Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 215: Xinlan CP! !

Does anyone have a gift for someone else that is their accidental life insurance?

This in itself makes people feel very wrong. It is like preparations made before killing people. Not only killing people but also getting a lot of property, this is really a very perfect ending.

"Don't think too much, sister, I just think that if you die, you can still die."



This is really how God died.

However, this insurance has already been bought, and it cannot be refunded now. Saki feels that she can only live well in order to be worthy of the insurance Chiyo bought herself.

"Don't worry, sister. I will never die, I must live well."

"It's really good to live well. If nothing else happens, you might even be classmates with the Shinigami elementary school students, and it's very likely that you will replace Shiho as a member of the Detective Boys."

"No, no! I definitely don't!"

She really didn't want to get too close to the primary school student of Death, and when she accidentally got involved in the plot, there would be any danger to her life, and she would really cry.

Chiyo threw himself into the protagonist group just like that, did he really want his accident insurance to work earlier!

"Don't do this, I just show you Yukiko's cute son, that big-headed kid is really cute."

"...I don't want to see thank you, no matter how cute I am, I am not as cute."


Damn, this person is really shameless, to say that no one is cuter than her?

"Bah! I am the cutest, there is no one cuter than me in this world!"

Chiyo was unhappy at that time, and said that he was the cutest person in his voice.

"No! I'm the cutest!"

"it's me!!"

Two thousand-year-old girls are talking about who is the cutest here. This is a scene that happens almost every day. Others have long been used to it.

As long as they don't leave this deadly question to them, everything will be easy.

After arguing about who looks the best, the two began to discuss what to eat for the evening, as if the two of them had never had such a blushing debate before.

But no matter how arguing the two of them were, in the end, they continued to eat and drink like no one else. They have been together for more than a thousand years. How can ordinary people be together for such a long time?

Just ask who else?

"This is how we are working together. After so many years together, the other party's morality has long been clear. It couldn't be clearer."

She spent more than 500 years covering Naruo half-heated, so what else would she be afraid of?

Looking around at the shikigami present, she felt that she no longer needed to summon the shikigami, for fear that if the one who summoned the shikigami was Kiwu Tsuji Wumai, then she would most likely be doing something like a thunderbolt. Have to kill each other.

The feud between her and Kiwu Tsuji is truly undeniable.

"Okay, now all the preparations are almost done. Next, we will officially settle in Didan High School, and everyone must play their roles well."

Chiyo clapped her hands and sent everyone's character scripts down. She bought several houses near Kudo's new family before, and she deliberately opened up all of them, just to make it easier for everyone to live together.

At the beginning, the decoration of Jingling Sugar Palm made Kudo Shinichi very curious to join in the fun. After all, this was the first time he saw someone buying all the surrounding villas.

In fact, Chiyo is more concerned about where to start, whether it is to transfer before Kudo Shinichi becomes small or after, if he transfers after that, the goal seems to be too obvious.

However, what is basically certain now is that Zhibao will not become smaller and become Huiyuan Ai. She is an unswerving Xinlan party. At first, she couldn't understand the sudden appearance of Ke Ai CP. In the end, she felt that as long as the two sides did not compete Relatively at least they can still get along peacefully. After all, Conan will definitely change back to Shinichi in the end, and the other party has always had Xiaolan in their hearts. This is what love should be like.

It's not that she disrespects other CP parties, but please also respect the CP she eats. At first, I thought the two could coexist peacefully, but there are always people who should give their brains to the hot pot restaurant to make trouble, which led to her successful incarnation on the Internet. Anren began to breathe out the fragrance.

Well now, no one is a cp party except her, she can eat here with integrity, and the most important thing is that Shibao or Shibao did not become Haibara Ai at all, at least before Chiyo entered Tedan High School She has always felt that way.

Didan High School is not the only high school in Mihua Town, but as long as the case happens on the campus of a high school, then the **** definitely happened in Didan. If it wasn't for Aoyama who thought it was not good to just die a high school student, it is estimated that Didan would not have many survivors. .

What did the principal do wrong? Didn't he just take in Kudo Shinichi, and let him suffer such pain?

Shiho was assigned to another high school, and almost never appeared in the plot of the elementary school student of the Shinigami, so there was no plot. She is now in her third year of high school and is about to go to college, and Chiyo doesn't want to have anything to distract her.

To be admitted to a good university, then to find a good job, and not to have anything to do with the winery in her life, this is her greatest wish, and she has fulfilled her promise to the Miyano couple.

The next day was the legendary transfer, Chiyo was still a little excited, but she was even more excited that it wasn't Tamamo before who had changed from being a boy to a high school student.

"Ahhhhhhh!! I can!!"

Standing in the living room, Chiyo let out a piercing scream, and then felt a little hot in her nose.


Before the heat rushed out of her nose, she had already rushed into the bathroom with her nose covered.

She must not bleed her nose in front of so many people. Although she is thick-skinned, she still wants to be shameless! !

"Hahahahaha!! I said sister, you are too embarrassing? Why can't you hold your breath?"

Saki, who was also standing in the living room, laughed madly at Chiyo's behavior, and even made a pig cry at the end.

"Sister, don't be there. In a few days, you are also going to study at Didan Primary School, and I will count, you will soon meet the legendary Death God Primary School!!"


Saki stretched out her hand to cover her chest, walked slowly to Ibaraki Doji and cried, "Ibaraki, look! Chiyo is bullying me!!"


Ibaraki suddenly felt a little headache.

After wiping off the nosebleed and coming out of the bathroom, Chiyo once again saw the teenage version of Tamamo before, and quickly shifted her gaze to the side and took a few deep breaths. She can't look directly at Tamamo for too long now, otherwise she will easily lose her face.

"Chiyo, I have something to tell you."


It was SP Tamamo before who was talking, and he had not come out to interact with him for a long time, which made Chiyo almost forget that he had an aunt.

"What's wrong, auntie?"


I'm sorry, I'm afraid it's not easy to change this title, mainly because it's easy to get confused if this thing is called a big name.

Yuzaoqian is also Yuzaoqian, and my aunt is also Yuzaoqian, so I ask how this thing is divided!

Taking advantage of the fact that no one else was paying attention, the two walked to the balcony and began to whisper, just like they were wearing a cuckold for Tamamo-mae.

It's me who is cuckolding myself, which is also a very delicate experience.

"What's wrong, auntie?"

Auntie is really beautiful, Tamao has rarely had long hair before, but Auntie has always had long hair, and she is also a big girl in women's clothing, Chiyo felt that if she looked at each other for a long time, she would blush .

Fanning the same style of folding fan in front of Tamamo, my aunt said, "I suddenly want to experience the life of a high school student."

"What? What did you say?"

Chiyo's eyes were like copper bells, and she looked at each other in disbelief.

No, what do these mean?

She has always been a very generous sorceress, and she will grant the wishes of ordinary shikigami herself, as long as the wishes are not too outrageous.

Just like Jiu Tun said that she wanted to eat barbecue until dawn, then she really set up a barbecue for the other party and ate it until morning, and Yaqi Orochi said that she wanted to taste the shrine maiden, and finally she was beaten into a small snake... …

There are many such examples, but she didn't expect that her aunt would suddenly bring this up.

what's going on?

From twins to triplets?

Otherwise, Tamamo-mae and sp Tamamo-mae will be twins, and she will be beautiful by herself.

Chiyo's expression became very subtle, and her inner drama was very full. At this moment, she had already complained about all the things she wanted to complain about.

Although she complained so much, she really had no reason to refuse. This seemed to be a rare request from her aunt. If she really wanted to experience the life of a high school student, she couldn't stop her.

"Okay, we haven't transferred schools anyway, why don't we discuss it with them?"

The result of the discussion was that Saki once again made a pig-like smile, "Hahahaha! No, two people are called serious twins. I said sister, what are you?"

"That's why I'm beautiful by myself."

In fact, Chiyo is mainly afraid of Tamamo-san's disagreement. After all, the two are rivals in love to some extent, and they are very deadly rivals in love. Such an opportunity to be alone will never be left to others.


Yep? ? ! !

Did this guy agree?

He didn't say anything and just agreed? !

Chiyo's eyes stared like a pair of copper bells again. She looked at Tamamo before with a shocked expression, and found that the other party was already contacting her aunt to get a fake identity.

No, is it really good to agree so easily? You must know that she had been uneasy for a long time just now, and it was solved like this?

"Otherwise, what else do you want to do? Our foreign relations are brothers and sisters. We can't have a German orthopaedic department outside? What we want to show is the deep friendship between brothers and sisters."


Damn, **** **** brother and sister love.

So it's still two people's family, she is beautiful alone, only the three of them stand together, and a fool will think it's triplets.

Just ask!

Why are the two people in the triplets almost identical? And the other one looks like what a thing! There is no place that looks alike!


Explain to her! !

Before this reason came out, Chiyo and the others were already standing on the podium.

It's a bit unreasonable for the triplets to transfer into the same class at the same time, so Chiyo rushed into the Reaper class by herself.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mochizuki Asaka, please give me more advice."

Xinlan CP here I come! ! !

The author has something to say:

Ah ah ah ah ah! !

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