Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 220: quite suddenly

If it wasn't for his good upbringing, Chiyo might have rushed up and smashed Koizumi's crystal ball.

Mikos and witches are inherently incapable of fighting each other, so even if they do fight, it is understandable.

That's right, but when it came time for the two of them to fight, Chiyo still endured it.

As a qualified witch, Koizumi Hongko knew the moment she saw Chiyo that this person was not simple, and the breath on her body felt as if she was on the opposite side of herself.

In fact, as long as the setting [all boys like Koizumi Koizumi] is gone, Chiyo doesn't have such a big opinion about her.

As long as Tan Ma doesn't like her, the two of them can still coexist harmoniously.

After staring at the opponent for a few seconds, Chiyo suddenly turned to look at Tamamo before, and even stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the opponent.

"Juju, are you looking straight?"

She's not angry, she's really not angry. Usually, at this time, men can't control their eyes, and they have nothing to do with good-looking girls.

It really doesn't matter.

After doing some mental construction for herself, she is still not very happy with the setting that she likes Koizumi Koizumi, especially what if the world linkage is also affected by Tamamomae?

"Well? What are you looking straight at?"

Regarding Chiyo's sudden shaking of his hand, Tamamo Mae looked at the other party with a subtle expression, "What do I need to see?"

"Compared with that girl, who of us looks better?"


I'm coming!

This kind of sending proposition is here!

As long as one accidentally answers wrong, it can really be killed on the spot.

But Tamamo Mae fully demonstrated what a textbook answer is, "Huh? Who to look at? Who else do you think I can look at with you around?"


In the past, Yuzao-mae was clearly a big monster who was sometimes arrogant and sometimes cold, but now that it suddenly appeared so greasy, it made Chiyo shiver several times.

Sure enough, whether you are a monster or a human, it will become very greasy when you get old?

Standing there and thinking for a few seconds, she really couldn't stand Tamamo before turning into a greasy uncle, and this in itself made people feel very bizarre, and this was not what the other party would say.

In order to find out what was going on, she circled around Tamamo, and she found that this person was holding a mobile phone in his hand and searching the Internet for his own problem.

[My wife suddenly asked who is better looking between herself and other girls, how should I answer this? 】


To be honest, Chiyo almost didn't laugh when he saw such a sentence appearing on the search bar.

Sure enough, Tamamo Mae is still the same Tamamo Mae before, and it's even cuter than before.


So cute, I miss it!

She stretched out her hand and touched her nose, making sure there was no nosebleed, she tugged at the corner of Yuzao's clothes in embarrassment, "Okay, I know what's going on, don't do that when you're outside in the future. cute."

[Otherwise I will not be able to control myself! 】

These words were already on the lips, and in the end they managed to hold them back, mainly because if they said it, it would be too obscene.

And the most important thing is that she doesn't want to pull such a cute Tamamo before in front of Koizumi Koizumi, just with the appearance of this big monster, it can hang everyone in the world of Conan.

Well, whether it's Kudo Shinichi or Zero or something, there's no way to compare it with their family Juju. In case this little girl is also a face control, although she has a good impression of Kuroba Kaito, but with this huge difference in appearance Inevitably not empathy.

"Today, I will do a strategic retreat first. I have to decipher the settings that Qingshan Gangchang gave her."

If it is not cracked, then both Tamamo and others will be affected by this setting.

Go something special.

No matter how much people love each other, it's not to this level, right?

Well, that's right, even she didn't make the boys all over the world like her.

Koizumi Hongzi really didn't understand why she offended this famous witch. From the very beginning, the new guy looked at her with a very hostile look. As a proud witch, she must not lose!

Just when Koizumi Hongzi was ready to fight, she found that the other party suddenly turned her head and left, as if she had never seen her before.

Yep? ? ?

what's the situation?

In fact, it is very difficult to break this setting. After all, this is the setting directly given by Aoyama Gosho, just like Kudo Shinichi has very good reasoning ability, how can she make Kudo Shinichi not reasoning in the future ?

This is estimated to be more difficult than reaching the sky.

Thinking that this might be the result, Chiyo was so angry that she locked herself in the room for a whole day.

After the world is linked, it will be a world. If even Osamu Dazai falls in love with it, then this world might as well be destroyed, which is already very strange.

After a day of retreat, Chiyo rushed out of the room and rushed to the study. There were many ancient books she had collected over the years. If she remembered correctly, there should be some records about witches. She tried to see if she could find some useful clues.

Now she really has nothing to do, except to refresh the world view for the pupils of the Shinigami every day.

Originally everything was very well arranged, and I used a lot of free time to find a way to get rid of the witch setting. As a result, Mingmei suddenly called and said that something had happened.

When she spoke, her voice was in a hurry, and it didn't seem like a trivial matter, which made Chiyo's first reaction to be whether Shiho had done those things, such as being caught by people from the winery to study drugs.

No, it stands to reason that with the protection of Shikigami, it is impossible for the winery's people to do anything.

"Did Shiho get caught?"

After thinking for a few seconds, she still asked the other party what was going on.

Mingmei on the other end of the phone finally spoke slowly after a pause for a few seconds, "It's not that he was caught, but...it got smaller."

"What? What did you say?"

Oh, even if Chiyo dragged the plot to the side with great effort, but in the end, the plot always returned to the original track in a confused way, which is very unbelievable.

Zhibao can be said to be a talented girl in drug research, which is why the people in the winery have always wanted to recruit her, and the girl herself is more interested in these things.

Presumably all geniuses compare in some way...


Mingmei stole some drugs from the winery to let Zhibao Kangkang go on. The two of them felt that this drug was the key to the winery killing their parents. The reason is that Chiyo wants to know how to remove the effect of the drug and make Kudo Shinichi change back to his original state, so the two girls start lifeless research.

When she heard this, Chiyo already felt that something was wrong, she raised her eyebrows, "So what?"

"Shiho has a very clear understanding of the drug situation. She thinks that there must be some factor in Kudo Shinichi's ability to take medicine and become smaller."

"So she ate too?"

Sorry! ! Shiho, what did you think? ! In the original plot, you took the medicine to escape the winery, how come you are now a mad scientist trying to figure out the effect of the medicine? !

When she put down the phone and rushed to Akimi's house, she saw Shiho who had turned into Ai Haibara at a glance.


The child is indeed very cute, but she is very headache now.

Why can't you think about it like that?

What to do now?

After asking Peach Blossom Demon to give Shiho a general check on his body, Chiyo started to think about what to do next after confirming that the child was just getting smaller and there were no other problems.

Shiho absolutely can't stay with Mingmei, otherwise there is no way to explain why she suddenly had a child in her family, and the most important thing is that if the winery knows that taking medicine can make her smaller, then even the death of elementary school students will be in danger. .

"That's all there is to it."

Since the plot must return to its original track, she will help.

After finding a very dirty white coat for Shiho, and looking for a certain rainy day in the weather forecast, Chiyo sent the girl directly to Dr. Agasa's door.

"It's time to show off your acting skills! Come on, Shiho!"

"...Miss Chiyo, do you think Kudo Shinichi would be so easy to deceive?"

"Don't worry, this is Qingshan's setting, he must accept it."


Chiyo felt that it was safer to be with Dr. Ali, so he threw the little girl at the door on a rainy night according to the plot, and explained all her words by the way.

Damn, she still couldn't strangle the pair of CPs who suddenly appeared in the cradle.

A week later, a girl named Haibara Ai was transferred to Saki's class, and the girl showed a strong interest in Edogawa Conan on the day she was transferred.

Saki, as one of the onlookers in the front row, laughed out loud.

I really didn't expect that the good show on her side was so exciting, and she almost gave Haihara Ai a thumbs up.

【You are really good! good job! 】

The number of people who refreshed the world view for Shinigami elementary school students has grown again!

Hearing Saki's description, Chiyo let out a tragic laugh.

"The current situation is probably that all of us know that Shinichi Kudo is the primary school student of Death, but he thinks we don't know."

Thinking about it this way, this child is actually quite miserable. I think that I have concealed it well, but in fact...

Wow, what a miserable child.

Although he said that the child is miserable, Chiyo has always done a very good job in pitting the other party.

Now Chiyo's task is a bit heavy, breaking the setting, pitting Conan, and saving lives.

All three tasks take a lot of time and cannot be done overnight.

It's okay, these can be taken slowly, anyway, no matter which one is a good deed.

But fortunately, there are many ancient books in Chiyo, and it is true that this setting about the witch is revealed. This thing only needs her to draw a magic circle on the ground to break it, and the rescuer at the back only needs to follow the death of the primary school student. Anyway, as long as he goes, the murder will happen next, and she only needs to find an opportunity when she arrives at the scene of the crime.

It is talking about reshaping the world view for Conan, but this guy has always looked at the world from a scientific perspective, and it is really not easy to achieve his wish.

Maybe God couldn't see it and wanted to help Chiyo. There are six children in this juvenile detective team, three of them are fake children, but whether it is Saki, Shiho or Kudo Shinichi, in the end, they are all caught by those three. A real kid was dragged around.

Children are all adventurous. After hearing about supernatural events, they will be eager to try it out. It is not that such a thing has never happened before. It is usually artificial to scare others. What a ghost.

Well, it's a real ghost, very real.

And there's more than one.

Conan: It's quite...sudden.

The author has something to say:


Chiyo: Isn't the thorn exciting?

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