Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 200: You are all brothers

The original plot is still going on, and it's similar to Chiyo's thinking. Gogol and the others used the blank page torn from the book to start writing short stories, and one of them is to change all the evidence that the Butei Club has done bad things. came out.

To be honest, she was in a somewhat delicate mood now, so Dazai quickly communicated with the other party in his mind when he was arrested.

In fact, she still has a hole card in her hand. Using the book in her hand, she can find where the blank page is, so that even the base camp of the opponent will be found.

However, there is a disadvantage in doing this. The writer is not finished, and it is completely unknown what characters and plots will appear next. If you only control the beginning of the plot and catch a small number of them, in case Fyodor still has What about the back?

【Ah, do you want to draw out all the opponent's hole cards? 】


The fact that Osamu Dazai can still be like this proves that this guy has nothing to do, and it can even be said that he is very adaptable to the life there.

This person is afraid that all creatures on earth have become extinct, and he can still live very leisurely.

Want to kill yourself?

That is absolutely impossible.

Dazai was the only one who was caught by the hounds of Buteisha. In order to prevent anyone from harming the children that Oda had adopted, Chiyo took on the responsibility of taking care of the children.

"Aisha, you have to protect a few of them, the hounds are very strong..."

"Ah, it doesn't matter, they are just code-named hounds, and they are not real hounds. I am a real dog with the blood of the golden fox and the Shiba Inu."

? ? ?

Chiyo suddenly couldn't understand the thoughts of the young man, why did he scold himself?

With a sigh, she finally decided to stay put for the time being.

They are not afraid of the enemy's strength, but they are afraid that the enemy has brains. Their opponent is Gogol, Fyodor's confidant.

Being able to become Lao Maozi's confidant is not an ordinary person, and his IQ must be very exciting.

The most important thing now is to continue to live by pretending to know nothing, and because of her previous foreshadowing, at least there is no one in the government who has put Buteisha to death, Gogol needs to find another way.

There are people from Chiyo in TV stations and newspapers all over the city. Even if they want to expose some things about Butei Agency, they will be detained as long as the materials are sent.

Reputation is very important, and it can be said that she is heartbroken for the reputation of Buteisha.

Unless it is an official wanted notice, no one in the general public will know what happened to Buteisha.

Gogol, who felt that he was about to be enraged: "..."

It doesn't matter, he still has a live broadcast.

Like the original plot, Gogol arrested some government officials, and before he started, everyone in the government was replaced by Chiyo with a paper-type god. No matter how much the paper-type **** was hurt, he was still not in danger.

Gogol did get a live broadcast, but the live broadcast signal was directly blocked and transferred by Chiyo.

If you have to say it, it's probably just entertaining yourself.

Sitting in the coffee shop, a book lay flat in front of Chiyo, but it was all blank pages with no words.

She has already found the location of the person holding a blank page, but she just found it without doing it.

To oppose the witch is to oppose all ghosts and monsters, and sometimes I don't know how they die.

And use ghost surveillance to make the opponent hard to guard against.

Now almost everything is under his control, Dazai has been caught, and the hounds should have surrounded Kunikida and the others.

"Ah, at this time, Kunikida seems to have sacrificed himself to help his companions escape."

It was like he was talking to himself, but the phone call from Ouwai just after the voice fell.

Fukuzawa Yukichi had contacted him before he was arrested, hoping that Hong Kong blacks could help protect the safety of Butei Club members.

This is probably the legend of falling in love and killing each other. Although they are always in a state of hostility, but in the face of such a big event, can they share the same hatred?

Mori Owai called Chiyo before he took action to ask if he wanted to go with him. He felt that if he really did something behind this guy's back, maybe this person would directly overturn Hong Kong black. The other party is Really can do this.

He - Mori Ogai! He respects Mr. Natsume Soseki very much, but the only people who are more afraid are Chiyo and the others. That was his childhood nightmare.

"Ah, Rintaro shouldn't take the opportunity to make some unequal suggestions to the president of Buteisha, such as exchange with Noxie Akiko."

Mori Ogai really didn't want to talk, and didn't even want to answer this guy's question, but if he didn't answer, someone might come over directly along the network cable.

"How could I possibly do such a detrimental thing."

He let out a few dry laughs, but what Chiyo said next made him want to shut up.

"Yes, you really didn't tell the Buteisha president about this, but you can lie to Yono Xie Akiko and the others."


Mori Owai felt that he was really hurt by someone. The point was that he just had such an idea, but he didn't expect that he would be seen through by the other party before he implemented it.

Since Chiyo agreed to act with Hong Kong black, then she can't continue to sit here and look at the [book] leisurely.

"So to a certain extent I don't like hounds very much, probably because of my preference as a full-time chef of Buteisha."

They were sent to follow Kunikida and their shikigami to report to Chiyo about the situation over there. Everything is progressing in an orderly manner according to the plot, so it's time for the Hound to appear soon?

"Juju, which face do you think I'm going to change today?"

Like an exhibition, Chiyo showed Tamamo-mae all the faces she could change, and even put on more handsome shorts.

"You didn't say that it's almost like this, and it's okay to use your own face."

"It's not yet time to use your original face, so let's use a good-looking face."

I was talking about a good-looking face, but it was actually the face Chiyo had when she was a shrine maiden, probably more deterrent.

This face has appeared in many places in Japan. After all, about [Miko Chiyo] has become an urban legend, especially the military side, there is generally a customary agreement, as long as you encounter her, unless you want to die , otherwise climb as far as you want.

Zhong also went to the scene by helicopter, but Chiyo was much faster than him. After all, she was directly airborne in General Dog.

When the two of the hounds found the escaped people from the Buteisha to prepare to pat, Chiyo descended from the sky with many shikigami.

Now that the identity of the [Miko Chiyo] has been restored, the shikigami have also returned to the appearance of the Heian-kyo period, one by one full of anger.

"Looks like I'm not too late."

Chiyo slowly raised the corners of his mouth and said a sentence full of 2nd grade, "Miko Chiyo joins in!!"


She felt that she must be smiling very much like a big villain now, and the expressions on Suehiro Tiechang and Jono Caiju were not very good.

"I'm going to take the people from Buteisha."

The big guy is the big guy. He came up and stated his true purpose, and he didn't discuss it with the other party, but just came to inform them.

"I'm afraid that won't work."

Chiyo tilted her head to look at Jono Caiju who said this, and suddenly grinned, "Am I asking your opinion? What if you are hounds?"

This time, she only brought a few knives in addition to General Canine. There is a big nurse like Yoshino Xie Jingzi here, and she doesn't need to let Yingcao and the others come over.

Putting her hands into the sleeves of the witch's clothes, she seemed a little relaxed, "If you want to kill them, just come and try."

She doesn't even need to do it herself, and no one can get close to her within ten meters.

"Look at them both."

After giving the order to General Inu and the others, Chiyo turned around and looked at the somewhat embarrassed Buteisha people. These people probably hadn't recovered from the shock of the other party slashing the car in two. After seeing Chiyo Quickly go into a state of alert when suddenly turning towards them.

"What's the matter, you don't know each other if you change your face?"

! ! !

"You are a pear..."


Putting her index finger in front of her mouth, she made a silent gesture, and she blinked again, "Zhongye will come to pick you up soon, and you will follow him in a helicopter. It's too exciting for you to sit."

Chiyo had been acting very cold until just now, but now he reveals his true nature as soon as he opens his mouth.

Afraid not to be a fool.

General Inu has been facing each other for a few minutes, and neither side has done anything seems to be testing something.

Chiyo didn't intend to really fight with the other party, so when Chuya appeared in the sky above the group, she quickly took out the spell in her sleeve and threw it into the air to form a light blue barrier around the two. This is a barrier that cannot be broken by humans, not even by hounds.

"Miss Chiyo, please don't interfere with our work."

"Then do I need to talk to your boss? Or let you change your boss?"

With this layer of enchantment, Suehiro Tiechang's supernatural ability can't be penetrated at all, even if his supernormal ability is really strong.

Squatting next to the barrier, Chiyo yawned a little bored. She was very sure that Zhong also had successfully moved everyone to a safe area. Fortunately, Kunikida was not injured as in the original plot, otherwise she I really feel like I've been working in vain.

"Don't worry, this barrier will disappear automatically in about half an hour. After that, you will be completely free. My goal has been achieved, so I will see you next time."

Blinking her eyes, she sat on the back of General Inu again, and the expression on her face slowly disappeared when she looked at the two of them, "Don't always think that what you are doing is the right thing, when I protect Japan, your ancestors Not necessarily where to stay."

If these few people insisted on talking about their contribution to Japan, Chiyo felt that the person who had crossed over from the Great Heaven and Dynasty had the right to speak. All the people in front of him were younger brothers, maybe even grandsons.

"Miss Chiyo, you are a bit arrogant."


Shameless, how much contribution she has made by someone who has traveled from other places, these people actually say that they are arrogant.

"Believe it or not, I will cry for you to see?"


The author has something to say:

Chiyo: Sun smash!

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