Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 217: Grim Reaper

Chiyo's favorability toward Gin can be said to have plummeted. She just felt that the other party was plotting against Shiho, otherwise it was impossible for this guy to target Shiho when there was no such plot?


She didn't believe that the other party really cherished talents.

Bah Bah Bah!


If it wasn't for Mingmei sitting across from her, she might have just slapped it out.

Sure enough, this talent is a talent. In the original plot, Zhibao was a very outstanding person in scientific research. The winery kept her because she was of great value.

It seems that the process of making the drug is not very smooth.

After so many years of torture, the winery is not as powerful as it used to be, and even its power in Japan has shrunk by half, not to mention how miserable it is.

Chiyo doesn't care about what's going on in Europe, but there are also Hong Kong underworld forces there.

If the winery in the original plot was a big cock, then the current winery is a small quail.

Her pleasure is to look at quails, and even think that quail eggs are not bad.

"It's okay, they can't just tie Zhibao directly..."

Originally, Chiyo wanted to comfort Mingmei, but she suddenly realized something. The winery may not force Shiho to do anything, but it is very likely that she will use Mingmei's personal safety to threaten her!

Damn, this is really something that cute baby Gin will do.

Oh hell.

She expressed her opinion to Mingmei, who was silent for a few minutes, and then said melancholy, "Actually, I feel the same way, but I have reached this position and may soon find the murderer of my parents. "

Mingmei is still thinking about revenge. As long as she gets revenge, she will leave the organization.

This is not an easy thing to take revenge or to break away from the organization, the latter is even more difficult.

The decision to kill the Miyano couple was made by the owner of the winery behind the scenes, and it was one of his subordinates who did it. Aoyama didn't describe too many members of the winery, and Chiyo didn't have any impression of this person, but since the words have already said this. It's up to you, let's just say it.

"Isn't it just revenge? I can't help you catch the boss behind the scenes, but those who did it can."


Mingmei watched Chiyo make a phone call, and then took herself to a coffee shop, followed the stairs of the coffee shop to a basement, opened the door of the basement, and saw several men **** with five flowers.


Something flashed in his mind, and Akimi looked at Chiyo in surprise, and found that the other party was just yawning in a bored way.

She had already guessed that these people were the ones who killed her parents. At that moment, she felt that a fire rushed from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, and even the roots of her hair stood up.

The people who killed her parents were right in front of her eyes, these guys didn't deserve to die!

"I've brought you the people, and it's up to you to deal with it yourself."

Speaking of which, Chiyo handed Akemi a silencer gun. This girl only needs to be responsible for killing people, and she is responsible for helping with the rest.

It was Akemi's first time to kill someone. Her hand holding the gun and the gun kept shaking. The frequency and magnitude of the shaking made Chiyo feel that not only could she not pull the trigger, but she might not be able to hold the gun directly.

After shaking for about ten seconds, she suddenly returned the gun to Chiyo, "I think it's too cheap for them to die like this. It's better to hand them over to the police to get the punishment they deserve."


Emmmm, this is as she guessed right, no matter what Mingmei turns into, she can't actually do it.

"Well, the police will definitely be very happy to catch the people in the black organization."

So these gangsters were finally sent directly to the gate of the police station, along with a drug den of a winery.

This took down a drug dealer, drug den, and captured important members of the winery. Chiyo was considered a great contribution, and the police even wanted to award her the honorary title of a good citizen.

You can pull it down, don't fix these stupid things, and get the winery over quickly is the point.

The winery has suffered heavy losses. The dealers, drug dens, and spots are an important capital chain for them. Now that they are brought up, they will be brought up. The factory is almost too poor to open the pot. Who has the spare time to follow Miyano Shiho?

The little girl was safe for the time being, but Chiyo suddenly came up with the idea of ​​making the other party smaller. Since she was already being targeted, it would be better to make her smaller directly, so that even if she walked under her nose, there would be no problem.

Her idea was rejected only for a moment, and in the end she could only arrange for Yingcao to follow her.

Firefly grass is really good, and it can breastfeed and beat. Anyone who doesn't have eyes is not going to be hammered to death by Dandelion.

Mingmei is already preparing for leaving the organization. This Akai Shuichi can break away from the organization through suspended animation, so why can't others, this suspended animation is not his patent.

In fact, for Mingmei, this winery is not much different from gathering with old friends. At first, she had a relationship with Shuichi Akai, but she became a member of the organization after discovering the other party. , but at the moment when she saw the zero sum scene, she could not wait to turn her head to find the time machine.

The winery is afraid that there are not many bottles of real wine.

The matter between the Miyano sisters has been resolved here. As a CP fan, Chiyo really wanted to join in the fun at the amusement park, but it was a rare candy for the two of them, and Xiaolan didn't see much new after that. One, she decided not to just look at the light bulb from afar.

"You look like a stalker."

Tamamo before squinted at Chiyo who was sitting next to him. They were sitting in the Ferris wheel at the moment. Chiyo held a telescope in his hand and stared at Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan who were queuing to play the roller coaster.

This is indeed a true love fan, even if it is so far away, he can clearly find the location of the other party and follow him with a telescope at all times.

"There's no way, this is a rare candy. I have to be full no matter what. It's very difficult to see two people in the same frame after this."

"Didn't you say that without the Miyano Shiho Black Organization, that kind of medicine that makes people smaller can't be made?"

The question in front of Tamamo made Chiyo put down the telescope and frowned for a few seconds, and finally sighed heavily, "That's not necessarily, this is a big plot point. It will definitely repair itself and bring the plot back to its original track."

In other words, even if the medicine pops out of the crack in the stone, it will definitely appear.

Sure enough, when they walked to the gate of the playground, they only saw Maurilan walking out of it alone, and Kudo Shin, who was beside him, didn't know where he ran to early in the morning.

It's over, it's sure that the Shinigami pupils will appear soon.

In fact, Chiyo really wanted to kick the gin that Kudo Shinichi poured into medicine, but this is a very big plot point, and she seems to have no way to avoid it no matter what.

Congratulations, the next is the plot of the primary school student of death.

"Mochizuki-san, are you also coming to the playground to play?"

"Yeah, Maori-san, are you coming to the playground too? What a coincidence."

In order to show that she was also here to play at the playground, she brought Tamamo before with her aunt.

Originally, most of the playgrounds were young couples or families, and the Ferris wheel was also mainly for couples. Originally, Yuzao Qian was very happy that two people could come to the playground once, but I didn’t expect that there would be another Cheng Yao. Gold is there.

At the moment before seeing SP Tamamo, the main body Tamamo almost wanted to bite someone, and finally had to take a few deep breaths and let the other party follow behind them, and fortunately, the seats in many projects are paired , he can sit with Chiyo, and as for that guy, he is beautiful by himself.

The small abacus in front of Yuzao was completely overturned when he saw the Ferris wheel, and it was not a problem for four people to sit in the Ferris wheel.


He first let Chiyo with the binoculars walk in, then he stopped directly at the door and motioned SP Tamamo before to go to another small box beautifully alone.

The aunt who felt targeted: "..."

At this moment, the aunt's eyes are very lonely. If anyone sees his expression, they can't wait to come forward to comfort him. It turns out that there are indeed other girls who are eager to try, but in the end, the aunt did not give them a single look. The small box of the next Ferris wheel did not give other people any chance at all.

Chiyo, who was staring at Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan with his binoculars wholeheartedly, must not know what happened between the two, and it was only now that she suddenly felt that something was wrong between the two.

Staring at the two of them strangely, she finally put her eyes on Maori Lan again, "Maori classmate is a playground?"

"No, I came with Xinyi, and that guy didn't know where he went."

Although the little girl said something to complain about people, her tone sounded like the kind of shyness between lovers.

No couple is innocent when a dog dies.

Looking at the clothes on the other side, Chiyo sighed.

Please remember that Mao Lilan is wearing almost winter clothes now, and she wore spring, summer, autumn and winter clothes in more than 1,000 episodes of Conan, but the time has not really passed a year.

The time in the world of Conan is probably based on Qingshan, and he thinks it is as long as it takes.

Sending Maurilan back home, Chiyo and his triplets were walking on the path home when they happened to see Kudo Shinichi in front of Dr. Agasa's house, who had shrunk. At that moment, the four of them were Eight eyes are opposite.





Looking at the Shinigami primary school student, Chiyo slowly raised the corners of his mouth, "This kid... looks familiar."


At this moment, Kudo Shinichi was almost scared to scream on the spot. He could even feel his heartbeat was about to break through 200, but he had to pretend to be calm on the surface.

Chiyo didn't say anything else, just looked at him with a smile, after all, this guy is full of loopholes.

"Children are not big, why are they wearing such big clothes?"


Kudo Shinichi licked his lips, and finally jumped up and pressed the doorbell of Dr. Agasa's house, "Hahahaha! Because I prefer to wear big clothes~"

"Well, it's quite big. It's three times as big as you."


The author has something to say:

Chiyo: Hey hey hey! Suddenly a little excited!

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