Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 56: Level 1 Blood Rain

?? "This game lost." Captain Zeng Feilong frowned.

"Not yet. When we get to the equipment formation, my team is much better than them." Ke Shaoying said.

Zeng Feilong shook his head and said, "They won't give us the chance to stay behind, and their Ritz, Jax, and male guns are very strong heroes in the later period. The further we drag, the less we may be favorable."

If the summoner canyon is divided into four areas with the center line and the river as the vertical and horizontal axis, then the current situation is that the vision of the three areas is dark and occupied by the enemy.

This kind of tactics of visual field suppression, field control, **** and not killing and pushing towers generally appears only in professional frontline teams.

Although the tactics used by the Shanghai University team still have a lot of loopholes and immaturity, they are basically used.

"If nothing unexpected, our blue hhpp wild area will soon be controlled by them, forcing us to go to the dragon, we go, they will catch us and catch us. If we don't go, they will take the dragon, Unplug all our outer towers, and then forcibly go up to the high ground. Once the high ground breaks, we lose. "Zeng Feilong said.

"This tactic is simple to say and difficult to use, isn't it? It needs to calculate the pros and cons of the three lines, it needs to support a strong eye control consciousness, and it needs the perfect wild field control and the various lines. Cooperate in time ... "Ke Shaoying said with a calm face.

"If you are right, they should have some analysts who are close to the professional front-line at Shanghai University to train them. Unless we can win a wave, this soft control tactics will make us unable to stand up. Team economy Now we are too far behind to win. Everyone directly vote in minutes, there is no need to fight. "Zeng Feilong said.

"Vote ... not ..."

"This is too much, the vote is very morale."

Zeng Feilong seriously said: "This tactic is very suppressive, it will make you more and more irritable, decisive vote, prepare for the next game, and win the next game."

Everyone was afraid to argue, after all, Zeng Feilong was the captain, and all his words must be fully obeyed.

In the following time, as Zeng Feilong said, the xy axis field was suppressed, and h gradually controlled the blue hhpp area. Once this area was controlled, the dragon might be thrown away at any time.

Many times, even if you know the tactical intentions of others, you will still fall into their traps.

After Luka's vision killed the other two heroes, Shanghai University took the dragon directly and pushed all the towers to the high ground immediately.

In about a minute or so, hh's side had collapsed, Zeng Feilong didn't waste any more time resisting, and directly clicked the surrender button.

The other four people also calmly nodded, the game screen suddenly freezes in the eyes of the public, a big failure in English appeared in front of their eyes ...

To be honest, Zhejiang University never thought that they would lose a game to Shanghai University, after all, the strength is not on the same line at all.

Zhejiang University community, when the game surrendered, thousands of people in the community sounded a mourning and discussion

Some of them don't quite understand the move of the h team to surrender in the game ...

At the same time, Shanghai University, which was judged by two teams in the previous round and this round, also surprised the entire Zhejiang University students.

Twenty-three minutes later, a wild cheer came from the Shanghai University community

Anyway, their Shanghai University was even tied with the super strong Zhejiang University. You should know that the first team of Zhejiang University is the second best team in the country.

This is boiling

Unconsciously, the number of people gathered in the community of Shanghai University is over a thousand.

Even this news is still circulating. As the game will enter the final decision, even many teachers will come out of their apartment and run over to watch this crucial game.

Presumably, it won't be long, the number of people supporting viewing here will exceed that of Zhejiang University

"Captain, if they are still so trained in the next game, we may not fight well." Ke Shaoying said with a frown.

"Maoge, is a group of loose sand. Fortunately for them, they took three heads at first, but I didn't think they were very powerful." Jiang Qiming said very uncomfortably.

Zeng Feilong thought for a while, and said earnestly: "They should have a very powerful person who is taking the rhythm. If they are correct, they should be their assistance."

"That auxiliary Annie?" Jiang Qiming froze.

辅助 The auxiliary Annie is Yu Luosheng, also Jiang Qiming's rival. To be honest, Jiang Qiming really didn't take this guy's level into consideration after the first sentence abused him for half a death.

"Well, directed by Annie of the first group, the midway soft suppressed and abolished our mid-list Ap, then walked and grabbed it, and then took control of the field of vision to take Xiaolong. People, but in fact they are all assistants that control our vision and the economy of the wild areas in the overall situation. It is their assistants that take this rhythm, I can't guess wrong. "Zeng Feilong said sharply.

Several other people still don't quite understand, how does an assistant bring up the rhythm, does it depend on buying more real eyes? ?

"Captain, are you sure you want to help the opposite side? I don't think this assistance is so powerful, it's nothing more than catching a blind cat and hitting a dead mouse several times." Jiang Qiming was still not convinced.

"Jiang Qiming, if you can't let go of your prejudice and take a good look at Shanghai University, we may continue to lose in the third game. Although I didn't pay much attention to the middle and didn't see the Anne's cāo work, but from his control of the field of vision You can know that this guy is not an ordinary player. In short, you remember to me that this support is very powerful and is the core figure of their Shanghai University. If you lose the enemy in the third match, you know what the consequences are. " Zeng Feilong said very severely.

A person who dare not face up to the emotions of his opponent, it is easy to make mistakes that a team cannot make up, especially in such an important position

"I see, Captain." Jiang Qiming didn't dare to say anything.

I just have a stronger grudge in my heart

If the next game is a regular match, he Jiang Qiming will definitely knock that support off.

"The rest time for the players on both sides is over and we are about to make our third tiebreaker."

"The two teams are very acquainted. The first game was won by Zhejiang University. The second game was Shanghai University forced the other side to surrender. It can be seen that the strength of both sides is very strong, so the third game The decisive game will definitely be very colorful. I do n’t know if everyone is looking forward to it like me. ”The host ’s voice spread sweetly and enthusiastically, and try to ignite the atmosphere before the opening of the third game.

E-sports, what you need is enough support, always watching in front of the computer, always nesting in the room, and no one knows how many people are supporting it.

What I want is that, like now, hundreds of people are gathered together for a vital honor event, using the performance of the players, the excitement of the event, and the voice of the crowd to infect everyone.

As today, the host is very satisfied, even heard that Shanghai University is so popular

What I want is this effect.They are all fanatical, for the honor of their school, and for their favorite team, roar their voices that love e-sports.

The third tiebreaker starts

Enter hAn selection rhythm.

In the last two innings, there were no people on the hh side who wanted the hAn to drop out, because in their opinion, the opponent did not really threaten them.

But this time, often decisive hAn lost Annie, and was the first hero of hAn.

In the last round, Annie Yu Luosheng really let everyone in Zhejiang University see how horrible a supporting force is. He can lead the rhythm of the whole game more than playing jungle. In this round, Zhejiang University says nothing. Annie released it, at least they haven't figured out how to deal with Annie's plan to completely disrupt the rhythm.

"They have targeted you." Xiao Jia glanced at Yu Luosheng and said.

"Well." Yu Luosheng nodded.

他们 "They should see that we are supporting rhythmic play. Their eyesight is really good." Yang Ying said.

"It's okay. We are Lan Sè Fang, Xiao Jia, your activity area should be placed in the middle and lower red hupp area as far as possible. On the road, Wang Jun, you always maintain such a mentality to fight wildly and squat across the road. We hope to win. "Yu Luosheng said seriously.

Xun Wangjun faced hr long Zeng Feilong. It can be said that the pressure to withstand is very large. Yu Luosheng did not expect Wang Jun to play any advantage, as long as he was not snowed indefinitely.

Jun Wang Jun nodded his head and said, "Rest assured, you have been more stunned by your lnr gull, and you have practiced your stress resistance more.

"Well, whether this game can be won depends on the cooperation of the four of us." Yu Luosheng said.

"Well refueling"

"Go all out"

In the cheers, hh stepped out of the spring and hurried toward the river.

一次 This time, the first-level regiments on both sides do not have much pros and cons. If there is a fight, no one will be afraid of others.

Sure enough, the ideas of the two sides directly ran into this one. The first level met with the river, and it was completely raging.

When there is only one skill on both sides, it depends on whether the release of the skills is controlled properly.

There is no concession on either side, and the fight is very fierce

4 for 4 on both sides were assisted to survive, and the heads were also key positions to get ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ From the first-level group, you can see the general situation of the normal game. Coming down will be a **** storm that pervades the Summoner Canyon

之后 After the two assistants survived, they began to arrange the eye position, so that they could detect the movement of the opponent in the first place.

After the strength reaches this level, the possibility of completing a single kill on the line will become much lower, and what really can make people head is the unexpected wild game, make a good vision in the key hhpp position of the wild game, Once you know where you are, you can prevent gAnk from happening.

思路 Both sides' assistants have the same idea in this point. When everyone is killed, they directly break into the opponent's wild area and interject.

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