Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Blood carving, Zhao Tinghua

The sudden change of the opponent left the lm team unprepared.

It is impossible to come up with the so-called countermeasures. All they can know is that the captain of the Fudan team Lin Siyong is very strong and fully meets the first-line strength standard.

Similarly, the understanding of the Fudan University team lm team is also very shallow. It can be said that there is basically no homework on either side. Such two teams colliding together are completely a competition of strength! !!

"Okay, have our two teams that are about to enter the LPL come on stage!" Qi Qiao's voice spread sweetly throughout the stadium.

The Fudan team took the lead on the stage. Under the magnificent beam of light, they can be seen walking out of the backstage wearing snow white se uniforms and heading towards the center of the stage in response to the long and enthusiastic call.

Lined up, the five people of the Fudan team look very starlike, especially the captain Lin Siyong, Sven

I am afraid that one third of them are from Fudan University. As a college team, they are very proud to be able to stand on the professional high-end arena. In addition to the school ’s approval, they are now online. A dazzling star. You must know that e-sports lovers in colleges and universities in the country occupy a very large proportion of the entire e-sports circle.

"Okay, there are dark horses and team lm who invited us to this tournament! Maybe, there are still many people who are new to this team. Maybe no one has heard of this team a month ago, but they proved it with absolute strength They are fully qualified to stand on this stage !! "

The staff was ready, and 5 members of the lm team slowly stepped onto the stage.

They don't have uniform uniforms, and they look very simple and simple to wear. Compared with Fudan University, they are indeed very different.

"This matchup will ultimately determine which team will qualify for the lpl event. Is it the Fudan team represented by college students or the lm team that has emerged in the preseason? Let us wait and see."

In the boiling electronic music, ten players took part.

The staff began the final inspection of the machine, and the players can log in to their accounts to enter the competition.

Before the game, players will be given sufficient time for hardware replacement and debugging.

The lm team's own hardware is very general. They always use the equipment provided by the arena and then directly adjust it.

The Fudan team obviously has their own mouse and keyboard. This game is far less fast and gorgeous than the earlier competitive games, but it does not mean that it does not need to be enough.

When professional players enter the arena, they will choose the keyboard and mouse they are most familiar with to avoid minor mistakes caused by unaccustomed use.

"This lm team is really interesting. There is no uniform, no dedicated equipment, and no idea how they reached the preseason finals." In the background, a more frivolous spare commentator smiled to the people next to him.

"Well, I talked to them about buyouts a while ago, and they didn't dump me. In this way, it looks like a professional team. Professional teams, depending on strength, may not be feasible, and they need sufficient resources to go To build and promote, the lm team are too simple, and they think they will have fame when they enter here. If fame is not used well, it will not operate, and it will not be possible to open such public platforms as yy WeChat and Weibo. It can be maintained, and a professional team cannot win 100%. Once they lose, their popularity will drop a lot, depending on the bonus? Funny! "Said a man with a stubble and looking twenty-seven. .

Yu Luosheng heard their talk and glanced at them.

The guy who left Hu Jie must be the manager of the Thunder Club. He saw the strength of lm and wanted to buy the lm team to run. After being rejected by Lin Dong, the club manager seemed to have a lot of lm. Resentment.

And the next side commentary, Yu Luosheng felt a little familiar.

After a closer look, I remembered that this guy was not the assistant of the propaganda team of Changkong Club?

At first, Changkong Club also promoted the wing team through various online public platforms, in order to win more popularity and advertising costs. The internship commentary at that time seemed to be this guy, and the name seemed to be Sun Liang.

When listening to Lin Dong's discussion, this Sun Liang is now the most loyal running dog of the Sky Club. He often secretly does something to block the professional team of the lm team.

Like when Da Luo was picking up high-end orders, this Sun Liang used his resources on the official side many times to make Da Luo's account! The d title, he has lost a lot of money to customers, so Da Luo hated Sun Liang.

When Lin Dong didn't plan to form a team at first, Xiaobei was seen by some professional teams several times. Sun Liang also made a few secrets in secret, so that Xiaobei, who could have set foot in the professional road, could only run to Hanbok in the end. Help some people, such as cat eyes, improve the reputation of these professional players.

As the economic man of the Thunder Club said, unless your strength is absolutely crushed and outstanding in the e-sports circle, otherwise you do not know the intention and the relationship, and will easily be suppressed and left behind.

Lin Dong did not intend to participate in those other unofficial official tournaments, just because he was worried that the Sky Club would conduct various obstructions after knowing that they reorganized the team!

Don't underestimate the ability of villains and sluts, they will always rush out and bite you when you are about to climb up the success ladder!

This time, the lm team appeared on the screen again, and the people at the Sky Club must have noticed.

The lm team can win this game. Speaking with absolute strength can build a certain degree of support and influence. However, if they lose, the lm, which has no backing and popularity, will be immediately forgotten, and then even the Sky Team People on the sidelines fell.

The current lm is indeed still in its infancy and very weak, but it must also be a slap in the face of the Fan Changkong Club so that they can feel the ability of these old players!

"Okay, both sides are still debugging. Please wait patiently. Tell everyone the good news. We invited a mysterious guest to explain the game with me. Do you want to know who this person is?" Qiao sounded sweet and seductive.

The audience's curiosity was caught at once.

Guest commentary, it seems that whenever the official side invites guests to comment, they are all heavyweights.

"Can it be said that the LPL is a clear player?"

"It is very likely that many of the obvious LPL contestants have been guest commentators. After all, they have a very systematic understanding of the knowledge, and they will be more professional if they explain and analyze it." Some people in the audience have begun to discuss.

Speaking of the obvious guest commentary, Bai Feng of the Apocalypse team is one of the most popular.

His handsome appearance, confident smile, fluent conversation, and professional knowledge analysis made the video commented by him as a guest often exceed the popularity of the video several times, so everyone guessed, this time is Wouldn't it please bring in the strongest white wind in China?

Standing in the background, Yu Luosheng was also able to hear the commentary of Qiqiao.

He glanced at the background of the staff constantly moving, but did not find other lpl star players, but if there is, there is only a smile and forgotten while chatting with several other staff members.

The first one laughed and forgot that he seemed to be looking for someone to talk about things. It didn't look like he was going to explain.

Who would it be?

Since it will be the person specially introduced by Qiqiao, it must be the most famous among the lpl.

Yu Luosheng looked away and suddenly noticed that there was an extra person beside Sun Liang.

This person has a well-proportioned body, a medium-to-high appearance, and is slightly more fancy than ordinary people, and the whole person shows a bit of exaggeration.

He passed by Sun Liang, who immediately told him something with a smile on his face.

The man didn't care, and went straight to a high-level work area where no entry was allowed.

It seems that many people know him. Everyone walks from the studio and backstage, and everyone will say hello to him, whether it is a professional player, coach, analyst, economist, or the person in charge of the team, debugger, referee, planner. ...

A team's influence is not high, the most basic is here in the background, if anyone takes the initiative to say hello to you.

When the lm team entered this background, only Zhang Aijing and the person in charge named Xixi had talked to them, the others were basically business affairs.

And this man who makes Yu Luosheng feel extremely familiar, his influence is amazing. Almost everyone will say a few words to him, feeling like a star being held by everyone ...

"Surely everyone is also looking forward to it, so please invite us to explain this time. The leader of the LPL runner-up air combat team, a world-class jungler-Blood Eagle, Zhao Tinghua!"

"Well, where is the applause and enthusiasm of everyone, do you forget how our blood sculpts directed his colorful **** gank again and again on the international arena!"

"Hold up your hands for our strongest and welcome our blood carving !!!"

Qi Qiao's voice echoed throughout the arena, and at the same time an exclaiming sound came from the entire venue! !!

You can see that sentence from the expressions on many people's faces ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ I Cao, it is actually a blood carving! !!

People and people, enthusiasm suddenly rolled like water! !!

Standing in the background and looking in the arena, the entire position is just where you can see the commentary platform, and you can see the face of the guy who looks a little exaggerated!

The moment he saw him, Yu Luosheng's heart rolled violently! !!

It's him! !! !!

He actually appeared here! !! !!

He was so shining, so brilliant, he stood taller than before! !! !!

Obviously they are familiar figures and faces, but the whole temperament has been completely unfamiliar.

Yu Luosheng stood on the edge of the backstage, and the shadow of the curtain covered half of his cheek.

He couldn't calm down, he could only stare blankly at the comrade-in-arms who once believed most and talked about ...

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