Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 210: A bunch of police

After Saki was reincarnated, not only did Chiyo cry for raising her own children, but she herself rolled her eyes several times with anger.

She finally grew to that big, and now she's **** back to before liberation!

She hates! !

Thinking of this Saki crying out, it was a heartbreaking cry, Chiyo directly put the child in his arms into the arms of Ibaraki Doji.

"This is your CP, I leave it to you, Ibaraki, I think you have done a very good job in taking care of the children."

Accidentally glanced at Saki's resentful eyes, and Chiyo took her back with a guilty conscience, "Forget it, things like changing diapers are still up to me, I think it's better to be ashamed in front of my sisters than to be ashamed of someone I like. ."

What is a sister?

Sisters can embarrass each other in front of each other, but this ugly appearance must not be seen by the people they like.

Let Ibaraki Doji change diapers? It's really better to just kill her.

"Heh, it's already like this, but you're still picking and choosing."

Although Chiyo complained about Saki, she still helped the other party to change her diaper.

No way, who let them both be Jimei.

This year is also a relatively big year. Saki was born, the police academy quintet graduated, and Mingmei is also preparing to take the university entrance examination. These are all memorable days, at least it seems to be the case in Chiyo.

Not long after graduation, Kenji Hagihara died in an EOD operation. From then on, the five-member group seemed to have been cursed in some way, and they died one by one.

I am afraid that the worst is not Air Date. Everyone else was killed or shot while doing the task. Only he died accidentally because of a car accident.

Wait, the worst one seems to be Jingguang? Suicide because of identity exposure?

Thinking of Chiyo reaching out to cover her chest, she suddenly couldn't breathe.

Okay, the old thief in Qingshan considers you to be very powerful.

Sitting on the chair mechanically rocking the cradle in front of her, she began to talk to herself about what to do next, and she didn't think about any substantial advice the other party could give her anyway.

"So next, I will focus on Yan Er. He will explode in a short time. Aisha is still studying at the police academy. From this perspective, I can only do it myself."


Saki spit out a mouthful of saliva, and Chiyo could only take out a handkerchief and wipe the guy's mouth, "You mean the Miyano couple? I don't think the winery has bothered them recently, and the clinic's business has been good. There should be no problem, not to mention that the firefly grass is still in the clinic, the winery will not be so thoughtless and direct."

"Puff puff!"

Looking at Saki who started spitting again, Chiyo thought for a few seconds, and almost didn't put the handkerchief in his hand directly into the guy's mouth.

Is there something wrong with this guy? What are you doing here all the time spitting?

In fact, Chiyo feels that he has already solved all the incentives for Miyano and his wife to join the winery, so there should be no unexpected things, but the winery is different from Hong Kong black after all, and the people of the winery are for the purpose. play hard.

[If you can't get it, then just destroy it. 】

Therefore, the true face of the winery is actually a sick girl.



Akimi was admitted to university, and Miyano and his wife planned to temporarily close the clinic for a period of time and travel to Hokkaido with their two children.

Before the departure, the family of four was happy, but the brakes failed on the national road, and the whole car directly hit the oncoming vehicle. Miyano and his wife died on the spot, while Akimi and Shiho were injured to varying degrees.


Chiyo was very calm when she heard the news, at least she didn't blow up on the spot.

"I'm going to find a ghost lamp. Good people like Miyano and his wife will probably be reincarnated directly."

She was lucky enough to meet them when they were about to step into the gates of hell.


She had already guessed Chiyo's identity, and it wasn't surprising to see her Elena in such a place, and she didn't even appear very surprised.

"I'm sorry, if I could have predicted that the winery would do this, I would never let them succeed."

"Actually, it's not your fault, Miss Chiyo, ah, should I call you Miss Chiyo? Actually, you've already helped us a lot."

Elena just suspected Chiyo's identity at first, guessing whether the other party was human, and then by chance she found a portrait of the big monster Tamamo before, so she guessed that the other party might have something to do with the witch Chiyo.

If it was the Miko Chiyo, then she should be able to entrust the two children to each other's care...

"Don't worry, I will protect Mingmei and Shibao, and I will blow up the winery."

Speaking of which, she thought of the rotten peach blossoms around Akemi and Shiho, and suddenly laughed, "I won't let the scumbag hurt them both."


Of course go straight.

Chiyo is very calm now. She calmly sent the Miyano couple to the gate of hell. If there is no accident, they will be reincarnated again in a short time, hoping to be reincarnated again and stay away from right and wrong.

How calm she is now, how crazy she will be to blow up some of the piers and warehouses of the winery.

"Since it is in Hokkaido, then directly pull out the winery's influence in Hokkaido."

With such a simple sentence, Mori Ogai, who is almost fifty years old, has successfully taken over the sphere of influence of the entire Hokkaido.

"It's my fiftieth birthday present for you."

"Miss Chiyo, according to your current posture, you are going to give me the whole of Japan when I am sixty years old? But I think Yokohama is more suitable for me."

Mori Ogai found an opportunity to express another wave of Yokohama, but Chiyo didn't seem to hear such an affectionate confession, and she went directly around the other party a few times.

Ten years ago in Wenhao's episode, this guy was already in his thirties, and the corners of his eyes were already wrinkled. Now that ten years have passed, even if this guy has kept himself very well, but...

"Rintaro, you have gray hair."


I just made an affectionate confession, and I haven't recovered from the confession. The other party's sudden unpleasant sentence almost made Sen Owai choked on his own saliva.

Why is this person like this? !

"It's no wonder that you and President Fukuzawa are not married at all. You think Yokohama is a lover. If Yokohama is missed by so many people, I will definitely tremble."

Rei Furuya also said that Japan is his lover, so they are still rivals in love, but Mori Owai already has white hair and must compete, but Rei Furuya is still in his prime.

She glanced at Alice, who had been drawing crayons for ten years and had yet to make any progress. She sighed heavily and then took out a bottle of hair dye and placed it in front of Mori Owai, "This hair dye is very soft, it won't work. Stimulating the scalp I think you'll use it."


Mori Ogai stared at the hair dye in front of him with a very subtle look for a few seconds, and said very politely, "I think this kind of thing will be useful for Fukuzawa."

"Don't worry, if you have it, he will have it. You are just using this thing at your age. I found that the two of you really like competition. Is it more powerful than who has more white hair? I have prepared hair dye for you all these years. , I'll have to send a wig in a few years."


Mori Owai, who was still quite tough, stretched out his hand to cover his chest. He was a little unsure if he had been given a heart attack by this guy.

Too harsh.

Chiyo is a person who does what he says. Since he said that he will send hair dye to Fukuzawa Yukichi, he will definitely deliver it.

So when she ran to the Butei Club with hair dye, it can be said that she was warmly welcomed. The old members of the Butei Club for ten years were still there, but many new members were added.

Looking around, she didn't see Dazai's figure, and she didn't seem to know where she was running.

Except for Oda Tsukuru, who is already married, everyone in the Butei Club is still single, which makes her feel that it will be called a single club in the future.

"Kosuke is graduating from the police academy tomorrow, is he going to go directly to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department?"

That's right, Kosuke, who wanted to be a mafia when he was a child, finally got into the police academy, and the worst thing was that he happened to be in the same grade as Aisha.

If possible, Chiyo doesn't really want this child to stay in the Metropolitan Police Department. Even if he goes to the Metropolitan Police Department, he must not be responsible for the area of ​​Mikacho, which is a place cursed by death.

"I can't say for sure. Children will have their own ideas when they are older."


No, why do I feel more and more like Oda Tsukuru like an old father? Sure enough, whether it was ten years ago or ten years later, he played the role of an old father.

This time, Chiyo just came to deliver a hair dye, so she didn't stay here for too long. She also needed to go to the hospital to see the sisters, Akemi and Shiho, who were both injured to varying degrees in the car accident.

This pair of sisters is really miserable. The original plot is much more miserable than it is now. Akimi was used by Akai Shuichi and was deceived by her feelings. Zhibao was also targeted by Jinjiu.


What a miserable two children.

After learning of the death of her parents, Akimi first burst into tears, then wiped away the tears on her face and looked at Chiyo firmly.

She knew that she couldn't fall. She still had a twelve-year-old sister waiting to be taken care of by herself. No matter what, she couldn't fall at this time.

"I still have Shiho, so I must not fall, but I must avenge my parents' revenge."

"What? What did you say?"

Chiyo looked at Mingmei in disbelief. She didn't quite believe that this was what the other party would say. She had to know that this girl was actually quite a gentle person, so how could she say something to take revenge.

"When you say revenge, you mean..."

"I want to join that organization."



Sister! You think clearly! In the original plot, you had no choice but to join that organization. In the end, you still thought about leaving the organization and living a good life with your boyfriend and sister. Why did you suddenly join the organization instead of playing cards according to the routine! !

I'm afraid this is not a brain hit? Or was it transcended?

"Since my parents were killed by people from the Black Organization, I absolutely can't just pretend that I don't know anything and continue to live."

Chiyo raised her eyebrows and said her question, "So your current idea is to join the black organization, and then think of their boss to kill each other directly?"

Oh, you're thinking about farting.

The author has something to say:

I want to start the second one! ! ! Ahhh! ! I don't want to write anymore! !

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