Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 203: Try a headshot?

Sigma's knowledge of this world is only three years ago. Three years ago, he was created from a book, and after that, he was used by others. Finally, someone fell from the sky and wanted to save himself from those people, but due to some Due to uncontrollable factors, he was separated from the other party and was finally taken away by Fyodor.

When he left with Fyodor, there was a quid pro quo, to help him find those who wanted to save him.

This Fyodor promised very well, but this guy didn't help to find it at all, mainly because he didn't even know the face and name of the other party. It was like a ghost that only existed but had no entity.

Chiyo didn't know what kind of deal the two had in private, if she knew, she might slap her thigh frantically.



If Sigma's hobby is to open a casino, then she would just pay him to open a big casino in Las Vegas, wouldn't it be over for this guy?

However, although he did not know the true thoughts of the other party, Chiyo had already made plans to open a casino for Sigma.

Children can be forgiven for anything they do when they are young.

Yes, Sigma is only three years old by now, and they can't do anything excessive to a three-year-old child, not even beating and scolding.

Two people can be said to have their own thoughts. When Chiyo pretended to be a rich child and appeared at the entrance of the casino, Sigma recognized her at a glance. The child was startled and then became very excited.

Especially seeing Chiyo and Tamamo before walking together, he can be very sure that these two are the ones who wanted to save him in the first place!

Because he was too excited, he just stood up and turned around several times, and the people around him had no idea what was wrong with him.

Chiyo on the other side still didn't know that Sigma had recognized them, and she was very excited to pull Tamamo before preparing to put the luggage into their guest room.

Before she came, Tamamo had reminded her that since there would be a large-scale explosion, she should not bring so many things, and it would be useless to bring them, but the beautiful Chiyo still refused to listen to the persuasion and brought several sets of clothes.

"I change clothes in the morning and afternoon."

"...Okay, you're right, I'll listen to you."

If you have to say it, Chiyo is like a good girlfriend at the moment. Before every opening, Tamamo Mae has to take a deep breath to answer the other party's question, otherwise she may be shot in the head by her.

She also came with Saki, who was traveling lightly. She felt that it would not take long to solve this matter anyway, and there was no need to bring so many things, which not only took up space but also was very troublesome.

"Sister, if you need clothes at that time, I will definitely not lend you them."

"Cut! Who wears your little boy's clothes."

While chatting, the two followed the waiter to their room. After all, they are stupid and rich, and this room is set to be the best. I wish I had the words "I am the richest" written all over their faces.

"Sister, with our current swashbuckling posture, it feels like we will be watched, like the kind of lamb to be slaughtered?"

Chiyo is too high-profile. Since it is a latent investigation, Saki feels that she needs to pay more attention and can't be so blatant, but now Chiyo can't wait to raise a loudspeaker to announce all her affairs, and what she is more worried about is that people will be caught Keep an eye out for kidnapping or robbery.

She would not be afraid if she encounters this kind of thing, but now the purpose is not to attract other people's attention.

"Sister, you don't understand. My purpose is to win Sigma's attention. In addition to using the trick of winning money, I also pretend to be a rich and stupid lady."

"I said you wouldn't want to take that guy back, did you? Look how many people there are in our family now? Can you still hold it?"

Saki is already very fortunate that Chiyo won't just do ten consecutive draws to summon shikigami or something. At the beginning, this guy was a person who drew twenty shikigami in one breath. Suddenly, twenty shikigami almost didn't have a place to live. .

No, absolutely can't let this guy do anything...

"I'm just going to bring Sigma back."



Before Saki could express her thoughts, Chiyo had already made her stand.

[Sigma must come to their side. 】

Her attitude was so resolute that her eyes were a little scary.

"Don't worry, I will put him in a big casino. He is suitable for living in a casino. He was born for the casino!"

"I feel like I can't breathe."

If possible, Saki really wants an oxygen bottle or something, or she will definitely die of lack of oxygen.

After changing a set of clothes, Chiyo took the principal and prepared to go to the casino for a walk to see if he could win.

She is not short of money, but just wants to get all the coins she has.

The real existence of this casino is very short, and none of the coins that have been circulated have been stolen by the paper gods scattered by her, and they have even been secretly detonated.

Ah, I'm really sorry, it seems that some of Fyodor's plans have been disrupted by her again.

"I'm not really pointing people in a way."

"Would you mind saying that?"

After entering the casino, a few people start to split up. If they form a team to win money, it will cost a lot of time. It is better to split up so that they can win together and attract the attention of those hounds.

Not only let Sigma notice him, but also let the hounds who went to the casino to investigate him notice him, so as to give the people of Buteisha a chance.

Taking his own principal, Chiyo and several other people spread out at the entrance of the casino, and went directly to the table where he guessed the size of the dice. This can completely make his own Shikigami appear.

The probability of guessing the size of this kind is actually 50%, either big or small. Don't force her to use any mathematical method to calculate it. All she has to do is to use the shikigami to see whether the dice inside is big. It's small, and it really doesn't work. She also has the ability to see through eyes.

After yawning, she started to swing back and forth between [big] and [small], but she could guess every time, which made some people stare at her.

Chiyo bet on the big, and a group of people followed her to bet on the big. If she bet on the small, this group of people followed her to buy the small.



This makes people unhappy.

It's not quite what she expected.

Before preparing to bet again, everyone looked at Chiyo, waiting for her to make a move.

So Chiyo raised his hand slightly, betting on the opposite answer, and finally managed to get a wave of mourning.

Gambling is addictive. The sooner you quit this kind of thing, the better. She wants to teach these guys a good lesson.

Holding the winning chips in her hand, she switched to another way of playing, this time it was something like a slot machine, nothing more than that the three things that were shaken out had to be the same.

Oh, isn't this just for her?

Lightly tapping the machine in front of her with her hand, she successfully emptied all the money in it, and then there was another machine next to it.

If she didn't stand out like this, no one would be more like a lumbar disc, which would almost empty the entire row of slot machines.

It was the casino staff who first noticed her and routinely asked Chiyo, who looked very small.

"Excuse me, this lady, are you an adult? We do not allow minors to gamble here."


Chiyo felt that the other party was thinking about shit. At first, he didn't say that minors would not be allowed to enter. Now, why has such a rule popped up? It's clear that she won too much money and can't stand it anymore.

As a good social youth, she will never know the law and break the law.

"Although I am young, I am twenty this year."

As she said that, she handed over the documents she had prepared in advance, and the expression on the other party's face could be said to be extremely subtle.

"Then can I continue now?"


So in front of the staff member, Chiyo once again emptied a slot machine.

After staring at her and hollowing out another machine, the staff had no choice but to go to their boss to solve the matter, and he really couldn't control it.

So when Sigma finally had a reason to come over, Chiyo had moved to 21:00, ready to make a world of sharks here.

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with?"


[As long as you follow me, it will help me! ! 】

Chiyo almost shouted out, but fortunately she didn't really scream even if she shut up.

"Can you teach me how to play this blackjack?"

Although she really wanted to be a shark here, she suddenly found that she didn't seem to be able to 21 o'clock, so she had to learn it first.

Noticing the movement here, and also noting that Sigma was already standing in front of Chiyo, remembering how much the other party cares about this guy, he walked directly behind Chiyo with his long legs.

Well, the three of them can now be said to have completely formed the Shura Field.

Feeling that the anger that appeared was a bit wrong, Sigma's face even broke out in cold sweat.


【Don't you recognize me? 】

He has always wanted to find the person who saved him in the first place, and he recognized each other as soon as they appeared, but now it seems that they have forgotten him.

"What do you want to say?"

In the middle of a few people talking, a waiter hurried over and said that someone came to smash the place. In fact, if you count the time, it should be someone from the hound who came over.


These guys are really haunted, no one has revealed Lucy's whereabouts, but they still chased here.

Really annoying.

Whether it was Chiyo or Sigma, the shadow area on his face was 100% for a moment.

Here we come, here comes the main event.

This time, the purpose of the hound is not only Lucy and Buteisha, they are also to take away Chiyo and his party, which means that although Chiyo's acting skills are good, their true identity is still revealed.

Unbeknownst to her, she was still wandering in the casino, but the hound came straight to the casino, which meant that they were all blocked.

"Miko Chiyo, we fully suspect that you have a connection with the Butei Club, and now we're taking you away."


Chiyo didn't panic at all, and even continued to add chips to the table, ignoring the other party at all.

Oh, if she really wants to fight, she can beat the other party to death.

"What are you talking about, do you want to try what it's like to be shot in the head?"

The author has something to say:

Actually, I really like hounds! !

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