Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 222: The buns are not fragrant anymore!

Kudo Shinichi's psychological quality is relatively strong, and even after such a terrifying night, he didn't kneel on the ground with weak legs.

Fortunately, he survived.

Chiyo has already cleaned the battlefield over there, mainly to see if there are any missing Specters that have not been sent away.

This was originally a commission she had been bored with. Tonight, she was about to find time to come over to see what was going on. Who knew that after she came, she found out that the juvenile detective team had to come here to take risks.

"You guys are also very powerful, and the exploration directly stabbed a ghost's nest."

"Don't say it, I'm going to be **** off by those bear children now. If it wasn't for the emergency just now, I could really screw their heads off."

It's okay not to mention this, but when I mention this Saki once again spit out the fragrance and jumped with anger.


It's just a little bit so she can explain it here!

"Now I can really understand why those people want to kill them when they are facing the bear children, I just really had that thought."

"Don't worry, those children are still the main characters in the plot. If they are accidentally killed, I'm afraid the plot won't go on."

Speaking of which, Chiyo turned his head to look at the few arrogant children who survived the disaster, and suddenly laughed out a particularly disobedient voice: "Look, how cute are those children?"

"Shut up."

If she keeps saying this, she may not even know how to write "cute" in the end.

After confirming that there was nothing else in the entire villa, a few people finally walked out. Tamamo Qian had been waiting against the car door for a while. He didn't expect so many people to be here, and he was obviously stunned for a few seconds.

"It looks like it's really lively tonight."

"Can't it be lively, so lively that the villa is about to explode."

Saki hasn't recovered from the setting of the Zu'an people. It's like taking gunpowder, she will directly attack anyone she encounters, which directly gave Tamamo before a wink.

Okay, he just rushed at the other party's disgraced look, he didn't respond back on the spot, and after he went back, he would settle the account with Ibaraki Doji.

If you count the time, he hasn't discussed with each other for a long time.

Aware of Tamamo-mae's thoughts, Chiyo, who was sitting in the co-pilot, tried desperately to suppress the corners of her mouth. It seemed that Saaki had invisibly drawn a wave of hatred to her family's Ibaraki-doji. This Tamamo-mae must not be beaten. She, then she can only take out Ibaraki.

"Don't fight too hard, after all, Ibaraki still has to work to earn money."


In fact, today is also an unexpected gain. Who would have thought that in such a short night, the worldview of the primary school students of the Death God would be smashed and re-attached.

Looking back from the rearview mirror secretly, Chiyo found that compared with the other people who survived the disaster, the Reaper primary school student was much calmer. He was silently staring out of the car window, watching the fading scenery outside.

In the streets at night, there is actually nothing to see.

As if thinking of something, Chiyo suddenly turned to look at the children sitting behind the car, "Don't look out of the car window at night, or it's easy to see things you shouldn't see."


As if thinking of the blue-green face he saw on the window of the villa, Kudo Shinichi shivered for a while, then pretended to inadvertently turned his face to Chiyo and showed an innocent smile, "I see~ Thank you, Qianxia. Sister~"

"Ha ha."

Chiyo laughed, and after hearing her laugh, Kudo Shinichi shivered again.

Why do you always feel that there is something else hidden behind this smile?

After staring at each other for a few seconds, it was the Shinigami primary school student who was the first to look away.

I can't look at each other, I always feel that if I look at each other, the other party will see through all the things in my heart.

Originally, if we had to use science to explain such things as mind reading, it would only be psychology, but now it seems...

It really exists, and this kind of existence makes people feel a little scary.

Chiyo didn't know what image she was in the heart of the Shinigami primary school student. She just put the other side of the world in front of the other side, and let the child experience a colorful world.

Oh, by the way, there is also Yokohama's home as a superpower, and she can also take the other party to Yokohama to refresh the world view.

Hey, it's really exciting.

Probably really frightened, the Shinigami primary school student was silent for a long time, and even his favorite sentence [Ah Lie Lie] rarely appeared, not to mention the mantra [My name is Edogawa Conan, I'm a detective]. No place to play.

There is no way that Chiyo is now committed to saving all mankind. She can almost avoid everyday cases like that, but she doesn't seem to have any way to move forward with such a large-scale death incident in the theatrical version. After all, as a high school classmate of Maorilan, she Not everything can be so coincidentally matched with each other.

"But it's nothing. No one died in the first part, and it even made the relationship between the two people go further~"

"You are looking for a reason for your laziness! You have fallen for a good sister!"


This is not quite right. She is like playing Sims. After setting up a lot of things and settings, the next development is completely up to them. She only needs to keep things out of the way. Just do a favor when you don't plan.

"How should I put it, I found that no matter what I do, many things will follow the original plot, just like Shiho will definitely become smaller. This is an important plot point that cannot be avoided."

Speaking of which, she covered her chest a little sadly, and even stomped her feet in anger.

"Okay, don't be too sad, I think it's pretty good at this point, think about Guiwu Tsuji Wumiser, and you'll just kill him. After all, he has some influence on the operation of the world, but the little rice flower What happened to the town is not really surprising to the world."

Chiyo also knew that Saki was comforting himself, but the influence of the winery was more or less large, otherwise how could the FBI and CIA send people to sneak into the winery with all their might.

Okay, in fact, I feel that many things have gone wrong more or less here. Mingmei will not be killed by Jinjiu because of Akai Shuichi. If Jinjiu really wants to do something to Mingmei, she will definitely blow the opponent's head!

In a few days, all the characters of the plot will gather in Rice Flower Town, this death curse will definitely appear again, everyone pays more attention to safety than anything else, not to mention that Aisha is in the Police Department now, although it will not be like those of the Metropolitan Police Department. The police often appear on the scene, but the Shinigami pupil is an anime with a very high mortality rate, and even the Metropolitan Police Department will not let it go.

Look how scary this is.

The story line of Detective Conan is very long, and there are even many people who have been lurking in the winery since many years ago. In order to make all the plots of Conan clear, Chiyo spent a long time in the size of a whole wall. to sort things out on the white paper.


At this time, I really have to admire Qingshan Gangchang's brain. After so many years of serialization, I can still remember those foreshadowings of myself, and even come up with even bigger foreshadowings.


Also admired by Chiyo is the author of Black Butler, who also dug the hole for twins for many years and finally successfully filled it.

After the official announcement of the twins, she deliberately turned over the previous comics and found that there are indeed many places that imply that there are two young boys in the Phantomhain family.

Sure enough, the brains of novelists and cartoonists like this are not comparable to ordinary people.

Facing the whole wall of plots in front of him, Chiyo marked one of the points.

The plot points that were changed by her are marked in green, and although they were changed to the end according to the original plot, they are marked in red. Looking at the past, green accounted for more.

Four years ago, Shui Wulianai's father should have died, but she went out for a while and the other party was still alive. All good people must help each other.

However, according to the current plot, the little sister has not yet appeared, and now it is time for Akai Shuichi to return to Japan from the United States.


The guy is back, and she has to get ready again.

Chiyo didn't expect that she would meet Mizuna Rina on the street, and the other party was interviewing as a TV host, so she accidentally interviewed her.

"Hello, classmate, what do you think of the recent frequent murders in Mikacho?"

Yep? ? ?

Is it really okay to suddenly ask such a life-threatening question?

I didn't expect that the other party would suddenly ask such a question. Chiyo was stunned for a moment and then thought for a few seconds, "I think it's like being cursed by the **** of death. The crime rate in Mikacho is much higher than other places. I I'm already thinking about moving a house or something, so I might not be the one who died."


Chiyo answered seriously, as if she really believed in the so-called death curse, Mizuna Rina was stunned for a few seconds before she could finally pick up the next words.

"Hahahaha! This classmate's answer is really interesting. Death curses only exist in novels or movies."

Look, in fact, most people in Conan don't believe in ghosts and gods. Even though she has given re-education to the primary school students of death, there are still so many people who think she is talking nonsense.

"Well, this actually sounds like a fake. Of course, there is another possibility. For example, a mysterious organization always likes to carry out activities in Rice Flower Town, which leads to more deaths."

As a member of a mysterious organization: "..."

Mizuna Rina suddenly regretted why she wanted to randomly interview the person in front of her just now. To be honest, she stared at the other person for a few seconds and suddenly felt that this person looked strangely familiar.

She is the real-time news in the morning, and what Chiyo said here was broadcast directly to the whole country. Conan, who was having breakfast, was very fortunate to hear this answer.

Death curse?

Well, if I have to say it, it seems to be the same thing, and it seems that I am present every time a murder occurs.


and many more?

If you want to talk about the death curse, are you the one who under the curse?

After discovering the truth, Conan felt that the steamed buns in his hands were no longer fragrant.

The author has something to say:

Make up for yesterday's chapter!

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