Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 206: come, call daddy

Saki is the only one in the entire team who is human, but she is bound to the Maiyashiki family, and she will be born again in their family every time she goes to bed, at least for the past five hundred years.

Under the leadership of Conan elementary school students, the crime rate and death rate have always been very high, but who would have thought that this would come directly to Saaki's head.

"She's still young! She's only nineteen!"

Chiyo screamed after hearing the news, she couldn't have imagined that such a thing would happen, and as a result...

As a result, Saki was murdered, and the murderer was found out by Kudo Yusaku who was present.


Why did she feel that Saki was being used as a tool this time?

Chiyo was actually very sad when his sister was accidentally killed, and so was Ibaraki Doji. If someone hadn't stopped him, he might have killed the murderer directly, but they didn't reveal it very clearly, at least not so obvious compared to Yukiko.

Yukiko was already crying out of breath. She really looked like she had lost her most important friend. The most important thing was that she didn't know that Saki was not dead and would be resurrected in the near future.

Looking at the farce in front of her, Chiyo sighed heavily, "I think the most important thing Saki cares about her death is that she has finally grown up. This time she has to read the file again, she may want to kill her. her people."

Coincidentally, this time the murderer kept saying that he was out for revenge.

Oh, it's that little chubby dude when she was in kindergarten, she thought it was Saki who killed their family, so she came to kill Saki after so many years.

It seems that he felt that he had avenged his revenge, and Little Fatty looked very happy, which made Chiyo look at him with a foolish look.

"Okay, let him be happy for a while, and when Saki grows up, let's visit him and let him see what it's like to see the people he killed come back to life."

Chiyo was also very angry, but compared to getting angry enough to kill this person, she felt that mental attack was more important.

Let him live first, but he must not live well.

Tamamo-mae was still comforting Ibaraki-doji, who was on the verge of being irritable, and even SP Ibaraki was helping to speak. Everyone was afraid that this guy would throw a ghost gourd at him.

On the other hand, Chiyo really went to the hospital to see Saki for the last time. What's strange is that this time Saki's soul didn't seem to be in a hurry to reincarnate, but stayed in this body for a while. When Chiyo rushed over, she could even feel it. to the fluctuations from the opponent's soul.

This is definitely not for the ghost lights to take away, but even she can't figure out why it stayed for a while.

But what is certain is that Saki has gone to the maternity house and reincarnated, and now it depends on whether anyone in their family wants to have children.

The murderer caught and claimed the body, and the next step was to hold a funeral for Saji.

To be honest, Chiyo wanted to laugh when it came to the funeral. They didn't know how many funerals they had done for Saji over the years, and they were already familiar with it.

Ah, isn't it bad to describe it with ease? Shouldn't they be so skilled?

Everything needed for the funeral was quickly prepared, and even the cemetery chose a place with excellent feng shui.

At the beginning, Chiyo bought a large piece of the cemetery on purpose, just to prepare it for Saki. Next to her tombstone was the tombstone set up by the guy she died before.

In other words, this cemetery was completely contracted to 4 Saki.

Others are contracting fish ponds, and Chiyo is contracting cemeteries, which is not at the same level in terms of combat effectiveness.

The funeral started at eight o'clock the next morning. Before that, Chiyo took a look at the little fat man who was locked up. The sentence for him has not yet been decided, but it is estimated that the time in prison will not be short.

"Hahahaha! I killed her! I will make you suffer for the rest of your life."


Chiyo looked at him with the look of a big idiot, and said something to this man after thinking about it.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I'll see you again in a few days, with Saki."

Little Fatty was stunned for a few seconds, and finally realized that something was wrong. He was lying on the opposite side of the glass with wide eyes, "Impossible! She has already been killed by me! You must be crazy! She can't be anymore. Come back to life! She's dead!"

Looking at Little Fatty, who was a little nervous, Chiyo's expression became a little subtle. She didn't admit what the other party said, but she didn't deny it either.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your parents."

"What are you going to do to them?! If you hurt them, I'll kill you!!"

Leaving an intriguing smile, Chiyo slowly turned around and left, of course she wanted to [take good care of] this person's parents, [thanks] they educated such a son.

Knowing this, she should have been their family directly from the very beginning.

A lot of people came to Saki's funeral the next day. In addition to the dozens of people she had known for more than a thousand years, the rest were her friends and classmates who had been studying for so many years.

Everyone was crying at the funeral, Chiyo looked around and finally pulled Yuuki, who cried the most, aside.

"Yukiko, Saki doesn't want you to be so sad. She will definitely live well in heaven. This is our sad place, so after the funeral, you will move out of Mihua Town. You will take good care of yourself in the future."

She portrayed the image of a grief-stricken sister after losing her sister to the fullest, and it is reasonable that she does not want to stay in this sad place after losing her sister.

Thinking that the other party would actually comfort her at such a time, Yukiko cried even louder, making her cry.

Chiyo opened her mouth and didn't know what to say to the other party. The key point was that she really didn't know how to comfort the other party.

Forget it.

With a sigh, she felt that she could only use time to erase the pain. She really didn't expect Saki to die unexpectedly.

"Life is always full of surprises, and no one knows which tomorrow or the accident will come."

This was the last thing Chiyo said to Yukiko as [Sister Saki]. The next day they temporarily moved out of the original house, and Aisha almost didn't blow up.

Originally, she had just transferred to the elementary school in Yokohama from Rice Flower Town a few months ago. Now she has not decided what to study after returning, and she has to continue to leave?

It's too much, it's too much.

"The specialty of Rice Flower Town is all kinds of dead people. Even if the primary school students of the Shinigami do not appear now, this specialty will always be there. Your aunt Saki is a good example."

They had never encountered any accidental death before, but now they have just returned from Yokohama to Rice Flower Town, and reality has dealt a heavy blow to them.

"If you have to say it, Aunt Saki is actually the most dangerous. None of us are afraid of death. Only Aunt Saki is the most afraid of this kind of thing by human beings."


It can be said to be very distressing.

Before Saki stayed in Rice Flower Town for so many years, there was nothing to do. It is very likely that the plot has not yet officially started. Now Yukiko has fallen in love with Kudo Yusaku, and soon the Shinigami primary school students will go out and start with this Rice Flower Town. Death mode, right?

"If this is the case, then we have to be farther apart from the beginning."

"Grandma, did you forget to change the plot? Shiho and Akemi are both here."


This Aisha is indeed worthy of her bloodline, she is indeed a little fox, and successfully made Chiyo choked directly.

"Okay, you're amazing."

In the end, Chiyo took the people to another district, which was only one block away from Meikacho, so that he could stay away from the specialties of Meikacho without being too far away from the other party.

Isn't this beautiful?

Half a year after they moved out, Yukiko got married and quit the entertainment industry, and Kudo Washing Machine was about to debut.

He's coming he's coming! He came with the curse of death!

The place where Chiyo moved this time is very close to Miyano's hospital, and he only needs to walk across the road to reach the other party's hospital.

Ever since Kudo Shinichi was born, there has been no cessation in this town, either an explosion or a kidnapping. Although this is a small hospital, the business is really good. Because of the relationship between Mingmei and Aisha, she And Elena can be regarded as friends.

Xiao Zhibao is now more than two years old, and he is very cute. When Chiyo was holding her and sitting on a chair to tease her, a group of men in black with guns suddenly came in from outside.


When the gun almost hit Chiyo's face, she took a step back while holding Shiho with a subtle expression.

She just talked to Elena about the recent chaos in Rice Flower Town, and as a result, a group of people rushed in, and one or two of them were eyeing.

One of the men reached out and wanted to take Shibao from her arms, but she took a few steps back without letting the other party succeed.

Why did this start to rob the child without saying a word? What do you mean?

After this group of people rushed in, all the people in the hospital who were still seeing a doctor rushed out in fright.

That's it?

That's it?

It would be strange if the hospital's business was good. People kept coming to smash the field all day long. How could this business be done?

The man saw Chiyo holding Shiho in his arms and didn't let go, the guy raised the gun directly at her head.

"Give her to me."

This thrilling scene was seen when Elena and her husband ran out of it, and they had her and Chi behind them before Chiyo could do it.

"What on earth are you going to do? We've said before that we won't go."

After listening to Elena say this, I know that this group must have been here many times, and if I guessed correctly, it is very likely that the winery wants them to join, but Elena and her husband have never agreed, so This is what happened now.

"If you don't agree, your eldest daughter will die."

"Bah! Mingmei wouldn't be in danger if Asia was around."

Chiyo really couldn't bear to look at these people being so snarky. She held Shibao in the back and babbled loudly, and instantly caught the eyes of the group of people in black.


Okay, the gun is loaded and pointed directly at her head again.

"You can die now."

Wow, this man made her die!

Chiyo slowly raised the corners of her mouth and opened her mouth under Elena's terrified expression.

"I can go to your mother's place and crawl for me."

In the next second, several holes were opened in everyone's body, and they really kept crawling on the ground, and some even kept humming.

Handing Shiho into Elena's arms, Chiyo directly stepped on the head's chest, "Call me Dad."

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"When Tsunaji Becomes a Female Idol"

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