Two points are actually the key to professional events. "

During the analysis and discussion of Qi Qiqiao and Blood Eagle, many people inside and outside the field were discussing the issue of changing personnel.

The students who came to Fudan University to support them accounted for a lot. These people have seen e-sports universities. After seeing Yu Luosheng playing, they suddenly found that this was not the sharp assistant of Shanghai University. ?

上 At e-sports universities, Shanghai University and Fudan University collided in the last few games.Although Fudan University won with a lead, it was not very clear that Fudan University won that game.I always felt that there was a mistake and I always felt Team battles will be played back after losing a wave.

What makes the Fudan team feel such pressure is the existence of the auxiliary of Shanghai University who knows tactical guidance very well

Just, can a player who plays e-sports colleges really come to play this kind of real professional e-sports?

You know, after winning this game, the team will completely jump out of the mixed professional e-sports circle and become a domestic first-class team.

Fudan University, the captain Lin Siyong and Huang Lin were surprised.

"How is he?" Captain Lin Siyong looked at Yu Luosheng opposite.

"This guy will give people a headache." Huang Lin rubbed his temples.

"If he fights ..."

Tong Lin Siyong frowned.

He himself is very clear that in addition to the weaker LM team, all others must be stronger at their Fudan University.If they change to an AD, especially those who have previously caused a lot of threats to Lin Siyong, Lin Siyong will I don't think I can directly smash the opposite side like the previous two sets.

To be honest, this Shanghai University's assistance really made Lin Siyong a bit frightened.

"Well, in this way, the Blood Eagle thinks that in the third game, this young coach may make the LM team win a game?" Qi Qiao said.

"It's possible?" Zhao Tinghua shook his head, and seemed to think that Qi Qiao was speaking too conservatively. He smiled with xìng and grinned, "With him, Fudan University has no hope of victory."

Qi Qiqiao froze for a while, and then said, "Did I hear it wrong? The blood carving **** said that if this person comes on the court, Fudan University will be moved for 3 consecutive games?"

The commentary and guests' words were audible to everyone at this time. Zhao Tinghua's tone of affirmation made the audience in the stadium talk, and everyone in the team of Fudan University frowned.

The people of the Fudan team did admit that Yu Luosheng was very strong. They had played with this guy, but they were not as serious as the blood eagle said, and they would be moved for 3 games.

Is it possible to change one player, the whole LM team will change dramatically, which is unlikely

At the back office, Zhang Aijing raised a smile and turned on the computer happily.

He's going to play. That's great. He can collect his data again.

"Sister Jing, you are the strongest person?" Xiao Wang stood beside, staring at Yu Luosheng on the field through his working shed.

"Well, non-professional players have 7 points in personal strength, and the team strength index should also reach the first-line standard, just do not know how his tactical guidance and strength fluctuation coefficient." Zhang Aijing said

"Apartment can reach 7 points, then it is hard to come by. After systematic training, the strength should still be able to be improved a lot?" Smile forgot to touch his chin.

"Um." Zhang Aijing nodded.

In the match, Yu Luosheng was already sitting in Xiaobei's position.

Xiao Xiaobei stood aside and didn't know what to say, let alone what to do.

At this point, Yu Luosheng has opened the panel and is adjusting the mouse and keyboard accuracy and sensitivity.

Every professional player has their own mouse and keyboard accuracy. It is a good habit to make adjustments before the game.

"Sheng ... Sheng Brother, then ... then I'm down?" Xiao Bei said weakly.

"What are you going on?" Yu Luosheng said, turning back.

Xiaobei looked at Yu Luosheng puzzlingly.Is he not going to fight next? If he doesn't fight, he will only bury everything in their LM team, and Xiaobei really has no courage to fight now. The third game is now.

冇 br / Yu Luosheng quickly pressed the mouse and keyboard, very skilled debugging.

After adjusting, he created another text, and quickly entered PRDPDP on the text ... ¨


On the text, these six English letters repeatedly appeared. Xiaobei only saw the cursor moving fast, and it looked like a line of a printer.

Yu Luosheng's hand is so fast, what's more amazing is that PRD repeatedly input repeatedly, but he couldn't see any key error.

After a while, the text was full of PRDs.

He started to click through the mouse with the mouse, and then quickly pressed the keys

Next, Xiaobei saw an extremely amazing picture. Just such a text-like cāo made Xiaobei shocked and speechless.

Mouse interspersed, "A" PRD

Continue mouse insertion, Q "A" PD and then "A" PRDP "A" PDP ... ¨

Yu Luosheng's hands pressed like a blast on the keyboard.He interspersed keys in dense text.The reason why Xiao Xiaobei was shocked was because he didn't make any mistakes in the interspersing process.

The frequency is very fast, Xiaobei feels that this is basically printed by the computer automatically. In a whole row of PRDP letters, it takes a few seconds to complete the interpolation of the different positions of the "A" key.

After interspersing, the second line, the same speed, the same jīng does

"It's incredible"

A sigh of exclamation made the suddenly quiet stadium boil suddenly.

Yu Luosheng, who was devoted to debugging, did not notice.At this time, the content of his screen was directly displayed on the entire big screen, and when he entered a full page of PRDPR in a blast, he was amazingly interspersed When everyone saw

"Is this ... this is the keyboard and mouse debugging of professional players, this hand speed is too scary"

Qi Qiqiao just wanted the director to cut the screen to Yu Luosheng's computer to show everyone how professional players debug the mouse and keyboard. Who would have thought it was such a shocking picture.

Seeming to be the most basic and simple input, seemingly the same cāo work, but everyone knows that when holding the mouse and keyboard, it is impossible for him to enter letters quickly and not complete the letter keys. That rung


Finally, Yu Luosheng turned off the input text of that scared person ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Xiaobei standing behind him was completely stunned.

I also watched thousands of people, and also faced the pressure from the LPLR giant. Yu Luosheng's smoothness and dexterity with his hands was a state he could not reach.

"LM team, are you sure you want to change personnel?" At this time, the referee came over and asked.

Xiao Xiaobei knew that it was time to go down.

He thought he could gradually get closer to Yu Luosheng's strength, but after seeing the debugging he just made, he felt that he couldn't surpass this person in his life.

Yu Luosheng glanced at the referee and said, "Refer, there is a problem with this mouse and keyboard, so please replace it.

"Is there a problem? Let me see." The referee was also a debugger. He walked to the computer, opened a text, and entered things in random.

调试 The input of this debugger is different from that of Yu Luosheng. (To be continued)

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