Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 134: sweet

Since she has made plans to work here for a long time, Chiyo has already explained everything before leaving, but even so, she still keeps in touch with the Ghost Killing Team on a regular basis. Know some intel about Ghost Slayer.

Yiyong and Qiantu have now begun to show their skills, and their ranks are constantly rising, and it is just around the corner to become a resident.

Looking at the letter sent by Saki in her hand, Chiyo thought for a few seconds and began to reply, in fact, she told the other party everything about her.

In fact, Yiyong is Tanjirou's guide, and it is because of the other party that this little guy finds the opportunity to join the ghost killing team, and it is he who introduces the little guy to his master.

How should I put it, the bond between the two of them is very deep, and Chiyo doesn't want to let this bond disappear because of her own reasons. If possible, it would be better for Yiyong to come and show his face when a **** murder happened at the Zamen's house.

This heroic bravery who did not become a pillar must be defeated without misfortune, even if the opponent became a pillar, he would not be able to beat him...

It is impossible to beat, but it is also good to give the opponent a deterrent.

After writing the reply, she neatly stuffed the letter into the envelope, and then asked the big crow to send the letter back.

The big crow, who delivered letters all day long, was very unhappy at the moment, and stretched out his left paw, signaling the other party to continue to look at its left paw, which contained a letter sent from another.

"Oh, there's another one, I'll take a look then."

Chiyo thought that it might be Saki who wanted to say something to her, so she happily opened the small note.

[Sister, I seriously suspect that you left alone with Tamamo before just to live a greasy and crooked world of two! ! ! Deliberately leaving so many things to me! ! I want to live a two-person world with Ibaraki too! ! ! ! 】

The exclamation mark on this small note is particularly large, and it can be seen how angry the person who wrote this note was in the first place.

Since the other party gave her a small note alone, she also gave her a small note alone.

[Yeah, I just want to spend the two-person world with Gaojuan, how is it ~ a little bit ~]

She could already imagine how Saki would be when she saw this note.


I'm sorry sister! She is an S! !

There are some acquaintances on the ghost killing team. Everyone is the kind of person who looks down and does not look up. She is not the cheeky person who can openly show her affection in front of so many people with Tamamo.

That's right, she's so selfish, just to spend the comfortable two-person world with Tamamo Mae!

Patting the big crow on the back, Chiyo is very confident that the other party can pass all his thoughts to Saki, and make the other party want to kill him.

"Juju, what are you eating tonight?"

As a good man at home, Tamamo-mae can really satisfy Chiyo with any meal.

Oh, more than this, maybe even the posture can be satisfied. :)

After leaving the Ghost Killing Team, this Chiyo really released himself and was completely fearless.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Let's eat sweet and sour fish today, I suddenly want to eat this."

"it is good."

Putting down the medicinal herbs in his hands, Tamamo took the money bag and went out, and went directly to the vegetable market to carry a big lively carp for Chiyo.

The carp was very big, so big that almost everyone was angry.

But that's not the point. The point is that Tamamo-mae, a big monster so beautiful that it can't eat the fireworks, is rolling up his sleeves to clean up the fish for Chiyo.



I always felt a sense of guilt, as if I had blasphemed such a beautiful monster in front of Tamamo.

Jumping straight from the chair, Chiyo also rolled up his sleeves and walked towards him.

"It's alright, alright, you can gather together for this dinner, and leave the work of tidying up the fish to me."


So Chiyo showed her ancestral fish-picking skills to Tamamo before. This was a skill she had learned before she traveled, and after so many years, it can be said that she has not lost this skill at all.

Before the time of crossing, their family liked to eat fish. In addition to her parents' cooking, she occasionally cooked it herself. Since she found out that she was talented in fish cooking, she took over all the work of fish cooking at home.

Scraping the scales, disemboweling the fish, and then cleaning the fish, the whole process takes less than ten minutes.



Taking a look at the other party's skillful technique, and then looking at what he had just done, Tamamo before chose to remain silent.

For more than a thousand years, he thought that he had been trained in life to grasp all the skills, but now it seems that this is really not the case.

"I've done all the previous work for you, and I'll leave it to you, Juju."

After cleaning up the fish, there was a fishy smell on her hands. Chiyo pouted and washed her hands beside her. She seemed to think that she was really bullying Yuzao before, so she wiped her hands clean and ran to the other side. Next to him, "Juju, next time I make fish for you, it will be difficult for you this time."

"Hey, what can we do then?"

When Tamamo before said this, he sighed helplessly, which made Chiyo wonder if he was really bullying each other too much.

"Is Miss Yoko here?"

Just as Chiyo was repenting for what she had done to Tamamo Mae, Tanjiro's voice came from behind, which made her quickly put on a smile and turned around.


To be honest, when he saw the other party like this, Tamamo-zen felt that he was in a very bad mood.

Oh, more than very bad, that's pretty bad.

"Yeah, Tanjirou is here, do you want to get medicine for your father again today?"

"Yes, Miss Yoko."

Chiyo's name can be said to be very strange. She always felt that she couldn't tell her real name to each other. That guy without misery knows where he is now, so he can't do it by surprise.

To say what she likes most is that when she is doing something without misery, she wants to send a surprise to the other party that can scare the cranes to the west. For this dream, she is now starting to make a few names. 's travel.

"By the way, is Mr. Tanjuro's health better? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Thanks to you and Mr. Shinichi, my father's health has improved a lot."


Tamamo-mae didn't like this pseudonym very much, but among the names of Kentaro and Tiger Taro, he felt that the name was quite reasonable, but the key Chiyo seemed to like to remind him of the existence of this name.

he does not like!

I really don't like it!

Glancing at Tamamo who was cooking inside, Chiyo was in a very good mood and began to prescribe medicine for Tanjiro. In fact, if you count the time, they have been in this town for two years. During this period, the other party often came to prescribe medicine. The reason is that he has had a lot of relationship with this little guy, and as the health of Kamado Tanjuro gradually deteriorated, as the eldest son, he began to support the whole family, and at a young age, he would run down the mountain with a load of charcoal on his back. Come to town to sell.

He really has to worry about the whole family at a young age, and in the next plot, he really brought into play some of his advantages and charisma as the eldest son.

Woohoo, Tanjiro is such a good teacher, and Mr. Crocodile is so reluctant to attack him.

So the crocodile teacher has no heart!

Thinking of that, she was about to cry.

Such a good Tanjiro!

She took out almost a whole basket of snacks from under the cabinet, and shoved them all into the other's arms, "For you! These are all for you! Even if you don't eat them, they can eat Nezuko! Ah wait! one time!"

She quickly ran back to the room and packed all the kimonos that she didn't wear. There were some new kimonos that she didn't even wear, which she specially bought for Nezuko and Hanako.

"These are the kimonos that I don't wear. You bring them to Nezuko and Hanako."

"You can't do this, Miss Yoko. Usually, you have already sold the medicinal materials to us at a low price. These things..."

The child was very stubborn and didn't want the things Chiyo gave him, but Chiyo had long thought that he would look like this, so he even made up the reason, "These are the kimonos I used to wear, but I can't wear many of them. Well, it happens that Nezuko and Hanako can use both of them, so you can take them back."

"Alright then, thank you Miss Yoko."

Waving away Tanjiro, Chiyo was so happy that his whole body almost floated up. When Tamamo came out with the braised fish, he saw the other party looking at the distance with a rippling face. With his eyesight, he could see that Tanjiro had already walked. a place far away.

"Don't look, everyone has gone a long way."

"Hey, I really like Tanjirou and his younger siblings, so I can't wait to give them a lot of good things, but now I can only give them clothes."

As if she felt that what she did was not good enough, she sighed heavily, while Tamamo Mae just silently placed the tableware and chopsticks aside, "You can save their lives, it's a gift for them."


Tanjiro's family was so miserable that they were almost extinct.


The crocodile teacher has no heart!

If it is said that Wu Mian is a dog, then Teacher Crocodile, the woman who created Wu Mian, is really heartless! What kind of psychology did she have to make the little angel Tanjiro so miserable?

Oh no, I shouldn't say what kind of psychology, the other party has no heart, how can there be any psychology.

However, their family gathering is also correct. She can save Tanjiro's family, which is the best gift for each other, and then kill Wu miserable.

OK, this is really perfect.

Next, we should think about how to bring together the fettered protagonists of Yiyong and Tanjiro, so as not to affect the plot, but also to let the plot take a big turn and move in the direction you want.

While Chiyo was thinking hard, Tamamo-mae had already pulled her to wash her claws, then pushed her into a chair and sat down, even shoving chopsticks into her hands.

"Don't think about it, eat first."


Looking at the chopsticks in her hand and the food in front of her, Chiyo almost burst into tears.


Their family gathering is indeed the best man in the world! She can be moved to eat two more bowls of rice today! !

The author has something to say:

A few more chapters of sugar, and then fight without misery!

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