Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 127: Hand ghost, climb for the lord

Today's Chiyo is no longer Chiyo, but Niu Hulu Chiyo! She was about to dress up as a girl who participated in the final trial and was committed to killing ghosts to save Tutu, but unexpectedly, their family reunion also joined in the fun, and even transformed to perform with herself.

Do you really think you are going to participate in Metamorphosis?

Looking at Onikiri and Hotaru Maru, Chiyo finally brought the Japanese round sword that was tailored for her by the knivesman, thinking that she had grown up watching the other party grow up this steel Tsukasa Hotaru.

To be honest, she has never been able to understand why the swordsmith wears such a mask. Obviously, this steel scorpion fireflies are so good-looking, and she insists on wearing that strange mask, which makes people completely unable to be pleasing to the eyes.

She once raised this issue with Tamamono, but she was hit on the head with a folding fan, because the other party felt that she was too distracted and always wanted to look at beautiful men, otherwise why would she care about what kind of mask the knife burner was wearing? Woolen cloth?

Joke, everyone has this love of beauty, she just likes to look at handsome guys, and she doesn't do anything crazy.

Yes, she just likes to look at handsome guys and doesn't have any other ideas.

If she was the only one who went to the waves, she really didn't know what she would do, but if Tamamo before followed, she would have to kill ghosts honestly.

Okay, I was used to seeing the women's clothes in front of Yuzao before, but suddenly the other party turned into a teenage boy, and she was a little excited.

Obviously, only one person in front of Yuzao was found, but the other person has so many faces and figures, thinking about it will make people's mouth water.

Wiping the drool that he had shed, Chiyo pointed at his face with a finger, "Juju, you are really a weirdo with 20 faces, I think I can make a profit."

Now the leader of the Ghost Killing Team is Yoya Zaiyashiki. Yoya Zaiyashiki, who is not yet 20 years old this year, looks very good-looking, but Chiyo knows that the face of the other party will gradually become unrecognizable as the disease worsens. In fact, as long as If there is no miserable death, the curse on him will be completely dissipated.

In order to contain the misfortune, he was even killed by the bombing with his wife. If he could, Chiyo would not want such unnecessary casualties.

"Yaozai, I will leave the house to you. I will definitely bring you a particularly capable assistant this time."

"I trust Miss Chiyo."

It has to be said that each generation of ghost killers has its own unique charm, as if it is a specific personality charm, which makes people want to gather around each other.

Therefore, this is the natural leader material, and there is no comparison with that dog thing.

After a wave of embarrassing blows from Yoshiya Sanyashiki, Chiyo started to move towards the final trial place holding his Hiron sword and Tamamo-mae, who was already in his teens.

In the plot of the original work, because of the operation of Tutu, all the people who participated in the trial this time, except him, were all qualified, and he directly recommended a group of students to join the team.

God, this is such a fearless spirit of giving up oneself to fulfill others.

And this time, she will come to save this fearless bunny.

Tutu needs a better life, he needs to live.

"Juju, let me ask you something, do you think I want to kill the ghost? That guy will play a very important role in Tanjiro in the future. I'm really in trouble."

At this time, Chiyo was standing beside the juvenile version of Tamamo, and they were surrounded by children who came to participate in the final trial. Everyone's faces were filled with excitement, confusion, and fear, as if they were confused about what happened next. Not very affectionate.

It is true that most of these children have come to participate in the final trial after training. They feel that as long as they pass this trial, they can become members of the Ghost Killing Team, but these seven days and seven nights are really not easy to pass. How many people will become members in the night? These ghosts are on a plate.

"I suddenly regretted that I proposed to use this method to screen players. It was really cruel."

"No, the people who come here are fully prepared, they know what they are about to face, so you don't need to blame yourself at all."

In fact, no matter what Chiyo does, Tamamo Mae will always stand by her side to support her.

This is not a question without principles, but the other party thinks very often when thinking about the problem, and he can't think of anything to refute these ideas.

"Okay, since you said so... Wait, Juju, I found that you haven't answered my first question, which is about the solution to the hand ghost."

"You are so famous in the ghost world, wouldn't it be afraid if you just say your name?"



Why didn't she think of this before, you must know that if the name [Chiyo] is heard by Wu Miserable, he can't wait to crawl away and run away. This is the fear from the bottom of his body, and as other ghosts who have obtained Wu Miserable's blood, for Chiyo's fear also came from within.

Why didn't she think of this before, when Tutu was caught by the hand ghost, she only needed to come forward and make an appearance, then everything would be solved.

He stretched out his hand and tugged at the sleeve in front of Tamamo next to him, motioning him to look at the two boys not far from them, "Juju see it, those two are Tomioka Yoshiyuki and Chitu, the one with flesh-colored hair is bunny."

When talking about this, Chiyo's eyes were almost shining, not because of how handsome the two were, but because he was excited to finally see the characters in the next plot.

When she thought that she could save Tutu immediately, she was so excited that she couldn't stand on the ground right away, so she wanted to jump up.

It seemed that her eyes were too hot for the very sensitive Tutu to notice, and the other party looked in this direction, causing her to quickly turn her eyes away.

"Look, this kid's overall quality is very high. If he is alive, he will definitely be an excellent Ghost Killer team member."

In a few years, Yiyong will become a water column because of his own strength, but if Tutu doesn't die, I don't know who will become a water column.

Wow, thinking that the two brothers and sisters will have a water column battle in a few years, Chiyo has some expectations of rubbing their hands.

After everyone arrived, someone explained to them how to pass the final trial, and then drove them all into this ghost-filled mountain.

The final trial did not stipulate how many ghosts to kill, as long as they survived for seven days and seven nights, but the young man Qiantu killed almost all the ghosts on the entire mountain. In the end, it was because the sword was dull when fighting with the ghosts. He was killed when the sun wheel knife broke while slashing at the opponent's neck.

That's why it is said that the death of Tutu is really wrong.

After entering the final trial, Chiyo chose to follow Tutu and Yiyong all the way, saying that it would be more convenient for everyone to move their hands more.

"I think it's only when everyone is together that the force value has risen, so let's form a team together!"

The two youngsters, Yiyong and Tutu, were very silly and sweet. Looking at Chiyo's unintelligible smile, the two looked at each other and nodded in agreement with her proposal.

"Okay, my name is Qiantu."

"Tomioka Volunteer."

The two suddenly started introducing themselves, which made Chiyo panic for a moment. She never thought of introducing herself to the two of them!

"Me! My name is Saki! This is my brother... Sesshomaru!"

In desperation, Chiyo chose to use the name of her good sister to fool her, and took the juvenile version of Tamamomae to become her brother, using the name of her son-in-law.

It can be said that the generation is completely messed up, and what is even worse is that this is really a real version of German orthopaedics.

Fortunately, Tutu and Yiyong didn't ask any further questions. Now they have to keep heading eastward, looking for a place that will be the first to be hit by the sun, but on the way forward, they encountered a few smelling animals. ghost.

At this time, Yuantu showed off his outstanding swordsmanship, almost beheading several ghosts one by one, without any hesitation.

Chiyo and Tamamo didn't do it before. It should be said that they didn't plan to do it at all. They finally caught this ghost. It would be a pity if they were killed. It is better to let these children practice their skills.

It's just that their ideas are completely different in Qiantu's opinion. He feels that the strength of the two people seems to be a little bit incompetent, so he didn't do it the first time, which made him have the idea of ​​​​protecting them.

If Chiyo knew what this kid meant, he would definitely tell him tearfully, [They don't need protection! Really don't need it! 】

Seeing that his little friends have already started to do it, Yiyong can't control his hands that are about to move, but the ideal is very plump and the reality is very skinny.

"I'm sorry, can I leave Yiyong to your care?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Taking over the comatose Tomioka Yoshiyoshi from Kutu, Chiyo complied with the request of the other party.

After giving his little friend to others to take care of, it can be said that he has turned on the plug-in mode, and almost all the ghosts on the mountain will die under his knife.

Chiyo handed Yiyong to Yuzao Front, and he secretly followed behind Tutu, for fear that the other party would not know where to encounter the hand ghost.

Since the other party wants to kill all the ghosts on the whole mountain, she can't discourage the child's enthusiasm, the only thing she can do is to secretly protect the other party from behind.

That hand ghost is very cunning. It made his neck extremely hard and wrapped several of his arms around his neck. If he was careless, he might not be able to cut his neck with a single blow. The hand ghost would take advantage of this. Gap shot.

In the beginning, Chiyo was always in the state of watching the play, but when the hand ghost really appeared, she pulled out the sun blade from her waist. She didn't even let Qiantu get close to the hand ghost, and directly carried the rabbit by the collar. Throwing him to the back, then holding the sun blade in his right hand, he performed on the spot what is called a knife rises, a knife falls, an arm is lost.

"Hehehe, there is another person who is not afraid of death. This time, where do I start..."

Before the hand ghost's [eat] was spoken, Chiyo had already said, "I'm Chiyo, I think you should have heard of this name."


One second, it only took one second, the hand ghost ran away without a trace with his broken hand.

The author has something to say:

Ha ha ha ha! Hand ghost! climb!

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