Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 125: congratulations on marriage

To charge the protection fee to the medical center opened by Chiyo would really be life-threatening, and Naraku would not let them in as a first-level checkpoint.

Chiyo, who was already fifteen years old, walked out of the door with his arms crossed and looked down at the few men who were already lying on the ground. The expression on his face could be said to be disdainful.

In fact, sometimes the human heart is even uglier than the ghost's heart. Chiyo has lived for so many years and can be said to be very clear about this matter. Today, she has put her attitude on the bright side.

Only those with strength can speak. Except for Tong Mo, the people in them can really hang and beat a group of people as long as they take it out.

"You still want to charge protection fees? Get out of here."


A few people ran away like shit, it's impossible to come back in a short time, but it doesn't rule out that they won't continue to look for trouble after they have a strong backer.

"Simply swipe to start business."

Everyone is good-looking people. Generally, good-looking people can attract business when they are placed at the door of the store, but people who are as beautiful as they do not need to attract business, and someone will come to the door by themselves.

Just opened, Chiyo made a big deal. For example, seeing a doctor and getting medicine is 20% off. This kind of promotion has attracted many people to come, including Master Keizang of Suliu Dojo, who came to ask a doctor for his sick daughter. .

Lianxue, who is 13 years old this year, has been bedridden all the year round. He brought Komaji back to take care of his daughter. In fact, if nothing happens, the third brother will take care of him for another three years, and the other party will be able to get out of bed alive and well.

As Chiyo, who knew the plot, she definitely couldn't talk about such things casually. She could only frown and write down what the other party said.

"Okay, I have recorded the condition you mentioned, but I still need to ask the doctor to read it before prescribing the medicine."

"Thank you so much."

After sending Master Qingzang away, Chiyo slumped on the chair in a state of Ge You's paralysis. The other person was the last person to come to see the doctor. According to incomplete statistics, there were about 50 patients who came throughout the day. Tamamo, who has been in a state of paralysis eight times a night, is still in a state of paralysis. If she only sees a doctor, she still needs to communicate with the other party. Several times, Yuzao Qian almost couldn't control her hand and was about to crush the other party's head!

This doctor-patient relationship has really been very tense since a long time ago, and many patients are not very compliant. Even if they don't take medicine, they feel that they can handle it.

These people all drink well water, and many of them do not boil it. Although the Japanese have water that can be drunk directly from the tap, it is also good for patients to drink hot water.

"As for Lianxue's illness, I think it's better to see it in person. If you can't find a way, I can draw her blood and bring it back to the modern age to check it out."


Chiyo felt that there was no need to worry about Lianxue's problem. After all, people could still be alive after three years, and it was important not to let the next dojo be poisoned after three years.

Yuzaoqian used her old doctor's ability to open some houses for Lianxue to clear heat and detoxify. In addition, she kept coughing, and Chiyo bought Chuanbei Loquat Dew on purpose, and the next thing was probably quiet like a chicken.

Three years is neither long nor short, but it is enough for Chiyo to plant more wisteria flowers around here.

Back then, the wisteria flowers she planted were destroyed by the dog Wu Mian for a long time. This guy is different from other ghosts. He is no longer the original ghost dance Tsuji Wu Mian, but Niu Hulu Wu Mian. He is not afraid of the sun now. The wheel knife is not afraid of wisteria flowers, but the sun is the most afraid of it, so it can be said that it is easy to destroy the wisteria flowers that Chiyo has painstakingly planted.

"Damn, even though I'm not a human being, this guy Guiwu Tsuji Wumai is a real dog."

As long as he thinks that so many families will be separated because of him, Chiyo can't wait to kill him now, this person only has that face left, he is really a dog to his subordinates to the extreme.

"Narro, he's not as good as you. You're not as ruthless towards your subordinates as he is, so it seems that you're more popular is not without reason."

"Hmph, don't think that if you praise me like that, I'll be happy, I'm not the kind of demon who will be obedient!"

While saying that he would not be obedient, Naraku took the broom and cleaned it seriously. After so many years of cleaning, he felt that he was an expert in this regard.

"I am recharging my energy! When I can defeat you, I will never be soft-hearted!"

Saying such cruel words when sweeping the floor is really not lethal at all. The key point is that he also feels that he is particularly murderous at this time.

If he had said this in the past, other shikigami would probably stare at him with a coveted look, but now everyone knows what kind of monster Naraku is, so everyone does their own thing. Things didn't bother him at all.

Okay, in order to calm down Naraku's mind, Chiyo can only reach out and pat the other person's shoulder, "Okay, I'm actually very scared right now, I'm really afraid that you will suddenly kill me."


Naruto felt that she was so angry that she almost didn't come up, she was really going to be **** off.

Hahaha walked over, Chiyo felt that it would be better not to irritate Naraku, otherwise this guy might be so angry that he would throw the broom directly, she is just waiting for when to poison.

The child Tong Mo is almost ten years old this year. What surprised her was that this child did not seem to have the legendary lack of human feelings. Sometimes he didn't know what he said that made him feel that something was wrong, and he might just turn his head and leave. .


Has he learned to be angry?

"Tong Mo, are you observing humans again today?"

Sitting next to this Tong Mo with Tom Su's colorful eyes, Chiyo and the other party observed human beings together. She felt that as long as this guy was not allowed to experience what the original plot went through, at least he would not be caught without a miserable man.

"Actually, I don't understand, why some people are always frowning, why don't they die when they are so tired?"

"It's better to die than live, it's normal."

She didn't want to talk to the other party about too esoteric issues, and she was afraid that she would become a Yuan Tongmo by talking to the other party, so she really had no place to cry.

In a few days, it will be the annual fireworks festival. The third brother, Komaji, is going to take his fiancee, Lianxue, to watch the fireworks. Then the two will confirm their relationship and prepare to get married, which means that the plot is about to start.

"By the way, the day after tomorrow's fireworks festival will not be open. Let's watch the fireworks together."

"Okay, okay!"

The fireworks display is a set of summer festivals. In the past few years, she will take everyone out for a walk, but this year is different. This year's fireworks display is the beginning of the plot and the tragic fate of the third brother.

After the fireworks festival, the third brother came to the hospital like a second fool to tell Chiyo that he was going to marry Lianxue, and also said that he would go home tomorrow and tell his father the good news.

"That's really congratulations. We will definitely pack a big red envelope at your wedding."

"So I want to ask Miss Chiyo to help take care of Rianxue and Master."

Unexpectedly, the other party would entrust such a arduous task to her. Chiyo was stunned for a moment and then laughed again, "You can go home with confidence. Whether it's Lianxue or Master Qingzang, leave it to us."

Very good, the plot is coming so soon, and the other party will take care of the task to herself, then she has enough reasons to enter the Suliu Dojo.

Looking at Chiyo who was already gearing up, Tamamozen always felt that the other party might want to fight, otherwise why would they start rolling up their sleeves.

"Chiyo, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I'm just too excited to roll up my sleeves and have a blast."

The current Chiyo is like a little fool who has been in the medical hall for several times. According to the time, the sword field should start soon.

Folding the yellow paper into the shape of a villain, she directly made a few paper patterns and sent it to the kendo, ready to hear how many people from the other party were involved in this matter, otherwise she would kill the wrong one when she did. .

It is only right and proper to kill someone to pay for her life. She doesn't care about other things. Since someone wants to do something to the person she protects, don't blame her for being rude.

Don't say that people didn't do anything or that she couldn't kill people indiscriminately. As an individual, what she does is her own problem, so she needs to be told by others?

After she released Shikigami, she began to monitor the other party, and sure enough, they started to move after the third brother left.

There are not a few people involved in this matter. The key is that the owner of the kendo is fully aware of it, but he has not come out to stop it.

They are all people who practice martial arts, and they have no warrior spirit at all. They are really blind.

"No, if you die, you can't make their lives miserable. My purpose is to make them worse!"

To make the next life of the third brother so miserable, it would be too cheap for these guys to just die.

Get poisoned.

The kind of poison that can make people paralyzed.

"Juju, I really need you, an old Chinese doctor, to come out and help me prepare a poison at this time."


Tamamo before felt that he really believed in her evil.

When he learned that the other party was poisoned, Chiyo went to the squatting place first, and successfully intercepted Hu Shun and brought the poisoned person directly to the paraplegia of his lower limbs and threw them at the gate of the Kendo Stadium.

Tomorrow, just wait for the other party to let out a scream.

They are all serious medical clinics that do business and have never complained about anyone. In addition, they were masked when they beat people yesterday. Even if they were suspicious, they would never have thought of them, let alone Suliu Dojo.

Crushing that person is just the beginning, and the next thing will take it slowly.

Sure enough, the street became lively the next morning, and the kendo field started looking for the murderer. Discuss here.


How to talk about this?

Chiyo, who was visiting Suliu Dojo, drew a bucket of water from the well, poured it into the bowl one by one, and smiled at those people with eight teeth, "Everyone is tired, come and drink water, Let's sit and chat after drinking water?"


Looking at the water bowl on the table, everyone chose to be silent and even took a few steps back.

"No, no, no more."

The author has something to say:

Fight for the next chapter! Enter Taisho! ! By the way, I'm going to open an article about the main Hokage! If you are interested, you can go to the column to find the [Nine-tailed Melon] and collect it, I love you!

Taisho era

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