Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 71: LM, the garbage team?

It's been raining these days, and the room is full of the decaying smell of wood and the strange smell of moss.

Xiao Jia walked into the dark hallway, frowned slightly, and said, "The environment here is a bit poor."

"Well, they don't have much money. The rent for this house will be cheaper." Yu Luosheng nodded.

"Well, let them train to our e-sports agency, anyway, there are five computers, which can also let us members of the e-sports agency to see how masters do it." Xiao Jia said.

Although the environment of Shanghai University E-sports Club is not as luxurious as that of Fudan University, it is also comfortable, clean, well-equipped, and has a stable network. It has the financial support of the school, the input of sponsors, and the payment of membership fees. The income of Shanghai University E-sports Club is Not low.

"This is not very good. I still want to be quiet during training. I won't be very focused on training in e-sports clubs. It is two hours of training in the afternoon. You can consider playing at e-sports clubs." Yu Luosheng said.

The combat training must be serious and formal. Playing someone at the e-sports club can also create a little atmosphere of the game. In addition, there have been professional teams that regularly play high-end games in the e-sports clubs. It is estimated that it can also attract a lot of e-sports clubs. When people come in, there are many benefits to the development of e-sports clubs.

The problem of the accommodation environment must be resolved as soon as possible. This house is too old. Every time I see them nesting in such a small cottage for training, my heart is always a little bitter.

"By the way, haven't you played world-class professional leagues? It stands to reason that you should have a little deposit, aren't there those games without bonuses?" Xiao Jia asked.

Xiao Jia really didn't want to stay here. The dirty, dark and wet room made him feel itchy all over.

He hasn't been here before, I really don't know that the lm team has been living in such a room and training with them for more than two months.

"Most of the money we made was scrapped by the Sky Club. It turned out that we saved a lot of money, but after I left the team, they asked us to pay a penalty. This penalty was very high. Before they signed the contract, they We didn't tell us at all, we were deceived, "Yu Luosheng explained lightly.

At that time, the wing team erected a banner for the long-air combat team to walk in the entire e-sports industry, laying the most important foundation for their current glory, earning countless sponsorship fees for them, and the wing team members received only a small amount. Basic salary and bonus, but even so, when they were about to leave the team, the Sky Team severely tore off a layer of skin from their group of people, and the sudden liquidation penalty almost worked for them at that time. All the money earned is swallowed up!

Yu Luosheng insisted on leaving and offered the money.

Others know that after the vampire-like face of the Sky Club, they have no intention of leaving, even if they are peeled off, they choose to leave.

At the beginning, the members of the wing team were not very old. When they entered the sky team, the economic people put them together, so that their wing team is now impoverished, and even the sky team has blocked the wing team's e-sports because of breach of contract. .

After seeing this through, Lin Dong and others were also discouraged to choose to engage in other industries, and all along, Lin Dong, Da Luo, and Zhou Yan all have a deep and deep grudge against the Sky Club!

The land government team is a respectable and powerful opponent of the lm team, and the long sky team is the endless enemy that the lm team must defeat and step on under their feet!

"The sky team is so shameless. I really didn't think about it, and I don't know how they are so big now." Xiao Jia said.

"Well, the road of e-sports players is already very difficult, and these businessmen are always squeezing them. This time Lin Dong intends to set up his own, but also does not want to be at the mercy of anyone." Yu Luosheng said.

"Indeed." Xiao Jia nodded.

In the room, all five were in the hall, gathering together on a computer to look like God.

At first Yu Luosheng thought that these guys were carrying new films and researched. A closer look revealed that they were watching videos played by foreign teams, which made Yu Luosheng slightly relieved.

This group of rabbits will be playing in three days. If you dare to waste time watching these movies, Yu Luosheng will have to give them a kick!

"The afternoon competition will go to the school's e-sports house, where the machine and the network are better." Yu Luosheng said to the five.

Everyone nodded.

Xiaobei, Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, and Daluo have very old machine configurations, and many times they want to smash this old antique.

The four of them are now in Diamond 1, but it is difficult to get into the strongest king, because the slowness of the machine, occasional dropped card machines, network delays, and insensitive equipment affect their winning percentage. .

Don't underestimate these external factors. For professional players, there is a high-end configuration of wit and smooth and perfect network, just like a soldier has a sharper weapon!

According to Lin Dong's analysis, to be able to solve these environmental problems, their winning percentage can definitely increase by%, and this% is the key to being the strongest king!

A team, if all members have reached the strongest king, no publicity is required, this is an absolute symbol of strength, and even many teams will deliberately fight for the strongest king or spend money for their own fame and appearance. Buy one of the strongest kings!

The personal strength of the five players of the lm team are domestic tops. When they are training freely, they will go to rank to improve their strength. Unfortunately, they always hover between the driller and the strongest king. Do n’t go, and in this section, it is difficult for them to learn better.

Lin Dong has always suggested to go to Hanbok or US service, but unfortunately they don't have enough funds to solve the problem of the network. The network is not so smooth, and it can't really reach the high-end level of Hanbok.

Like now, Wu Sen has the highest configuration and the highest rank. Unfortunately, the Internet has still affected him a lot ... One hundred yuan a month of telecommunications broadband is usually used by players, which is reliable for professional players. There are many loopholes

In short, if they can make the first money, all they have to do is change the machine and put it on a good network. As for the problem of the accommodation environment, it will be solved slowly after the money is available. Equipment is the most important. Forbearance will pass.

The five agreed to go to the Shanghai University E-sports Club for training training from 3 to 5 pm every day. Only with good machines and a good network can they use their skills better.

"Which team did you help us with this time?" Yu Luosheng asked Xiao Jia.

"It's the Galaxy Team." Xiao Jia said.

"Xinghe Clan? Could it be the clan sponsored by Xinghe National Network Chain?" Xiaobei asked.

Xinghe.net is found in many cities in China. Xiaobei also often sees the "Xinghe.net" and "Xinghe.net Club" written on a signboard dotted with stars.

"Well, the national team's champion Shandong team is actually the Xinghe team. The strength should be on the second and third tiers." Xiao Jia said.

"Being able to win the national online league championship, the Xinghe team is also very powerful!" Zheng Xia said together.

"Indeed, play well. Their cooperation and tactics must be superior to us. Learn more." Yu Luosheng told the lm team.

Xiao Jia sat down, went to qq, and clicked on a friend who had a note of "Xinghe Team Leader" and clicked on the voice. "Beep ... beep ... beep ......... one"

For a long time, he didn't answer the other side, Xiao Jia said to herself: "Strange, why don't you answer?"

"Hey, hey, what's up?"

A mouthful of strange dialect came out.

"Lu Lian, I'm Xiao Jia. The one who had an appointment with you yesterday, the deputy captain of the Shanghai University E-sports Association, was like I had an appointment with you yesterday. Are you ready over there? Sign in, everyone on my side is in place. "Xiao Jia said politely.

"Oh, don't fight." The strange dialect said very directly.

"Don't fight? Didn't you say it was okay?" Xiao Jia froze.

"Yes, yes. Yesterday we couldn't find the contract team. When you told me about the lm team, I thought it was a professional team that had won the tournament. I just agreed. Then I checked it. I also specifically asked a few domestic friends, but they said that lm had never heard of ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ a team that was not in the professional line. Would you like to let them come to train with us, wouldn't it waste our time? "

"You don't know that the preseason is about to come. We have a good job and a training with the same strength to be effective! No shit, we have a Fengying team now. Also, don't somehow get some teams in the future. You think I'm free! "

There was a strange sound, and it was particularly loud. He did not hide his impatience and disdain. The head of the team called Lu Lian talked like a pile of odorous sewage, letting the lm team and the esports club I'm holding it!

"Your sister, what is your Xinghe Clan, pretend to be a hair b !!" Jian Feng, who had a bad temper, was furious at that time, yelling at the voice.

"Hum, keep your mouth clean. To put it plainly, we are not interested in playing with the garbage team."

"Grass, you have to keep your mouth clean. Who do you say is the garbage team !!" Jian Feng was even more furious.

"Stupid." He said disdainfully.

After saying this, Lu Lian hung up directly.

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