Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: Forced Canadian Twins ...

?? "My God, what the **** did you do, why were you both killed?" Lauren Carter screamed when she saw the news on the public screen. 『* 言 * 情 * 首 * 发』

A meaty dog's order, a high damage jungler, failed to kill the crispy ice? ?

The water is also released too much, right?

"She is well equipped ..."

"What's in the equipment ... Damn it, help me quickly." Lauren Carter screamed strangely. It turned out that Yu Luosheng, a big muscular man, had rushed to Lauren Carter.

After a bite of ice flew over, my brother Lauren Karen hurried to step forward and blocked this crucial skill reduction for his younger brother.

"Before you drop" brother Carter was upset for a while, and turned on the light machine gun to go crazy with Bloom at Yu Luosheng.

洛 Yu Luosheng had little blood but did not panic. He immediately raised the big shield in his hand to resist the injury.

After Xun came forward for his teammates, Zhou Yan shot from behind. A second-long raptor hit and was bound to kill Hammer Stone.

Lauren Karen didn't react slowly, and immediately fled to hide.

"Then kill you first." Lauren Carter's goal suddenly turned to Zhou Yan.

Two consecutive crits appeared, and Zhou Yan had no time to leave the last health and was taken away.

As soon as Zhou Yan died, Loli Jinkesi's passiveness was turned on, and her mobility suddenly skyrocketed.

Lauren Carter also played very aggressively, using this crazy effect to try to catch up with Yu Luosheng's big Bloom.

Yu Luosheng's blood volume is not much, and the favorite of Rolkin Kings is this rhythm, which can continuously refresh her passive to complete infinite harvest.

洛 Yu Luosheng shield is about to disappear. Seeing that Xiaolili is chasing after him, Yu Luosheng is ready to take the risky counterattack.

A icy arrow flew from behind him, and the effect of Wan Jianqi formed an icy fan-shaped shot toward Luoli Xiaolioli.

"Damn." Brother Carter saw the ice appear, and naturally did not dare to chase it. His current blood is only less than%, and it is easy to be forcibly beaten by Ice and Bloom.

"Kill another" brother Karen said.

Although the twin brothers have a tacit understanding that ordinary people cannot have, they have a very high synchronization rate. When Xie Landa in the hammer hook of his brother Karen, his younger brother Carter immediately picked up the output.

克 Jin Kesi's mid-term damage was already very strong. The continuous attack of light machine guns and missiles caused Xie Lianda's blood to drop.

My younger brother Carter's luck was not good, and he continued to make crit, so that Xie Lianda had no chance to resist and was harvested again.

"Fuck, these two guys cooperate very well." Xie Lianda cursed.

Four people played three, and Canada's Zhongdan Bener did not know which street was chased by Da Luo.The remaining three men, Zhou Yan, Xie Lianda, and Yu Luosheng, besieged the Canadian twins, and they were killed by the twins. I have to say that the strength of the twins is really terrifying.

"Your side is okay?" Da Luo hurriedly asked Zhou Yan and Xie Lianda both killed.

"Can you chase them down?" Yu Luosheng asked.

"Yes, although this grandson flashed away ..." Da Luo said.

"Then you go to drop their ap, I and Qianmeng deal with twins." Yu Luosheng said.

"Good" Da Luo answered, and no longer hesitated to chase away like a bull in the direction of Bourne, Canada.

Qian Meng's double kill did not make the situation significantly better, and the twins' ability to cooperate was strong. In this situation, Xie Lianda's role was not as obvious as that of King Yan Luo. The rest is a crushed situation.

谢 Xie Lianda, the third assassin in the world, also seems to be weak in the face of Lauren Karen's protection.

The situation is still dV3. It is certain that Da Luo's side must be able to kill the opponent's Zhongdan Bener. The problem lies in the confrontation.

The blood volume of both sides is actually similar, and the blood volume of Qian Meng will be slightly more.

"Kill the hammer stone," Yu Luosheng said to Qian Meng.

A bite of a cold winter flew, and it turned into a winter wolf flying towards Lauren Carron's hammerstone.

My elder brother, Karen, is also a calm and calm type. He stepped back and let off the bite of winter from the side.

Alas, however, his move of the body just reduced the ice arrow of Qian Meng.

不 "Don't panic, I have a fire clip," my brother Karen said hastily.

Karen has less blood than Qian Meng. He has to wait until his skills are good before he dares to fight with Qian Meng. Seeing that his brother has been reduced, he quickly puts a row of flame racks in front of Qian Meng.

火 These fire clips completely sealed Qian Meng's intention to move forward. If he had to be strong, he would definitely be locked up in place.


Yu Qianmeng was extremely decisive, pressed the flash directly, jumped over this flame clip, and continued to chase the hammer and shoot arrows.

The Hammerstone's blood volume is about half, but his condition is similar to that of a poodle, and when he is shot at a few arrows, the blood volume drops quickly.

The biggest problem is that once the arrows of ice are reduced, it is basically difficult to run, and it will be reduced infinitely.

Yan Qianmeng's position is still very good, do not let the hammer's doom pendulum shoot yourself.

"Fight back, I'm ready to fight back, my hook is fine." Brother Karen saw that he couldn't run, and he fought back with a bite.

The twins are really telepathic, even if the older brother Karen does not say that the younger brother Carter has already prepared the skills in his hands.

It's now


Since Wu Hanbing reduced the hammer stone infinitely, it meant that she was directly in front of the hammer stone hook.

Soul Pursuit Hook

The hammer of the hammer hammer waved in his hand, and flew straight towards the ice of shallow dreams without any angle. Under this distance, he could easily hit without any skill at all.

Qi Qianmeng has seen the hammer in his hand waving, and it is obvious that this guy is going to kill a return carbine.

She doesn't have much blood now. If she is controlled by Hammer Stone and then run away, Lori Kings will just die a few clicks.

In the face of such an obvious return to the horse, Qian Meng seemed indifferent, and his steps only retreated slightly.

"Damn, I'm going to die." Yu Luosheng cursed and stepped forward without hesitation.

Yu Luosheng's muscular Bloom turned into a hero, using his body to block bullets for beauties.

After a short while, Qian Qianmeng let Yu Luosheng, who was out of use, become a solid shield.

"I have a shield and can top it a few times," Yu Luosheng said.

洛 Yu Luosheng's blood is actually not much, but he has the shield skill on hand. As long as he can use the shield to resist the ordinary attacks of the runaway Rory Kings, shallow dream can directly complete the harvest of two lives.

Yun Qianmeng was able to solve these two guys regardless of whether or not Yu Luosheng had a shield.

"No, I can't kill them. The two guys work well together." Brother Karen frowned immediately.

Wrong situation

This ice dare to flash up and chase apparently knows that teammate Bron will keep up, it is obvious that the slightly conceding action just made Bron completely into a giant shield in front.

Bloom is not only able to have a position difference in front of him, the strong shield he raised can also block Jin Kesi's skills, that is to say, if this wave of fights is put together, the ice arrows can be no. Unstoppable attack on the little runaway loli, but the little runaway loli could not attack the ice of shallow dreams.

Even if the other person's character is better, and another crit kills Pluto, it is certain that she will kill herself before she can pass.

For a very short time, the two sides went through some inner struggles.

In the end, his younger brother Carter was only able to bite his teeth, put away the guns in his hands, and turned back with resentment.

You must sell.

If you don't sell your brother Karen, their wave will be destroyed.

Is the most undead position, Lauren Carter knows it doesn't make sense to trade with an auxiliary

"Good guy, the sales are really decisive." Yu Luosheng saw his younger brother Carter turn around and walk away, and the hand hovering over the key slowly released.

In fact, Yu Luosheng did not immediately raise his shield when he stepped forward, just to seduce his younger brother Carter to attack himself. At this time, Qianmeng a good hero stepped out of an arrow and ended up with Carter. The fight had no chance, so he sold his brother.

It would be wiser to do this, otherwise they would really die.

Qi Qianmeng didn't chase the violent little loli, and one arrow after another shot smoothly towards the hammer stone that had no way to go.

The hammer hammer couldn't hold back a few arrows at all, and was finally penetrated by an arrow, and fell at the feet of Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng.

So, this group battle shallow dream has won 3 heads

"Good" Zhou Yan could not help but shouted.

"It is worthy of dark Athena, domineering side leaks" Xie Lianda exulted for a while, and called out the nickname of Qian Meng directly, but fortunately, she was so far away that she was ashamed by the eyes of Qian Meng.

He finally "sighed out," Yu Luosheng said.

Before I met with Canada, Yu Luosheng's heart was not impossible.How can I not dominate the down road in my absolute field? Now, Qianmeng's appearance is really extraordinary.The Lauren twin brothers have to abandon the car to protect the handsome and escape.

"You can really do it. Two people killed an ice, but they didn't even force others to flash out." His brother Lauren Carter snorted coldly and poured cold water on Brown and Yue Hanlin, who had died tragically.

Brown and Yue Hanlin have nothing to say ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Especially Brown, after thinking carefully, this ice has really not even flashed, that is to say, even if they have more blood and more skills, After one cycle, I still can't kill the ice.

Is such a perverted player really a woman?

认真 "Be careful, this female player is not ordinary." Brother Karen slowly said.

Although his brother Karen is young, he is one of the team's most calm and calm. He felt that the ice was extraordinary where he played, and then she looked at the three gods outfit and team battle that almost broke the ad record in minutes. Perfect wave ...

"How is this possible? Is there really a female player in this world who has reached the professional level of our country?" Coach George was also shocked at this time.

"I think of someone," Lauren Caron said in a calm voice.

"Who?" Everyone asked. [End of this chapter]

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