Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 59: Tactical crushing!

?? "Withdraw, can not beat Wang Jun, you continue to push the tower." Yu Luosheng said.

Yang Ying and Xiao Jia did not dare to hesitate, and fled after turning around.

Zeng Feilong did not hesitate, and flashed directly to follow Xiao Jia's Prince of Wild

Xiao Xiaojia's prince had no blue at all and was followed directly by the crocodile. There was no way at all.


The butcher's blade was waving, and Xiao Jia's Prince of the Wild was also taken away, giving the crocodile a double kill

"The captain Zeng Feilong finally showed his strength. This time the support was very good. It brought back a very miserable situation. 3 It ’s not a loss for Zhejiang University. Also, we gave our captain Zeng Feilong a head and walked away. The crocodile is definitely a prehistoric giant crocodile existence, which will cause a devastating blow to the entire Shanghai University, "said the host.

Zhejiang University's strongest is Captain Zeng Feilong, giving him enough development space and a few heads, he can destroy a team

After this support, Zeng Feilong directly took two heads and directly added a chain mail.Jax of Wang Jun could not compete with his crocodile at all.

漂亮 "Pretty, the captain is really here"


3 change is completely acceptable. Moreover, the opponent's road will be very difficult

Zeng Feilong glanced at the other four, his face was still heavy, and he said lightly, "What is beautiful, the road tower was lost."

Four people from Zhejiang University looked on the road, and Jax, who was left unattended, took a wave of soldiers to demolish the tower.

Jacks' speed of dismantling the tower has been very fast, even if it returns to the line, the tower must be lost.

In this way, after all, their Zhejiang University lost a tower economy ...

Many people will think that the important dragon is better than the tower, because they think that the dragon is an extra economy, and the tower is always there, and sooner or later it will be obtained.

But in the eyes of some professional teams, the tower is far better than Xiaolong.

Many tactics need to be built on the existence of the tower, and the suppression control of the vision also needs to pull out the opponent's tower.

Zeng Feilong knows very well that even if he comes over in time to end the game, he will lose the situation and lose a tower, plus the vision of area l ...

"Wang Jun, their captain's support is a bit quick, and they quickly seize the opportunity. You don't need to come to support, just take the tower directly, he will remind us when he disappears on the line." Yu Luosheng told Wang Jun.

Jacks needs development. If he doesn't get a head, it will definitely have a serious impact on him in the future. Therefore, Yu Luosheng would rather let Jax keep developing towers on the road.

Wang Jun nodded.

Zeng Feilong of Zhejiang University is indeed very strong. Two months ago, Wang Jun's order was definitely knocked out by him.

However, Wang Jun is now different from before.

In fact, Gu Lao Luo's order is more fierce than Zeng Feilong. The guy ’s personal cāo can brighten the eyes of the blind, and you will be killed before you react.

In the past two months, Wang Jun was really so dazed that he couldn't take care of himself.

Remember that in the first week, Wang Jun was beaten by Da Luo a few times and was afraid to spring out

Yes, just dare not come out of the spring

Da Luo's order is really heartbroken

What broken line? No grade

收 Receive troops directly in the heights of other people's homes. If he comes to catch him alone, he will kill him.

Then, after three people killed him, they will find that their own tower, little dragon, and big dragon will basically lose one.

After the second week, Wang Jun was able to withdraw troops on the line normally, but he was still killed under various towers, and squatting him was useless.

After one month, Wang Jun was gradually defeated by Da Luo's beating, and then he could not be killed. Two months later, Wang Jun was barely able to match Da Luo, and Da Luo told Wang Jun with certainty, right Online, no one can directly hit you unless there is an order from the front line of the profession.

Zeng Feilong is the captain of the first team of Zhejiang University, and also the second player of the professional team of the Apocalypse Team. In the e-sports college competition, he basically cleared the road.

However, this time facing Shanghai University, facing a nameless Wang Jun who didn't have much fame, he did not play a very obvious advantage, at most it was to take the lead and support the head.

From this, Zeng Feilong judged that there must be a strong professional team behind Shanghai University

"Their captain is really a bit powerful. If he does not support this time, we can unplug the middle tower and we can suppress it like the last set." Yang Ying said.

"Well, it is estimated that they will focus on protecting the wild area next time. This tactic cannot be used. It is still a 4l push. Find a chance to unplug the lower tower." Yu Luosheng said.

"It may be a bit difficult," Zhong Jinbei said.

"Wait a second, wait for my skills, I will break this deadlock." Yu Luosheng said.

"Well, let's go back online first."



Xi Yu Luosheng once again sent Zhong Jinbei a predictive signal of direct attack.

However, once Yu Luosheng started counting down, Yang Ying in the middle and Xiao Jia in the jungle would unconsciously lean down.

Many times, the outbreak of fighting cannot be prepared in advance, just like Yu Luosheng's countdown.

However, I don't know why, this guy Yu Luosheng has sharp eyes like an eagle, and can always capture some opening time in advance.Once the countdown has a high probability, a head will appear.

Wu Zhongjin North glanced at Yu Luosheng's location and found that this guy turned out to be doing a big trick directly in the grass under the stone wall

"Will this be too risky ..." Zhong Jinbei just wanted to say something, the scarecrow of Yu Luosheng had already chanted

Trust, really hit

Zhong Jinbei was sitting tightly and immediately controlled the plane to push under the opponent's tower

"He's reading a big move"

Zhejiang University's assistant called out.

Qijiang Qiming didn't dare to be indifferent at this time.When he saw the scarecrow jumping out from there, he pressed the flash directly and escaped his defense tower far away.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah"

The crows fluttered around and made a sharp cry.

The crowd of crows danced wildly. After Yu Luosheng saw the female jǐng flash out and escaped from his own range, he flashed the fear directly, and the fear came to Lulu.

The assistant of Zhejiang University realized that the straw was jumping, but how did he never think that this scarecrow was so devastated, and he flashed up to fear himself

After 5 seconds of fear, and then connected to the plane's outbreak, Lulu was not accidentally killed in seconds, and no skills were released in time.

的 The scary output of the Scarecrow's big move, the output of aircraft luxury equipment ...

"This ... is so cruel, the scarecrow reads the big trick directly from the stone wall grass, and then flashes into the tower to kill Lulu, and the plane keeps up with some output, Lulu is spiked."


No explanation

No one thought of an auxiliary scarecrow, which would be so powerful

There is no pressure to kill under the tower

Tong Yu Luosheng's two auxiliary uses have subverted everyone's perception of auxiliary.

Annie walked violently in the first game, and the scarecrow output was stronger than aD in the second game

两个 Both people at the bottom of Zhejiang University have realized that the scarecrow is reading a big move, but what about it, the big move jumps and then flashes, the jump distance is more than 10uu yards, you have to die without flashing

Lu Lulu had used the flash before, and he fled back hard, and was finally scared and then taken away with ease.

After killing people, it didn't take long for the jungler to come across. He wanted to kill Yu Luosheng who was not high in blood.

However, when he saw that Xiao Jia's prince and Yang Ying appeared on the lower road, the guy cancelled the year and could only obediently send the lower tower to Shanghai University

Take off the tower, take home the blue hhPP, and the wild area has been abused again. Zeng Feilong, who was on the road, is also out of reach this time. He can only watch as Shanghai University once again established the advantage of a defense tower.

After 3 minutes, this picture was transmitted to the Shanghai University community, and the voice rose suddenly

"Do you know, when we were training, Yu Luosheng's scarecrow assisted in blasting a arrogant professional second-line team. At that time did you know what Yu Luosheng played in a full screen?" Qin Ting was extremely excited. Served as a commentator for this event.

Everyone saw Yu Luosheng's strength and naturally became more interested in him.

"In the eyes of my scarecrow, hiding under the tower is a self-digging grave"

Self Excavation

A support that can easily complete the strong kill under the tower, yes, it is the Scarecrow Federtic

Countless people always subconsciously believe that the security zone is under the tower, and the other party is not willing to rush into the tower easily.

But the concept of the tower is not in the eyes of the messenger Federik. Even people who think they are safe under the tower can easily lean on the tower. At this time, the messenger jumps into the tower and everything is there.

Obviously, the bottom line combination of Zhejiang University is still in the era of traditional assistance. They did not realize the strength of the scarecrow assistance, or did not meet people like Yu Luosheng who played these special assistance so vividly.

This surprise made them suffer

His Majesty's tower was pulled out, and the middle tower was pulled out. This wild area was once again under control. When the next small dragon refreshed, it was basically a thing in Shanghai University.

Zhefei University captain Zeng Feilong's face became heavier and heavier.

A strong team like them has been crushed by other tactics

"The assistant of Shanghai University, the rhythm is very good ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The host said.

Auxiliary band rhythm, this is the tactic of Shanghai University.

Assist is the most easily overlooked position, but if you break the routine, use some powerful assistants such as Annie and Scarecrow, plus your own strong overall view, the rhythm of the assistance even affects the overall situation than the jungle.

For ordinary junglers, their rhythm is only to help teammates on the line to establish a head advantage, and powerful assistants, their rhythm is to build a snowball advantage for the entire team without occupying any resources.

的 The core of Zhejiang University is Captain Zeng Feilong, and Shanghai University is very clever to use compression and tower tactics to involve Zhejiang University captain Zeng Feilong, keeping the battlefield on the middle and lower roads that Zeng Feilong can't reach

It can be said that it was very wise for Shanghai University to not have Yu Luosheng on the field before. It is such an unexpected surprise that a team as strong as Zhejiang University cannot parry it.

Completely tactical crushing!

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