Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 50: Zhejiang University Team 1

?? It is only an hour's drive from Shanghai to Hangzhou. This time, the e-sports agency didn't expect to get funding from the school. Members who wanted to go there signed up with Zheng Xia and bought tickets together.

到 I arrived in Hangzhou on Friday night at about nine o'clock in the evening. This group of talents from Shanghai University arrived at the Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University.

Yang Ying naturally contacted the competition and the school. Ke Shaoying, vice president of Zhejiang University E-sports Association, was waiting at the school gate, and arranged temporary dormitory accommodation for everyone in Shanghai University E-sports Association.

Every university has temporary dormitory apartments. The temporary apartments of Zhejiang University are quite elegant and chic, one for six people, whitewashed, simple decoration, new bed cabinets ...

大家 "Everyone rest for a while, when our president comes back, we will have supper together, and by the way we will walk around our campus," said Ke Shaoying, vice chairman.

"Well, okay." Yang Ying nodded.

There were 16 people who came to Shanghai University E-sports Club this time. Most of them came to Zhejiang University for the first time. There was an inexplicable excitement in their hearts.

Zhejiang University always gives girls an inexplicable affection, and also gives boys a special expectation.

Hangzhou, Zhejiang is the representative of Jiangnan. Jiangnan's gracefulness and beauty are always like a painting, always presented in the text and on the screen. Girls like this mood and freshness of Jiangnan. Boys naturally like Jiangnan women. Beautiful and elegant ...

Hangzhou is not as noisy or rushed as Shanghai. The campus of Zhejiang University is also located some distance from the city, and it looks extraordinarily quiet.

After entering this school, after seeing Hangzhou and seeing these from Zhejiang University, Yu Luosheng inevitably complained about himself. Why didn't he pass the college entrance examination when he entered the college entrance examination ... Maybe he could linger with Yang Qianqian at this school .

Well, the college entrance examination scores are still far from this school line.

"Where?" On the other side of the phone, Yang Qianqian's gentle voice came, and she could hear a little joy in her voice.

"In your reception apartment," Yu Luosheng replied.

"You come down, I'm at the door." Yang Qianqian said.

"it is good."

洛 Yu Luosheng and Yang Ying greeted and flew downstairs.

Yang Ying watched Yu Luosheng run away, and scolded in the heart: This unpromising younger sister, my brother did not call a greeting here, actually called Yu Luosheng first ...

Below the tower is a small garden with lush trees and trees, which do not fall down due to the arrival of the season.

Yang Qianqian is wearing a very slim line sweater, standing on a wooden path.

When Yu Luosheng came downstairs, he saw this slender beauty, and her heart felt warm and warm ...

However, what makes Yu Luosheng feel uncomfortable momentarily is that an obtrusive man is standing beside his little girl? ?

情况 What about this Nima

Can it be so short, my goddess Yang was hooked away by the ruined flower of Zhejiang University and then brought it to myself to make it clear? ?

When Yang Qianqian saw Yu Luosheng, he immediately smiled on his face and walked to Yu Luosheng's side, holding Yu Luosheng's arm like a bird.

It's just that, before Yu Luosheng enjoyed this intimacy, the guy standing next to Yang Qianqian had already come up.

He looked at Yu Luosheng with a smile and said, "Hello, I am a team of Ad Jiang Qiming from the E-sports Association. I welcome you to come to our Zhejiang University."

"Well, Yu Luosheng, a team of assistants." Yu Luosheng replied.

"Qian Qian is a member of our e-sports competition. She often mentioned you when chatting with me, saying that you are strong and wanted to learn from you long ago. We at Zhejiang University met you Shanghai University. "Jiang Qiming said with a gentle smile.

"See you tomorrow on the field, oh, Qianqian, didn't you say you would take me to school? Let's walk around." Yu Luosheng said.

"Okay, what about my brother?" Yang Qianqian asked.

"Tell him what it is, get in the way."


Seeing Yu Luosheng and Yang Qianqian talking quietly, Jiang Qiming also left with interest.

一 As soon as this person left, Yu Luosheng quickly kissed Yang Qianqian, and after being satisfied, he asked, "Who is this guy? Why is he following you for a long time."

"Seeker 呗." Yang Qianqian said casually.

"Did you not tell him that you have a boyfriend?" Yu Luosheng said.

"Tell him, but also in the e-sports conference, he came to talk to me if everything is OK, discuss with me, I always mention you, how you are so powerful ..." Yang Qianqian said.

呃 "Uh ... are you pulling me hate?" Yu Luosheng said.

"When playing tomorrow, we must make sure that he can't even breathe ... otherwise he's endless." Yang Qianqian said.

"Relax, no one who dares to provoke my woman will end well," Yu Luosheng said fiercely.

Demo, I'm thinking of Lao Tzu's corner because I'm not at Zhejiang University

The first team of Zhejiang University is, wait and see

"I heard my brother say that something happened to you at school." Yang Qianqian asked.

"Well." Yu Luosheng said something about Teacher Fang about this time.

After listening, Yang Qianqian was worried, and said, "Then ... what to do? The first team of our school e-sports team is really very good. They often train with the Apocalypse team. On several occasions, I have Seeing them playing against second-tier professional teams, the winning percentage is particularly high. "

Yang Qianqian accidentally became a small traitor. There is no way for her boyfriend and brother to be at Shanghai University.

"Which guy is better in your school team?" Yu Luosheng asked.

"The president is particularly powerful. He is the captain of the Second Team of the Apocalypse. He rarely sees him at school." Yang Qianqian said.

"Captain of the Second Apocalypse Team ???" Yu Luosheng froze.

The second team of Apocalypse can also be considered a second-line professional, and being a captain must have an advantage. A professional second-line captain-level character appears in a university team. Compared with other students' own teams, it is not a level. Ah

You must know that even for a team such as Shanghai University, the strength of all members is only half of the threshold of entering the professional third line ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Well, the overall strength of the first team of our school e-sports competition and the second team of Apocalypse The team strength will not be much different, the chairman is particularly powerful, and Jiang Qiming is also the main force in the team. The two of them are the core of the whole team. "Yang Qianqian said.

Yu Luosheng frowned.

Sure enough, Zhejiang University's e-sports level has fully reached the professional level, and it can even be comparable to professional second-tier teams.

The professional training time experienced by Shanghai University is one or two months. Compared with this team that has been practicing for more than a year, the gap is really too big.

(At 8 pm, go to yy with the classmates who want to watch.)

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