Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Pull hatred!

?? Bai Feifei also choked.

She wondered if she had read it wrong, just like that, she suddenly looked at Yu Luosheng's swimming beauty.

Such an intimate move is not something that normal relationships can do at all

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble ..." Yu Luosheng was embarrassed.

哪 Why didn't she know that Yu Yu would suddenly attack, so many people looked at her, and she just rushed up like this, how could a girl look like it?

When I ate and circulated with Yu Yu several times before, it caused a lot of onlookers in the school. This time Yu Yu was even more pretentious. I held myself in the presence of so many people in the library.

In this age, there are all kinds of hatred, rich hatred, handsome hatred, and the ghost will listen to you to explain that she is your sister.

Yu Luosheng glanced over and found that someone picked up the mobile phone and took pictures here. Yu Luosheng was speechless for a while, and hurriedly pulled a chair for Yu Yu to sit down.

Seeing Bai Feifei's weird look, Yu Luosheng hurriedly explained, "She is my sister."

"Your sister?" Bai Feifei said in amazement.

"Sister?" Bai Feifei continued to ask.

"Yes." Yu Luosheng nodded.

"No." Yu Yu shook her head.

Bai Feifei's eyes are even stranger. One said yes, the other said no. Is it a sister?

However, judging from Luo Yusheng, who is so close to Yu Yu, the two of them are obviously too cooked.

Bai Feifei really did not expect that the most talked about swimming girl in Shanghai University turned out to be Yu Luosheng's sister, as if she had never heard of Yu Luosheng before.

"I am Yu Luosheng-Bai Feifei, hello." Bai Feifei smiled politely and said to Yu Yu.

"Hello. Are you just classmates relationship?" Yu Yu asked directly.

Bai Feifei glanced at Yu Luosheng, then nodded.

"..." Yu Luosheng was convinced.

"You are sitting honestly, I want to review my homework." Yu Luosheng said to Yu Yu.

Yu Luosheng didn't bother Yu Yu and started studying seriously.

When he finished several classic questions, he suddenly found that Yu Yu and Bai Feifei had already talked.

Bai Feifei seemed to be interested in Yu Yu, and asked a lot of things. Yu Yu was originally a girl who likes chatting.

After a short while, the two of them became familiar somehow, but Yu Luosheng sat there like a stranger without a word.

Yu Luosheng really couldn't understand that two originally strange girls would be just like some girlfriends who have known each other for a long time.

It's just a sentence, your skin is good, your hair is smooth, your clothes are very beautiful ...

Yu Luosheng knew very well that he didn't have much time to study well.

Because it won't take long, the ln team will enter the most important preseason draft.

一个 There is a minimum standard for pre-season elections, that is, all participating team members must have a diamond level.

前 The preseason is not a trivial game, and there is no bonus reward, some are four tickets to lplr.

But everyone knows that if you really want to get a bonus reward, you can score in lpl

The official elections will be held on the 15th.

The game is very compact, and in a month, four strong teams will be selected from hundreds of teams.

After the selection, a total of eight teams will compete for points in the chūn season.

In the regular season of the 赛 chūn season, the team with the top score will be directly qualified for the world stage.

The ln team was once brilliant, and their goals were far away.

However, the first step they need to do now is to get the preseason strong and get the lplr 丨 first ticket. After all, no one knows the name of the team in the entire field.

For a week or so, Yu Luosheng was in the library, and he was studying hard in the morning and afternoon, trying to make up for what he had left behind.

At night, Yu Luosheng was more studying the video of each team.

As a coach, Yu Luosheng also played the role of analyst at the same time. Now he must know enough about what is popular in the first-class teams at home and abroad, and then establish a complete tactical system and response tactical system for the ln team.

The third-rate team is playing at the level of players, and the second-rate team is playing at coordination. The first-class team plays the tactical system

The members of the 的 ln team are very strong, and they have no pressure to play against third-line teams. However, their cooperation is still very lacking. This has something to do with the fact that their formation time is too short. Once there is anything inferior to their opponents in coordination, they can easily be defeated by a second-rate team.

In order to play with first-class teams, tacit understanding and coordination must not only be very perfect, but also the tactical system must be avant-garde and complete.

The cooperation of the ln team is still running, and the tactical system is really not good.

On the contrary, because he often cooperated with Shanghai University, Yu Luosheng kept instilling tactical systems in the students of Shanghai University. Gradually, Shanghai University also had some concepts of tactical systems.

Unfortunately, the concept of this tactical system is really immature, and once it is targeted, it will directly enter a rhythm of collapse.

"Personal strength: 8 points, overall coordination: 5 points, tactical system: 1 point ... Brother, what do you write on the book?" Yu Yu took the book of Yu Luosheng, bemused with a small mouth and a confused face. Said.

"Nothing," Yu Luosheng said casually.

"Nothing said, what's going on with this team ln, won't you start the team again?" Yu Yu's eyes were so strong that he soon saw what Yu Luosheng wrote.

"Why are you running here again, are you okay?" Yu Luosheng said.

都 "Everyone said, I'm on vacation, there is no competition, brother, let's go to the Bund. I haven't had time to play in Shanghai for so long." Yu Yu said with a little bit of joy.

"No time, I have to take an exam in a while."

"Then I will go to play with other male students, many handsome guys said they would take me to play." Yu Yu said with a smile.

"Well, go." Yu Luosheng nodded and continued to think about how to improve the strength of the ln team.

Yu Yu's face pulled down immediately, her eyes full of resentment and unhappiness.

他们 "They all want to pursue me, you just let me play with them?" Yu Yu said.

"Go 呗, parents shouldn't object to you looking for a boyfriend now, to find one, so as not to run to trouble me all day long" Yu Luosheng said.

"You just want me to find a boyfriend?" Yu Yu said very dissatisfied ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It is not, in short, you should be cautious, don't find some unreliable. "Yu Luosheng said.

"I don't like those people, someone confessed to me, I said I have a boyfriend." Yu Yu said.

"Oh, who do you use as a shield?"

Yu Yu held out a cute little finger and pointed at Yu Luosheng ...

"I rely on" Yu Luosheng suddenly speechless

I said, how to be hostile when walking on the road

And Yu Luosheng clearly remembered that a Taekwondo president was looking for himself.Yu Luosheng thought who he was afraid of, so he agreed quickly, but this guy's Taekwondo, went to his sister

Yu Yu, this is obviously pulling hatred on her. You must know that her girl is extremely popular in school

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