Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 132: No misery, **** you

Wuichiro's mother had pneumonia. In Taisho, many minor illnesses could end up killing people, not to mention lung diseases.

Chiyo has the antibiotics he bought before. Generally speaking, the infusion treatment is faster, but if it is really infusion, it may make them feel a little worried.

The technology of intravenous infusion was proposed hundreds of years ago, but it was not applied until the early 20th century, but in a remote town like Wuichiro and his family, this technology may not have been popularized.

Sure enough, this is the safest time to take medicine.

Wuichiro's father returned home with Chiyo and Tamamo before. Because Jiguo Yansheng abandoned his family, the Jiguo family was getting worse and worse in the end. In the end, he had to move into the mountains and fell trees. When I stepped into the other party's home again, I found that it was completely incomparable with the successor country a hundred years ago.

From the number of rooms and the style of decoration alone, it can be seen that their family is not as rich as the sanyashiki family.

"Sir, please take a look at my wife's illness."

The old doctor in front of Yuzao looks very kind now, and Chiyo is currently a little apprentice by his side.

Sitting beside Mrs. Shitou, she first observed the other party's symptoms, and found that the disease has been delayed for a long time. If it doesn't take a few years, the other party will really die. The twins on the other side are hearing that there is an old Chinese medicine doctor. To treat her mother's illness, one or two all came to join in the fun, which made Chiyo very lucky to see Wuichiro and Ichiro who were only a few years old.


I have to say that no one in this Ghost Slayer is ugly except the ghost, not to mention Wuichiro, who is very cute at the age of fourteen.

"Gather! Gather!"

After seeing the two children, Chiyo suddenly became excited, and while no one was paying attention to her side, she began to grab the sleeve of the old doctor Tamamo, and shouted angrily.

"Look! Look at the cute twins!"

The old Chinese doctor Yuzao gave a very face-saving glance and expressed his condemnation of Chiyo, "In comparison, I think Aihua and Yui are more cute."


As a daughter-controlled and son-controlled Tamazomae, no child is cuter than his own.

After listening to the other party's words, Chiyo suddenly chose to remain silent. She really is not a good mother. She never participated in the child's childhood. When she reincarnated again, the other party grew into a big child taller than her.


She's going to cry very loudly, okay?

It is because she has never raised Aihua and Yuyi, so now she likes to raise all kinds of children to make up for her regrets.

"Cry, I'm so sad."

For Chiyo, she should be a beauty crying now, but it doesn't seem like that to others.

Since she almost wrapped herself into a zongzi and wrapped a piece of cloth around her head, in the eyes of Ichiro and Wuichiro, this was a strange person humming and chirping.


This man is really scary.

The two brothers who were still very young hid with their father a little nervously, for fear that they would be taken away by this strange guy.

Noticing the emotions of the two children, the old doctor Yuzaoqian took off the cloth from Chiyo's head, "You will scare the two children, and it may affect your ultimate goal."


The old Chinese doctor Yuzaoqian took the pulse at will, and also determined that the other party's disease was caused by the lungs, and other doctors who had seen him would definitely be able to diagnose and give a treatment plan.

Like in the Taisho era, there was no good way to do it except to eat herbs, so after seeing the other party's pulse finished, Mr. Tou rushed over and said, "Doctor, is my wife's illness getting serious again? Or do you need any herbs? I will go to the nearby mountains to collect herbs."

"no, I'm fine!"

The other party was picking herbs for his wife and finally fell off a cliff to his death. Chiyo really didn't dare to let him do such a dangerous thing as picking herbs again.

"I already have a clue about Madam's illness. Those herbs are temporarily unavailable, but we need... blood collection."

Although it is true that antibiotics can treat pneumonia, after all, only through blood tests can we know what caused the other party's disease, and the most effective treatment with that antibiotic.


"This is a test method in Western countries, which determines the treatment plan by detecting some components in the blood."

Chiyo was patient enough to explain what she was going to do to the other party, but the next sentence the other party said almost didn't make her lift the table.

Most importantly, it was the lovely Wuichiro who said that.

"But aren't you old Chinese medicine practitioners? Why are you related to Western countries?"


Ah ah ah! !

Noichiro little angel! Could it not have gotten to the point so directly? This sounds like a barb! Especially annoying!

Chiyo took a few deep breaths, so he didn't let himself go berserk.

It is said that children were very bearish when they were young, and it seems that this is true now. Even if they can grow into a cute little angel later, they can really be so bearable in childhood that they want to hit people.

"Now it is important to use the combination of local and Western countries, so that diseases can be treated more effectively."

Chiyo's mouth cannon ability can probably compete with Naruto in Hokage. After all, she has never lost as a talker.

"Well, in fact, we have tried many methods. If my wife's illness can be cured this time, I am willing to give it a try."

"Cough, cough, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, I know myself..."

Mrs. Shitou said that she knew that her illness could not be cured, so she hoped that her husband and children could give up on her, but she wanted to give up Chiyo.

Chiyo, who was in charge of drawing blood, suddenly got in front of the other party, and almost covered the other party's mouth with his hand, "No, Mrs. Shitou, you don't know."


Because she was frightened, Mrs. Shi Tou opened her eyes slightly and was completely stuck and couldn't say anything. Taking advantage of her stunned effort, Chiyo patted the opponent's arm a few times to find the blood vessels. Without blinking his eyes, he directly took the blood-drawing needle and stabbed it in.

After taking out a tube of blood, Chiyo carefully put it into the box, and then she needs to return to the modern age through the Bone-eating Well.

"Juju, stay here for the time being. If I'm fast, I'll come back with the results in the afternoon."

It was already at this time, and she definitely couldn't give up halfway. She didn't dare to let Yuzaoqian leave here easily, for fear that something irreversible would happen if she left for so few hours.

"Can you be alone?"

"Don't worry, it's faster to fly."

After learning how to fly, many things became much easier. It only took one hour to go back and forth from here to the Bone Eating Well, plus the blood routine was detected, two hours was more than enough.

"Hey? Do you want to take this antibiotic? I see, thank you Dr. Dagu."

In order not to waste time, Chiyo quickly started to run back after learning the result. The first thing she did when she ran back was to stuff Mrs. Shito with two tablets of azithromycin.

"Special medicine, eat it."

There was no hesitation at all. Fortunately, the medicine she gave was normal. If it was something else, the stick in Wuichiro's hand could come directly.

"As long as you keep taking it, you will be fine after a while. You can also boil some pear soup for the lady to drink."

After all, Yuzao still has the identity of an old Chinese medicine doctor, and symbolically asked the precautions. The disease of pneumonia requires not only medication, but also something to clear heat and detoxify.

"By the way, don't eat spicy and irritating food, and pay more attention to ventilation indoors."

These are all words that ordinary doctors would explain, but Mr. Shi Tou can only be a living horse doctor at this time, and seeing that the other party seems to be very sure, he thinks that his wife's illness may be cured this time. .

Giving a few boxes of azithromycin to Mr. Shito, Chiyo finally set her sights on the twins that the other party gave birth to. She was thinking about how she was going to abduct both children into the Ghost Killing Squad.

But now it seems that they can't be like the Undead Chuan brothers. They haven't seen the disgusting level of ghosts. They don't have so much hatred for ghosts, and they will definitely not be willing to join the ghost killing team that they have never heard of.

Sure enough, everyone has to have a different method, and she still needs to think about what to do with these two brothers.

"Mr. Shi Tou, these two sons of yours are very clean at first glance, suitable for learning martial arts."

"Actually, I just hope that the two of them can grow up safely."

Mr. Shitou's wish, like other parents, is to hope that his child can grow up safely, but his wish seems unlikely to be realized. Whether it is Ichiro or Wuichiro, he has not lived for fifteen years. age.

"Blessed are your two children, who will grow up safely."

Chiyo has no idea of ​​bringing the two brothers back for a while, and it seems a bit difficult to regain people's hearts if they are forced to bring them back.

When she came out of Shitou's house, she frowned and looked at the small house with a very harmonious family atmosphere, "It seems that I need to send someone to watch here all the time, otherwise I'm really worried that something will happen."

The plot of Undead Chuan's family has been advanced. Who knows when the plot of Shitou's family will start, and it seems that Shitou and his wife will not die according to the original plot, but it is unknown whether other ghosts will come over. .

"Now that all the shikigami have been sent out by you, who else are you going to send over?"

"Let's plant wisteria flowers here first."

Ordinary ghosts are very afraid of wisteria flowers, if you plant some here, you can temporarily stop a small part, but it will be difficult to do when the twelve ghost months appear.


There shouldn't be a twelve ghost month, right?

Chiyo was also a little uneasy. The original plan was to bring the child back to the Ghost Killing Squad, but now the plan has changed. Is it just to leave this big family and leave?

"You can't take it away by force, and you can't use ordinary reasons. You can't go back directly now. Chiyo, you are very contradictory now."

"Of course there is a contradiction. These two children are both thoughtful people. They are completely different from the brothers in the Undead River. Ichiro is a vicious younger brother. It is still difficult to bring them back to the Ghost Killing Team."


too difficult.

The result that was difficult to decide was that the two of them lived in a log cabin in the woods, and they were always watching Shitou's home.

The result can be imagined, Gao Tianyuan is really a big dog.

Mrs. Shi Tou's pneumonia was finally cured with great difficulty. The family was sitting around eating together on the big night, and the new Twelve Ghost Moon made a grand debut.

Probably because he felt that he had obtained more blood, he was so arrogant that he could defy anyone. When he found out, the family of four happily ate and rushed in as a group of three.

Wisteria only has a deterrent effect on ordinary ghosts, but like these three idiots, Twelve Ghost Moons, it has no effect at all.

When the three guys rushed in, Chiyo and Tamamo-mae were enjoying hot pot in the tree house, and they heard screams from Shitou's house not far away.

"Fuck! Definitely kill these ghosts!"

Chiyo had guessed at the beginning that Gao Tianyuan might be a **** who might hook up with a few ghosts to advance the plot, but he didn't expect to let Twelve Ghost Moon come over directly. It seemed that he was determined to destroy Wuichiro's family.

"Fuck you!!"

Even Twelve Ghost Moon is useless here in Chiyo and Tamamo, and it's almost a one-size-fits-all approach.

When they rushed in, the three twelve ghost moons were preparing to attack the four people in the room, but in the end they were indeed beheaded directly.

After killing these three ghosts alone, Chiyo rushed out and faced the sky outside with a trick called lightning, thunder, and straight into the sky.

If it was just a few lightning bolts or thunder, it would be nothing, but Chiyo was so angry that the lightning and thunder continued from dinner time to the next morning's breakfast, this time Gao Tianyuan didn't even dare to let out a sound.

"Damn!! If you let the plot advance, I will blow you all to ashes! Fuck! Believe it or not, after I've done it to death, the next thing I'll do is Gao Tianyuan?"

Gao Tianyuan, who is as quiet as a chicken: "..."

This time, Chiyo can be said to have scolded her like a happy one. Tamamo didn't stop her, but after seeing the twins that the other party wanted to take away, she looked at her with shocking eyes, and suddenly felt that if she let it go. Going down, her image may be greatly reduced.

"Okay, those two kids are watching you."

: "..."

Just those words made Chiyo shut up quickly, she is someone who has the burden of idols.

"Oh, are you all right? It was really scary just now."

Ignoring the overturned furniture in the room, Chiyo sat on the cushion very obediently, "It was a surprise last night. If we didn't arrive in time, I really don't know what would have happened."

"Last night, what happened?"

"Oh, this has to start with a dog called Wu Miserable. He is really a dog."

The author has something to say:

I recently entered the pit of JOJO. I feel that the crocodile, like Araki, has no heart to "smile"

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