Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 130: Immortal Brother Chuan, let's calm down

Chiyo said that she is not a pillar, she is really not a pillar, she is just a rookie who has just participated in the final trial.

She feels that sometimes time can dilute everything, as long as she does not appear in front of Yi Yong and Qiantu for a long time before the plot appears, then everything can be solved.

So when the rescue team was treating the wounded, she took Tamamo before running.

"No, no, no, I can't reveal my identity so early!"

"What's the matter, isn't it just exposing your identity as a witch, what does it matter?"

Tamamo-mae couldn't stand Chiyo's behavior of worrying about this and that, so she could not wait to lift her ear directly with her hands to wake her up.


Chiyo will never admit that she didn't think of this. All she wants to do is play the role of a member of the same period, so she didn't think about it at all.

But now it seems that there is a more serious matter that needs to be solved by her, and she can't find Wuichiro for the time being, after all, there is still some time before the other party's plot.

"Juju, I thought that if Tong Mo and the third brother were all dealt with, there would be no Twelve Ghost Moons. I found that my thinking was too simple."

Chiyo thought that maybe the aunt didn't even notice this problem. Maybe the other party was just going offline for regular development and didn't think in this direction at all. She needed to go back to the Ghost Killing Team and Xiao Yaoya to discuss this issue.

In the original plot, Twelve Ghost Moon began to appear one after another during the Warring States Period, but because she captured Mikuni Iwakatsu before that, this kind of thing did not happen. Brother, if they were sent underground by her, or they were directly strangled in the cradle, it seems that these twelve ghost months have appeared frequently in the near future.

When she returned to the Ghost Killing Team, she discussed what she found with Yoya Zaiyashiki, and found that many team members responded that sometimes they did encounter very powerful ghosts, which also led to some serious casualties among the team members recently. .

This is a situation that Chiyo is very reluctant to hear. As far as Teacher Crocodile's heartlessness is concerned, the final outcome is likely to kill the protagonist. These twelve ghost moons represent her unwillingness. The original twelve ghost moons No matter how powerful it is, it is very likely that the new version of the twelve ghost months will be so powerful.

Fortunately, this is just the Twelve Ghost Moon, which has just taken shape. If you want to solve it, there should be no problem.

She has a total of dozens of shikigami, and if they are in two teams, they can be divided into twenty groups, and it is more than enough to incorporate them into the members of the ghost killing team.

"The task I give you is to kill the twelve ghost moons, the ones with various numbers in the eyes of ghosts. If it is just an ordinary ghost, the members of the ghost killing team who can breathe in various ways will solve it. The only difficulty is Twelve Ghost Month."

This task can be said to be very simple, of course, this simplicity is for the shikigami itself.

Naraku has always been worried about letting him go out alone, so she still stays in the Ghost Killing Team. There are Saki and Ibaraki Doji who have reincarnated countless times here. Even if the other party wants to do something, they have to think again.

"No, I think the Ghost Killing Team should keep some more people, otherwise I'm worried."

Chiyo found a particularly reasonable reason for her wanting to summon a shikigami. She wanted to summon a shikigami not once or twice, but this time she had a legitimate reason, and she was even more unscrupulous. Completely forget that his card pool has been crooked.

"Two two! I will summon two!"

Under the expression of Tamamo before becoming a dead fish, she made a second call.


Okay, after seeing the person who was summoned, Chiyo will go back without looking back. She will never summon Shikigami again in the future. Even if she is killed, she will not come.

Yes, that's right, it's the ghost version of Tong Mo and the third brother. The only difference is that the other party, like Jiguo Yansheng, both have souls that have memories with him, but they have the appearance of the ghost version.

Exciting, very exciting.

She needs to explain the current situation to these two guys.

"Well, you stay in the ghost killing team to increase the combat effectiveness here."

After finally arranging everything, Chiyo sighed heavily.

Okay, she thinks that's fine too.

"Miss Chiyo."

"Huh? Chanel Megumi?"

Megumi Chana, who is already a style, is still alive and well. Without the original dog to force Tongmo, she is now smiling and looking at Chiyo, followed by her irascible sister.


It was so good that she was about to cry.

"Miss Chiyo seems to be full of resentment towards ghosts?"

The other party's idea is to hope that ghosts and human beings live in peace, but this is impossible. As long as there is no misery, she will not stop chasing and killing each other.

"If ghosts could be vegetarians, I wouldn't hold such a grudge against them."

"...I hope so too."

Chana Megumi is still the gentle and kind-hearted Chana Megumi, and Shinobu is still serious and serious but loves to fry.

Blinking her eyes, Chiyo finally couldn't help crying in front of the two of them, "You are not a human being, Tongmo!! You must pay attention to safety when you go out to kill ghosts! Shuten, you must protect Megumi Chana!!!"

Tomo & Kanai Megumi & Shuten Douji, who were suddenly called by their names: "???"

In particular, Tong Mo, who was called by his name for the first time, was even more puzzled. He knew that he was not a human being, but could he not often bring this fact up?

Can you please?

Although this Tong Mo has no human feelings, he also feels a little angry at this moment.

Next, Chiyo cried louder and louder, no matter how much Tamamo before persuaded him, it didn't work, she cried like a fat man weighing 300 pounds.

"Xing Ming!! Xing Ming!!!"

This time, she screamed the name of Xingming Beimingyu loudly again, ran to the other side and patted Xingming Beimingyu's strong shoulder twice, "This time out, I will avenge you, anyway, for me As far as killing ghosts and killings is concerned, there is no difference."

"Huh? I don't quite understand what's going on."

"Don't worry, I'm not ready to let you understand."

Fuyue is a dog who not only made Beimingyu Xingming suffer grievances, but also made Kuangdao Ciwulang finally commit suicide. This child is too bad. He was like this when he was a human, let alone a ghost?

Fuyue will be turned into a ghost by the six eyes, but now the six eyes are very obediently staying by his side, this powerful plot will definitely bring this matter back to the right track.

As long as Chiyo wants to do, Tamamo Mae will help her to complete it, but it is obvious that Chiyo's mood is very wrong today, as if it suddenly erupted after being suppressed for a long time.

If you have to say it, the other party will collapse into this state after knowing that the twelve ghost moons still exist.

"What happened to you?"

"Fuyue, it's all because of Fuyue. The reason why Xingming doesn't believe in children is because of the good things this guy has done."

It can be said that she told Tamamo before all the things that Fuyue has done in the past and what will be done in the future in very detail, and incidentally expressed her intention to kill Fuyue.

Compared to Chiyo who was going to strangle Fuyue who was still a child, Tamamo had more things to think about.

"Do you remember your attitude towards Jiguo Yansheng back then?"


Suddenly mentioning Jikuni Iwakatsu, Chiyo frowned and thought for a few seconds, and suddenly understood what he meant.


This is not to put the troublesome guy like Fuyue in front of him and disgusting, but to use all the value of this guy to kill him when he wants to become a ghost.


Why didn't I think of this method before?

Sure enough, she was so disgusting Fuyue that she wanted to kill this guy directly, completely forgetting to drain him before solving it.


Really disgusting people.

She was sorry that she didn't have time to resolve Xingming's matter from the very beginning, she couldn't let the other person's heart be hurt any more.

The tragic pillars of the Ghost Killing Squad, she changed the original tragic fates of Yiyong, Chotu, and Megumi. She once wanted to heal the scars on Snake Pillar's face, but because the scars are really old, whether it is Firefly Grass or Peach Blossom Princess, there is no way to completely cure them.

In the end, he still had to wrap the gauze around his face.

There is no way to help each other in this regard, so she has to let the CP pair of Snake Love to the end no matter what, as well as the two brothers Undead Chuan and Wuichiro, she really has a lot to do.

"I no longer believe what it will be like to let the plot go on by itself, so I must go to the front of the plot now, even if they don't join the ghost killing team in the end, they don't become pillars, these are not important anymore."

Whether or not these nine people will become the backbone of the ghost killing team is not important to Chiyo, she is waiting for the stipulated time to kill Wu miserable.

"In chronological order, the Undead Chuan brothers encounter things first. Even if it takes a long time, I have to find them."

There are a total of seven brothers and sisters in the Undead River, but except for the Undead River Miya and the Undea River Genya, the remaining five children were all killed by the ghost-turned lady Undeagawa. What Chiyo has to do is even if the Undeagawa lady changes. Find them before they become ghosts.

Gao Tianyuan doesn't seem to want the plot to be changed too much, especially after she directly accepted three of the twelve ghost months, Gao Tianyuan is even more dissatisfied with her, all the plots are not carried out according to the original time point, and the beginning is not Stop early.

When Chiyo and Tamamo-mae finally found their home, the lady had turned into a ghost and wanted to attack the child who was staying at home and waiting for her.

According to the introduction on Baidu Encyclopedia, human beings will have a huge sense of hunger after they have just turned into ghosts. At this time, they will eat their relatives to fill their stomachs.

"Fuck! This is the beginning! Look at my searchlight!!"

Chiyo carried a high-brightness searchlight with him, and as long as you turned it on, it was no different from seeing the sun, so when she turned it on, Mrs. Undeagawa, who had turned into a ghost, let out a piercing cry, covering her face and screaming. back.

The current picture is very embarrassing, such as the screaming back ghost or the children who are also screaming back, and the immortal Kawami who is trying to hit them with a kitchen knife.

"Brother! Brother, why stop me!!"

The author has something to say:

fuck! Crocodile she is not human! ! !

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