Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Not suitable for early headwinds

?? Zhang Aijing opened another folder.

文件 夹 The name on this folder is: player personal strength ranking

游戏 There are still many people playing this game. Zhang Aijing obtained this precious information from another analyst.

Click on this text, full! D is neatly listed on the left.

Click once to pop up some information.

And the first name of this full name is the fighting eagle.

Fighting Eagle:

Personal strength: 9 points

Team battle strength: 9 points

Tactical guidance: 9 points

There is a missing “Strength of Volatility for Strength Burst” on the strength data sheet

At first Zhang Aijing also used the model to write the information, but later he gradually found that these three data are difficult to truly reflect the true level of a player's true strength, so she learned from an analyst from South Korea and added to the player A "strength fluctuation coefficient"

In fact, for Zhang Aijing, this strength fluctuation coefficient is very important, not worse than the three major points above. Unfortunately, in this list, no one has updated the information of the fighting eagle.

The total score is 30 points, and the overall strength of the fighting eagle is 27 points

事实上 In fact, players with more than 18 points can be classified as first-line players, while those with 21 points are called top players, and they will basically be heard abroad.

The score of 24 points is considered to be ridiculously strong. It is absolutely invincible at home, and it has been jealous and remembered by countless foreigners abroad.

As for the overall strength of Yu Luosheng, it can be as high as 27 points. It is a freak. Looking at the world e-sports, there are really not many that exceed 25 points.

In the country, King Yan Luo, who is considered the strongest player, has a total score of 25 points. If the fighting eagle's 27 points are above, this guy will be a true uncrowned king.

Zhang Aijing believes that if the fighting eagle does not give up e-sports, his overall strength will definitely remain above 25 points.

There will also be a soul figure who truly leads the Chinese team to defeat foreign teams.

Alas, he gave up.

没有 If you haven't touched professional e-sports in the past two years, to what extent will his overall strength decline?

When Zhang Aijing watched Yu Luosheng playing the night hunter Wei En, his personal strength score was only 7 points.

For this score, 1 point is a professional player, and 6 points or more is considered a professional first-line player.

I scored 7 points for an amateur, Zhang Aijing himself felt incredible.

However, compared with 9 points in his most glorious period, it is very fatal to drop a full 2 ​​points now. Zhang Aijing would like to know, if he returns to the professional league, can he return to the strongest state of 9 points in the field?

A player with 9 points of personal strength has appeared abroad, and no one in China can be rated 9 points ...

Huh, no, there should be a person with a personal strength of 9 points

Zhang Aijing suddenly remembered something, and quickly entered one in the search bar! D-shallow dream

Shallow dream: (Amateur player)

Personal index: 9 points

Team Index: 6+ points

Tactical index:?

Burst Index:?

打 Put a + sign after the score to indicate 6 points or more

The team index and tactical index need to be selected from the official competition. The player Qian Qianmeng has never participated in professional competitions or regular competitions. In addition to the personal index, which can determine an extremely horrible 9 points, No other index can be determined.

Seeing the name Qianmeng, Zhang Aijing was helpless.

After the eight major teams of LPL appeared in the national service and determined that they were Chinese, they sent out invitation invitations in a frantic manner and incorporated them into the team at great expense.

Unfortunately, not many people can add to this person's friends so far.

The most mysterious and personally capable player in the country has made countless top professional players ashamed non-professional players. To be honest, Zhang Aijing really has a strong interest in this shallow dream player. I want to know what this player What a person.

Similarly, Zhang Aijing is also very interested in Dou Ying.

There are several "Eagle Fighting Strength Indexes" for Zhang Aijing. For Zhang Aijing, it is possible to accurately fill in the strength data of a player who is interested in him. It feels like a work of art is perfectly carved by himself. All right!

"It doesn't matter. Since he has formed a team, he will always appear on the field. At that time, he can complete his data completely." Zhang Aijing looked at the name of the fighting eagle, a smile floated on his cheek.

Zhang Aijing began to look forward to the emergence of the LM team in this preseason. Since they can defeat the second team of their 71 team, it shows that the basic strength will definitely not be weak, and even give them more time, it is very likely Will appear in the front line of vision.

"I don't know which teams will stand out this preseason, too dusty team? LN Lenovo team? Fudan team? Paradise team?" Zhang Aijing began to think.

Esports Club

I played two games, one win and one defeat.

"The strength of the second team of the 71 team is good." Wu Sen stood up and took off the headphones.

They thought they could win in both games, but they lost in the first game.

输 The first game was lost to the first-level regiment. The two lines of jungler and lower lane were constantly targeted, even if Da Luo played well, he could not save the situation in the end.

The second game usually started, and it was logical to win.

From the second game, the strength of the LM team is indeed stronger than the second team of the 71 team!

"Wu Sen, what's your opinion?" Yu Luosheng asked.

Wu Sen is good at it. Yu Luosheng thinks his opinions will go deeper.

"Weak pressure resistance, will not fight the disadvantaged situation, once the enemy has taken advantage of the team battle system, they basically lost." Wu Sen said.

The first team is full of many uncertain factors, and even the strongest players may have abnormal performance.

It's not terrible to lose one's head ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It is terrible to be snowballed.

Professional players are powerful. They can make use of a little advantage to continuously expand and nibble. This advantage will continue to expand, and at the same time, they will not easily expose the flaws that make the enemy come back.

"In the first game, there is no reason to lose. It is not allowed to lose in the knockout. If we have encountered the strength of the 71 team and the second team in the first three games, and this unfavorable situation appears at the beginning, then we have to cover it up "Yu Luosheng said very seriously.

"A strong team can play in any situation. Now you will not play in the" early headwinds "situation, then pay attention to yourself. Don't resolutely play with them in the knockout round to avoid this predicament. Remember Now! "Yu Luosheng said


Yu Luosheng was the captain before. He basically nodded and obeyed the others, and there was not much objection.

"Well, Lin Dong, write down these statistics. The 71st team of the second team, the average personal strength of the players 4 points, the team strength of 6 points, 1 point of tactical strength." Yu Luosheng said.

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