Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 228: I am fascinated by you

Tamamo Mae's attitude of admitting his mistake was very sincere. Chiyo said that he reluctantly forgave the other party, but he can't do it again next time.

Looking at Chiyo who was puffed up, Yuzao stretched out his hand and stroked the other person's hair. To outsiders, this might be his brother's love for his sister, but only they themselves knew what was going on.

Everyone began to contact Police Officer Shiratori, for fear that he would die directly after becoming the next target.

Don't worry, this guy still has his own CP, and he even has to develop a love line, so he won't die so easily.

"Speaking of the CP of the police officer Shiratori, I really want to feel that the police officer Shiratori looked so cute when I was a child, and she was completely a cute little Zhengtai, but who knows it has become like this now."

The face looks scary, and the years are really a **** pig-killing knife.

Chiyo groaned while sitting in a chair in the Metropolitan Police Department's office. She was now required to stay here on standby, and she would predict the next bomb after everyone had cleared the danger of Sergeant Shiratori.

Hey, I'm sorry, but she seems to have robbed the Shinigami primary school's job this time.

If the primary school student of Reaper found the bomb according to the murderer's prompt and rescued the people around her, then she almost cut it off after the murderer installed the bomb.

Whatever you do, you must directly kill the signs in the cradle.

Due to Police Officer Shiratori, this time the Shinigami pupils also joined in.

Ah, since that's the case, there's another person who molests me.

Thinking of this, Chiyo slowly raised the corner of his mouth and waved towards Conan.

"Come on, this time it's Little Conan to invite the fox fairy with us."


For this, Little Conan refused, even very resisted.

But even if he couldn't resist it, how could a six-year-old elementary school student who was not as tall as Chiyo's waist have more strength than an old goblin who was over a thousand years old. In the end, he was still pressed in front of the table.

"Come on, come on, this time let's ask Lord Fox Immortal what will be more unlucky next time."

After saying this, Chiyo stopped suddenly, as if choking on her own saliva.


Generally speaking, it is unfortunate wherever the primary school student of death goes, and now this primary school student of death has arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department...

Damn, does that mean the bombs may not be placed in various places as in the original plot?

After struggling for a few seconds, she finally felt that after predicting this time, let Kudo Shinichi go wherever he should go, and don't wander around her.

"Then let's start~ Are you ready?"


The Shinigami pupil reluctantly opened his mouth. In fact, Chiyo didn't tell him what he said, but asked Tamamo who was standing behind him, and the other party quickly gave him an answer.

The plate trembled for a while, and finally drew a sentence on the paper.

【Ready. 】

"Yeah, Lord Fox Immortal is really naughty."

The overwhelmed Shinigami primary school student: "…"

If you have a better eye, you may have seen his soul that is about to float out.

There really is a fox fairy in this world! really have!

Omg! How scary!

After being informed of the next location, everyone went to the crime scene again, especially the Reaper primary school student who ran the fastest.

For his departure, Chiyo was about to applaud with tears in her eyes to celebrate, but don't come here, even if she is a monster, she can't stand the name of the death **** of elementary school.

"Fortunately, he's gone, otherwise the Metropolitan Police Department might have been bombed."

She was terrified.

Everyone dispatched the police to solve the bomb. In order to have someone cooperate with him and continue to invite Fox Immortal, Chiyo finally set his sights on Officer Mumu.

The police officer Mumu who was being targeted was very refusal, but his hand was directly pressed on the plate like a schoolboy of death.


Is it really okay for a little girl to have such a big hand? He, an adult male, is no better than others.

Officer Mumu suddenly felt that he was speechless to the teacher who had taught him in the police academy, but when he felt the charm of Lord Huxian, his mind was completely blank, and he would not think about other things at all.


After capturing the murderer and detonating the last bomb placed in Tedan High School, this daily case comparable to the movie version was finally solved successfully, and Chiyo also made a great contribution to this operation.

"It's nothing, it's my profession to serve the people and save the people among the fruits."

Chiyo nodded smugly, probably the only ones who were a little sorry were the Reaper and the police officer Takagi. One was to steal the former's limelight and the other was to let the latter's emotional line continue to drag back.

Sorry, she is guilty.

She glanced at Jinhei Matsuda who was discussing what to eat tonight with Aisha, and looked at Officer Sato again. She felt that if there was no such episode, Sato and Takagi would have been together. After all, this was written by Gosho Aoyama. Official CP, she doesn't have the ability to dismantle this CP.

And the most important point is that she is very fond of the official CP in the primary school students of Death!

Very tasty!

Oh, I can't say that, she still tore apart Akimi and Akai Shuichi, as well as the bad relationship between Gin and Shiho, all of which were stabbed by her from the root.

Sorry, she didn't even think she did anything wrong.

After exiting the Metropolitan Police Department, Chiyo sighed heavily into the sky.

Since Aisha and the others solved a bombing case that spanned three years, they agreed to go to a dinner together after get off work. Originally, Chiyo was also invited, but as a hard-working high school student, she is now going back to class.

Shit, this is so **** beautiful.

All five members of the police academy are still alive. Except for the three who are known to be policemen, the remaining two have all sneaked into the winery.

It's been a long time since the last time I saw Zero and Jingguang, and I don't know how the two of them have been doing recently.

After taking a few steps forward, Chiyo stopped frowning, and even put her chin on her hand in the same thinking pose as a Shinigami schoolboy.

"Juju, do you want me to send a shikigami to the winery as an undercover agent?"

"What? You say it again?"

Chiyo really thought that this guy didn't hear clearly, so he deliberately repeated his own words, but after speaking, he suddenly remembered that the other party was a big monster, and his hearing was much higher than that of ordinary people, so there was no problem of inaudibility.

It's too much, isn't it obvious to tease her here?


Chiyo stretched out an orchid finger and said something that was too much, but Tamamo before turned his head aside and stopped looking at her.

The reason why he turned his head was because he couldn't help laughing directly, but he couldn't laugh in front of the other party, otherwise the guy would be very angry.


Tamamo-mae also kindly didn't want to make Chiyo angry, but other people's dog ears are not just decorations, like this kind of laughter aimed at himself is clearly heard.


In fact, she really planned to send a Shikigami to be an undercover agent to see what was going on at the winery.

This is whether it is the Japanese public security or the CIA and FBI of the United States who have sent undercover agents, and even Mori Owai let his subordinates go in to steal information, so should she join in the fun? After all, she has so many shikigami, and she can Barely regarded as an organization, isn't it worthy to send out an undercover agent?

It's too much to look down on her, isn't it?

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that if someone wanted to go undercover among us, it seemed completely impossible."

Although they can also be called an organization, almost all of them have a contractual relationship with Chiyo. If someone licks their face and moves forward, they may be kicked away directly.

Really safe.

Unless it is the kind of shikigami that someone can easily become their family, so that they can have a chance to deceive their eyes.

No, with the strength of Shikigami, no human can attack them, and as a dog demon, she has a very good nose. If there is anything wrong with the smell, she can find it right away.

Soon Chiyo found that some people couldn't help but talk about it. She had just finished talking the day before and hadn't seen Zero Sum Jingguang for a long time, but she saw him in the coffee shop downstairs of Xiaolan's house the next day.


This is subtle.

Chiyo blinked and pretended not to know him, turned his head and tugged at the corner of Xiaolan's clothes beside him, "Hey? Why didn't I find out that there is such a handsome waiter in this cafe downstairs?"

Looking down Chiyo's line of sight, Mao Lilan saw Amuro Toru who was clamoring to worship his father as a teacher at a glance, and suddenly didn't know how to introduce him.


Before Xiao Lan could finish her words, Chiyo had already leaned over with her mobile phone, expressing that she wanted to exchange numbers with the other party to make friends.

Yep? ? ?

"Shallow summer sauce???"

No, why did this person just ask for a phone call? There is no defense at all, this is probably more efficient than Sonoko, right?

Turning her head to look at Sonoko, Xiaolan found that the frequency of this girl's **** at least dropped linearly since she had a boyfriend, otherwise it might be Sonoko who is clamoring for a phone call now.

"I don't think it's likely that Qianxia will call. Based on the reasoning of my name detective, Sonoko, that handsome guy will definitely reject her."

In the next second, the two people not far away exchanged phones, and even chatted and laughed.

Yep? ? ?

"What's the matter, is this a new clue discovered, or is it a task given to you by the winery?"

"Almost all of them, but why are you dressed like this? Are you a high school student?"

At the mention of high school students, Chiyo raised her eyebrows in delight, "That's right, I'm a high school girl in a quiet time now, and in the eyes of others, I'm still a high school girl fascinated by your beautiful beauty."


Jianggu Ling suddenly shivered all over, and at that moment he always felt as if something was poking his back several times, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Turning his head slowly, he saw Yuzao Qian standing expressionlessly not far behind him. It was obvious that the conversation between the two of them just now was clearly heard by the other party.

"No, no, don't be fascinated by me. I'm afraid I won't be able to walk out of this coffee shop."

No way, Chiyo is still going to use this relationship to get on this line completely.

"Then you have a crush on me?"



The author has something to say:

Drop Valley Zero: I still want to die, thank you

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