Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 1025: Destroy the enemy and win ...

"I'll go back first." Yu Luosheng had no more blood and chose to return to the city.

Qian Meng nodded. She also planned to return to the city after collecting the soldiers, but after a figure appeared at the extreme edge of the local map, she suddenly changed her mind and walked into the grass silently.

She also chose to return to the city. If no other members of Canada appeared on the map, she would just wait 8 seconds to go home, but if ...

This is a gamble without a little risk. Apparently, there is no such impulse of Da Luo. It is more clear that a little wave in this situation may tilt the winning and losing balance again.

"You can wait. They must go and get the dragon. Brown is on the road because he has a teleport." Yu Luosheng knew Qian Meng's idea and said decisively.

Qianmeng received the enemy's red hhpp and dropped in on the road to collect a wave of money. She is now estimated to be really the Middle East's richest. She can add another piece of equipment when she returns, but the dragon girl who has just resurrected not long after is going Walking here is really a death.

"Rest assured, I also have teleport." Great Rome encouraged.

Qian Meng nodded, she had blood-sucking on her hands, and it should not be a problem to single out the dragon girl, besides the existence of mercury bands and healing skills.

"Kill it, and we win." Li Tuchuan said slowly, the tremolo in the words sold his calmness, apparently he also hoped that Qianmeng could complete this single kill.

Frost's ability to kill singles is very weak, let alone being on the order. Under the condition of good equipment, he can't even beat the wild, it is really hard to say whether a dragon girl who flew up in a meat suit can win here.

However, everyone believes in the judgment of Qian Meng, and more in her operation.

"Shallow dream, his big move has about 5 seconds to go, and he must take it now to kill." Da Luo suddenly reminded.

As a veteran, the time calculation of the enemy's big move is absolutely accurate. Unfortunately, the Dragon Girl had watched the time when he started the big move before.

There is still at least 5 seconds of cd. If the dragon girl has a big move and rushed to Qianmeng as soon as possible, it is hard to say who wins and who loses.

Upon hearing this sentence, Qian Meng was immediately decisive and killed from the grass.

Frost's arrows leap over, slowing down to the Dragon Girl first, hitting a critical hit.

The dragon's blood is so thick, but a significant drop can be seen.

"Shet, why is she here, and I'm singled out to die? Women are women who are always stupid." Brown was overjoyed when he saw the ice killing him. If he could kill him himself, Teleport to the lower lane, you can break the enemy's lower ground, and the disadvantage is returned.

"The big move is u seconds. It's a pity, but it doesn't matter. It can definitely kill ... Oh, damn, she has a red hhpp." Brown exclaimed.

Frost itself has infinite slowdown skills.Every arrow is a slowdown.If you have a red hhpp, the red hhpp's slowdown is a deadly movement reduction for the enemy.

The speed of the arrow flying was very fast, and the deceleration halo had been wrapped around Brown's body. Brown also wanted to rush forward at first, but found that he could hardly move away and hurried back.

His retreat was not a sincere retreat, that is, he wanted to take a sudden turn back when he was going forward, using this method to get closer.

Turn back

"Damn, she's so good at it" Brown was furious.

The ice on Qianmeng's hands is extremely flexible.In fact, as long as she takes one more step forward, she will be caught up by the dragon girl, but this slight retreat and pause make the dragon girl have no chance to meet she was.

Continue to decelerate and continue firing arrows, and the dragon girl's body was quickly filled with these arrows.

"3 seconds"


"Oh my god, the damage is so high, I have to escape ..." Brown was shocked. He wanted to use a big counterattack and suddenly realized that he wasn't his frozen opponent.

Frozen's physical damage in the late period is rare in League of Legends.The super late and super slowdown ability can make her become a true queen in the later period. Even the rough-skinned dragon girl appears to face such attacks. Very fragile.

Brown had to escape, but fortunately he had a big move in his hands-the dragon was in the sky.

In the sky, a flying dragon can knock him out of two flashes, which is enough to get rid of the short-legged ice shooter.

However, Brown is not so simple.

"She still has a big magic crystal arrow on her hand. She must want to wait for me to use the flying dragon to shoot me when he flees to keep me. How could I be so stupid as to be killed by you alone?" Brown I calculated in my heart, "After I started the big move and flew away, I was going to hide from this magic crystal arrow. Her arrow must be shooting in the direction of my landing. After I landed, I just took a right-angle dance step.

Brown unhurriedly started the big move, and the dragon girl she controlled jumped into a flame dragon and flew away from the ice.

"Hum, wait to be shown by me ... oh my God" Brown exclaimed before he finished speaking.

The ice wind whistled, and a magic crystal arrow came out of the string, as powerful as a sword.

This magic crystal arrow can be said to be shot at the moment when Brown's dragon girl takes off. Everyone can see this scene: the dragon girl is flying in the air, but behind the dragon tail is a crystal magic arrow.

So, Brown's Dragon Girl just landed ...


The magic crystal arrow hit the dragon girl of Brown. It can be said that the dragon girl has not landed on the ground, let alone to move.

The dragon girl's big move escaped, and the ice magical crystal arrow almost tracked synchronously. Brown's ideal picture was to hide his skills immediately after landing, but Nima was hit by the big ice's big move before he landed completely.

"I'm blind, Nima's consciousness," Xie Lianda exclaimed in her team voice.

"Super beautiful" Yu Luosheng followed with a burst of joy.

Yu Luosheng was also worried that the Dragon Girl would escape with a big move. As a result, Qian Meng used her advanced consciousness to directly prepare the magic crystal arrow big move on the string. As soon as your Dragon Girl flew, she gave you an arrow and let you Nowhere to run

"Good job, can kill, absolutely kill" Li Tuchuan shouted excitedly.

Qian Meng caught up with the Dragon Girl without any hurdles when her teammates clamored for a while, and a million arrows shot down once again to slow down to Brown's Dragon Girl.

This slowdown keeps up, which means that Brown's Dragon Girl can no longer escape.

"I'm not willing, not willing," Brown growled. If you can't run away with your legs, if you can't leave with flying, then teleport

Brown hurriedly pressed the teleport, trying to use the teleport to escape. After using the big move, Frost has no skills to interrupt his teleportation.

There was a slight drift in the corner of Qian Meng's lips, and others could not see what it was, but Yu Luosheng understood that she was laughing at Brown's innocence.

One arrow, two arrows

Critical, then critical

Brown's teleportation reads about two-thirds and the blood tank is empty.

The high damage in the later period of the ice was once again manifested in horror. Finally, Brown's teleportation was penetrated by Wan Jian without reading it.

The flames dispersed, and Brown's Dragon Girl slowly fell.This time his death cast an unbelievable layer of humiliation and shame in his eyes. This almost made him thunder and never tease shallow dreams before. The pair was loose, arrogant and insignificant.

No strong man is not arrogant, and no proud man can be calm and calm after being killed by a woman and killed alone. Moreover, this is the last World Tour watched by the country and the world.

The keyboard in "Bang" was lifted by the fierce Brown and slammed into the ground.

The fragments of the keyboard flew up, showing how big this smashing force was, and how much anger and humiliation Brown had in mind.

This scene was quickly captured by the cameraman, nor was the cameraman intentionally ugly.They originally wanted to capture Brown's incredible and then compare it with the beautiful calmness of the female player. Who knew that the national team player Brown went straight and went crazy. Lose your mind

The camera quickly turned back to Qian Meng, and there was not much emotion on Qian Meng's face. Instead, there were some queen-like arrogance and indifference in those black eyes.

If you don't die, you won't die, why should you try?

Without the kind of indecent and inferior provocation of Brown's start, Qian Meng's wave of conservative choices just returned to the city, and Yu Luosheng would not later tell his enemies that other dragons and dragons were taking big steps against them. Calculation.

This single killing will surely give Brown the most direct backstab of failure, and let the whole world see this guy's hypocritical and irritable and uneducated side ... Of course, he also told Brown this kind of goods:

First, you really are not qualified

Second, don't be okay and don't offend women

"A wave of solution." Said to the teammates who killed the dragon girl and did not eat the fireworks on earth.

To Yu Luosheng, Zhou Yan, Xie Lianda, Da Luo, including Li Tuchuan, five big men seem to have a shallow dream. At this moment, it is like a dark queen shot at a key general who has lost the enemy, and then he is peerless to the young ones. Obstacle removal, straight to Huanglong

The national team has played the World Tour exhaustively, which time it was not all over, and Athena will surrender even if the team is better than Canada.

In the later period, one link was linked, and one death was equal to the collapse of the team.

After the Chinese national team recuperated, all members of the team attacked, and the situation was instantaneous.

"To win, we need to win." A steady Li Tuchuan finally couldn't hold back the ecstasy and excitement of his heart's rush, and shouted regardless of his image.

Is a wave of take away

Leave no room for

As professional players, they have destroyed countless highlands and occupied tens of thousands of crystals, but they have never warmed their hands and trembled every time they removed an enemy's key defense tower.

They are crawling on the dark, muddy, and stinky road of e-sports. They know better than anyone else: the door of glory and glory is right in front of them.

At this time, they have to join hands with teammates who are not playing in the lounge, hold the lplk players who missed the national team under the field, and care for the audience who loves e-sports, and lead countless fans across the country ... Opened the closed door

Freely accept the shining of the light and the attention of millions of people

At the moment when the Canadian crystal base was completely destroyed, a person on the field dropped the headset and pushed away the chair, walking towards his partner completely out of an instinctive step ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ a hug as heavy as a mountain, Has nothing to do with ...

Time freezes at this moment.

So much bitterness, so much pain, so much sacrifice and tears turned into excitement and inability to speak.No one is more eager than Yu Luosheng for this victory and this moment, so he choked a little in Yumeni Saying: "Thanks ... thanks."

Without her stepping forward, this road is more than difficult?

For the first time, Qian Meng knew that a man's hug would be so hot and full of power. Instead, she would kick the **** off with one kick, but how could she now bear to kick a person who was choking like a child?

Forget it, it ’s not an example.

"You're welcome." Qianmeng turned away and responded lightly. The shyness and confusion in her eyes had betrayed her cold heart.

(Say good ticket) ()

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