Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 114: hands off

Naraku wanted to beat people now, but there was no way to quell his anger by scolding people.

He got the Sevens out to delay Inuyasha and them so that he had enough time to create a new body.

The results of it?

The results of it?

The seven-member team he resurrected died three times in one day, which was equivalent to giving the opponent three pieces of the Four Soul Jade in vain.

Of course, he doesn't care about the Jade of the Four Souls. After all, he can **** it back from Inuyasha's hands, but he never imagined that Chiyo and the others, who had stopped chasing him, would appear here again. Now he made the body. crucial moment.

Naruo, who is now blocked in the cave, is the turtle caught in the urn, and he is the turtle who was caught.

Knock the fuck!

Knock the fuck!

Did you hear me!

No matter whether it is Kagura or Shenwu born by him, they are not the opponents of these guys. Nested in the cave, they will only be hanged and beaten.

Except for the shikigami who were sent to monitor Onikiwu Tsuji Wumai, the others were brought over by Chiyo, almost completely abusing each other.

In the original plot of Inuyasha, Naraku was finally eliminated by Inuyasha and Kagome together, but from the current situation, it seems that the protagonists do not need to appear.

Chiyo sat alone at the entrance of the cave, watching Naraku die.


How should I put it, Inuyasha, who originally had more than 160 episodes, now has her officially finished in more than 100 episodes. This time, Gao Tianyuan didn't even come out and make a few slaps. This is a default that they killed Naraku. thing?

"As a villain, it's really too unpretentious to die."

What she can be sure of is that this time Naraku died very thoroughly, and she won't blew herself into thousands of pieces like Oni Mai Tsuji Wu Miserable, and she will be able to piece it back together in the end, and she won't use monsters to create a new body, it can be said Naraku completely disappeared in the Warring States Period.

Supporting her chin with her hand, Chiyo sighed heavily. To be honest, she was pretty good looking at Naraku. If the opponent wasn't the villain, she could even add the opponent to the team.

But it is a pity that they are not in the same camp.

Take the Four Soul Jade in Naruo's hand. Now, the four Soul Jade in Chiyo's hand can be said to be only a small piece. She has no idea about this thing. It's like making a wish like the Four Soul Jade. It was said that Oni Mai Tsuji was to die early, but due to the presence of Gao Tianyuan, this wish could not be fulfilled.

It's really rubbish. It only took less than half an hour to fight in total. It's incredibly relaxing, but it's not easy to think that the other party hasn't built a new body to withstand them for half an hour. , what kind of bicycle do you want?

"The Jade of the Four Souls has already got most of it. The next thing has nothing to do with us. Let Inuyasha and the others solve it by themselves."

They killed the last big villain, and they should be allowed to do it themselves, otherwise the plot is really so magically changed that it will kill people.

The Jade of the Four Souls can't be handed over to those few people for the time being, because they are afraid that they will lose such a large piece again, so they negotiated that when everything is settled, Chiyo will return the Jade of the Four Souls to the other party. .

"Whether it's a sleeping bone or a snake bone, you can solve it yourself, and I'm going to prepare a baby here."

Yuan Yi is also young, and Saki is even more so. She finally managed to take a break from her daily life, and she plans to take advantage of this time to rest. After all, it will be a long tug-of-war with Oni Mai Tsuji.

And there is one more important thing. If the plot ends, the Bone Eating Well will disappear for three years. During these three years, she has no way to return to the modern age!

Raising a child is actually not an easy job. The child's toys, food, clothes, etc. If the Bone-eating Well disappears for three years, it will be terrible for her.

Come on, don't raise the baby now, go back and buy some necessities.

In Chiyo's view, during the period from when Naruto was resolved to when Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable was resolved, he started the farming dungeon, and every day, apart from raising children, the only thing left to do was raise children.

Since she has turned into an eight or nine-year-old girl now, the clothes have to be bought according to the age of an eight or nine-year-old girl, and she feels that since she can grow up so fast all of a sudden, it means that it is possible She will grow up suddenly, and she has to buy some clothes to wear when she grows up.

"And the toys, diapers, clothes, milk powder bought for Saki..."

Tamamo pushed a shopping cart with his left and right hands and followed behind Chiyo. He no longer had the right to speak. This guy babbled endlessly. In less than ten minutes, the two shopping carts were already full. All kinds of things for children, and even bought things for Yuanyi and the others.

Wait, what about his?

What about his?

Seemingly aware of the thoughts of the people behind him, Chiyo who was walking in front suddenly turned his head and smiled at him, "Juju, you are so old, why are you still like a child, just do whatever you like. Buy it yourself."


Then he really wanted to thank her.

Looking at the little girl who had not reached her chest height yet, Tamamo Qian chose to remain silent.

This is really impossible, the child she found by herself, she has to live her life even if she is crying.

This Chiyo bought too many things, she simply moved things three times, and finally she prepared all the preparations for three years before the Bone Eating Well disappeared.

After everything was ready, she handed over almost the entire Four Soul Jade to the other party, "You can solve the next thing yourself, Naraku has already been killed by us."

Kagome & Inuyasha in a delicate mood: "..."

How should I put it, they are in a really delicate mood right now. They have tried their best to kill the person they want to kill, so that the other party can easily catch the turtle directly in the urn.

"This is probably a manifestation of the disparity in strength, and you still need to continue to work hard."

After saying this, Chiyo got into the bullock cart, followed by three bullock carts that were also full and started to head back. It took a long time for them to come out this time, and I don't know how to go back to the Sakihui this time. Wouldn't have gone.

It is said that children actually grow up very fast, and earth-shaking changes may occur in a month.

Aihua continued to roam the world with Sesshomaru and the others, but Yui had nothing to do and was ready to go out for a while. After all, they were already five hundred years old, and when they were all on their own, Chiyo had been talking about it since the two children left. What will Sasaki look like.

"Chiyo, the way you look makes me think Saki is your child."

"Oh Juju, if Saki hears your words, I think she can jump up and hit me, really."

How could Juju speak of the pure friendship between the two of them? That spanned life and death spanning a hundred years, how could they finally become mother and daughter?

Chiyo expressed her strong dissatisfaction with Tamamo-san's statement, and almost rolled on the bullock cart on the spot.

She kept telling the other party not to treat Saki as a child, otherwise the guy would definitely be angry, but when they returned to the maternity house, they saw Saki holding a milk bottle and drinking tons of milk. with milk powder.

The milk bottle and milk powder were brought back from modern times by Chiyo. After all, as a person who was reincarnated with memories, I was afraid that letting her go to breast milk would kill her.

"Saki! Saki! Look what I bought for you! It's diapers! You won't have to worry about urinating your pants!"


Saki ignored her and turned around to continue drinking milk after rolling her eyes. If she ignored this guy again, she would not be human.

Ah! Pooh!

"Saki! Saki!"

Seeing Chiyo's excited appearance, Tamamo-mae wanted to remind her that if she kept talking like this, Saki might end her relationship with her.

Children's bed-wetting is really not something that can be controlled casually. Bed-wetting is not controlled by consciousness, but depends entirely on the brain, even if Saki himself doesn't want to pee, that's not enough.

Saki: No, I don't want to pee.

Brain: No, you want to.

When he heard the news of Chiyo's return, Yuanichi was teaching swordsmanship by Purgatory Flower in the back, and ran over with a knife in great excitement.


The boy shouted her name very excitedly, and was about to tell the other party about his recent performance, but at the gate he saw Chiyo who was a head shorter than himself.


"who are you?"

"It's too much. I was so excited to call my name just now, and now I'm asking who I am."

"To be honest, I thought you had eaten something outside to grow so tall all of a sudden."


Oh, that's too much, do you really think she's taking hormones?

What else can I do? Of course, the child she picked up must be spoiled. With a professional smirk, she handed him the things she brought for Yuanyi and Yuduo, "The things I brought for you two, and you I haven't been learning swordsmanship recently, so I'll give you a knife spike."


Chiyo sighed heavily when he saw Enichi holding the knife and handing it to Uta like a child.

They are still children, why is it so miserable in the original plot, as expected, Guiwu Tsuji Wumisui is a dog.

"Is it nice?"

"So lovely."

The two children were still there chatting about whether they were good or bad, and Chiyo went to harass Saki again, and said that he would summon a shikigami for the other party to play with.

"Chiyo, do you want to summon the shikigami again?"

"Juju, this thing is like kryptonite. It's not worth it to have complete control. Anyway, summoning another shikigami will also increase our combat effectiveness."

If Chiyo knew who she was summoning at this time, she would never draw a summoning formation on the ground with great interest, because it caused her to have a shadow for a long time after that and dared not summon Shikigami again.

Everything was ready, Chiyo happily took his place, and began to chant a spell that he was already very familiar with. This time it was a single draw, and whoever came out was who.

After a strange purple light dissipated, she could see who was standing in the center of the summoning formation.

Mom sucks, now she really wants to shove this guy straight back.

Chiyo & Naraku: "..."

The enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

The author has something to say:

Are you surprised? Surprised or not?

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