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Just when Le Huizhen was desperate.

novel b.

The next second, she found that she was hugged by a strong embrace.

As soon as he looked up, it was a handsome face.

She dare to say that this face is definitely what she has seen so far, the most handsome, the most sunny, and most temperamental

"Miss, you're okay. Jiang Hao stood up with Le Huizhen.

Le Huizhen was about to stand by herself, but her right foot just touched the ground, and a heart of heart came from her right foot.

The body couldn't control the balance, and the whole person fell to Jiang Hao.

Then Le Huizhen hugged Jiang Hao subconsciously.

"Then ... what, sorry, my feet ... my feet seem to be twisted.

At this time, Gude also stopped and found that Le Huizhen was being held by a man he didn't know.

His face was confused.

Just now he seemed to hear Le Huizhen's cry, what is the situation now, do you want to run?

And when he hesitated.

Dong Xing's people also chased up.

More than a dozen people immediately scattered.

The three of them including Jiang Hao were surrounded.

"You can run, you."

"Damn, run again.

"Boss, more personal."

"What are more and more, what's wrong with multiple people, just take it back together."

"Give me all, the two men are abolished first, don't move her, Lao Tzu is now a little hot, you need to leak."

"It's miserable." Le Huizhen changed.

The next second, she suddenly found that she was hugged by a princess and hugged it.

"Close your eyes, it's okay for a while.


When he heard Jiang Hao's words, he didn't know why, Le Huizhen ghosts closed his eyes.

At this time, behind Jiang Hao's body, a good feeling had already held the 11th sword in his hand towards Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao didn't look at it.

Just go back directly.

The ancient confusion was kicked.

The huge force directly let him fly out.

By the way, they flew.

Then Jiang Hao hugged Le Huizhen for a while.

Le Huizhen only felt like he was flying.

When Jiang Hao stopped, she opened her eyes and looked around.

The more than a dozen Dongxing's old and confused prayers who chased them were all lying on the ground at this moment.

"This ... this is what you did?" Le Huizhen was stunned.

"This brother, how do you call it, his skills are good." Gude had taken the initiative to bring the relationship at this time.

Just now he saw Jiang Hao holding Le Huizhen, running around the heads of those old and confused like Fei.

Then those young and confused babies fell all.

At one time, he doubted that Jiang Hao hung Weiya, and set up martial arts films here.What's more?

"Jiang Hao, what do you call?"

"Hey, my name is Gude, my friend generally called me fat, and the TV station was responsible for carrying the camera.

"Jiang Hao, hello, my name is Le Huizhen."


"Thank you for saving me. Le Huizhen also said at this time.

Jiang Hao is ready to let Le Huizhen e down.

"Don't, you still hold me, I have sprained my feet, it's not now."


Gurd's mouth on the side was pumped.

Miss Le Daisu is a fantasy?

But he remembers that Le Huizhen was not ill.


"Is your feet twisted? Let me see, just happen to be medical skills."

"Ah, really?

Le Huizhen was surprised.

"You stand well, let me see it." Then, Jiang Hao had squatted down.

And Le Huizhen first glanced at Jiang Hao, who was squatting, was helping him to see his feet, and then looked at Gude.

"Gude, you hurry back to the pany, I sprained my feet, so I won't go back with you.

Le Huizhen suddenly looked at Gude Dao.

But Gudan saw the speechless threat in the eyes of the other party.

Good is a little speechless.

"Well, then I will go back to the pany first.

After speaking, Gude glanced at Jiang Hao again, and then carried the camera directly.

"How do you let him go first."

Jiang Hao raised his head, his face was puzzled.

"Oh, he took a picture in his camera, which is more important. Let him send it back to the pany first.

"By the way, how about my feet, or we still change places, in case these guys wake up, it is not good." Le Hui

"These people can't wake up in half an hour."

"But it is really not suitable for you to do medical legs.


"You have to find a place to sit." Jiang Hao said.

"Then go to my house, my house is not far from here."

"My car is stopped near this, will you drive?"

"Will open, don't go to your house, it's not suitable, I'm a man."

"Other people must be inappropriate, but who made you just saved me, go, you go to my car first, I am now twisting

I hurt, so I can't."


After Jiang Hao said, he took off his coat.

"You wrap it on your legs, you wear a short skirt, so you won't go away."

Le Huizhen was a little surprised, and she didn't expect Jiang Hao to be so happy.

Although she wore leggings, Jiang Hao's carefulness still made her use her wish.

He didn't refuse, but Jiang Hao's clothes were covered on his leg.

Then Jiang Hao hugged her.

And she hooked Jiang Hao's neck with her hands.

Because of the closeness of departure.

She felt that she could feel Jiang Hao's powerful heartbeat.

I smelled Jiang Hao's exhalation at a close range.

We smelled the taste of Jiang Hao.

There is no vision and other flavors.

Instead, there is a faint fragrance.

The taste is not rich, but it smells a good smell, and I can't help but want to look at two more.

I do n’t know why, Le Huizhen found his heart faster and faster.

Looking at Jiang Hao's handsome face with 360 degrees without dead ends.

I don't know why, Le Huizhen suddenly felt very exciting.

In order to wait more time in Jiang Hao's arms, Le Huizhen pointed to the road deliberately.

These small actions were found by Jiang Hao.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

But Jiang Hao didn't care.

Because from beginning to end, he is the hunter, Le Huizhen, the prey.

Soon, Jiang Hao walked in front of a pink converter Ferrari.

"Is this your car?"


How about it?



"Girl fan, very good." Jiang Hao nodded and mented.

"It seems that your family is rich.


"It's not much money too, can you drive?


Jiang Hao nodded.

Le Huizhen threw the key to Jiang Hao, and then he was sitting on the co -pilot.

Jiang Hao sat to the driving seat.

Launch the car, and then according to the address said by Le Huizhen, Jiang Hao drove the car.

Soon, Jiang Hao drove the car to a high -end munity.

Park the car behind the underground garage in the munity.

Jiang Hao hugged Le Huizhen and took the elevator to the sixth floor, and then opened her door with Le Huizhen's key.

Enter it.

Le Huizhen lives with a hardcover room of more than 100 square meters.

Three rooms, one living room, one kitchen and one guard.

Such configuration is really not affordable in Hong Kong Island.

Enter the room and look at the room at will.

Jiang Hao put Le Huizhen on the sofa.

"You have swollen your feet, do you have medical alcohol at home?

"Yes, in the bathroom.


Jiang Hao nodded and came to the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Jiang Hao saw many Bingchen in the bathroom.

However, Jiang Hao just glanced back and looked back.

Then I quickly found alcohol.

On the outside, Le Huizhen suddenly remembered that he took off the clothes that he took off yesterday, including underwear, and he was put in the bathroom.

This made her face flushed slightly.

Just when she thought Jiang Hao would do something strange in the bathroom.

Jiang Hao has already taken medical alcohol.

e out so soon, didn't that guy see it?

No, I must see it.

He just pretended not to see it.

Really, ashamed.

Will he feel that I am seduced him intentionally.

This time, the first time I took a man home.

If this was known by my dad, I would die.

Just when Le Huizhen had thousands of thoughts, Jiang Hao had e to her.

Holding her feet.

Le Huizhen noticed that his right foot's ankle was pletely red and swollen.

When Jiang Hao touched it lightly, she felt a bit of pain.

"Does it hurt?"



"Does it hurt?




"It's a bit serious, but the problem is not big."

Jiang Hao opened the boutique and poured alcohol on his own.

Then he held Le Huizhen's feet directly.

Her skin 937 is very white and her feet are round.

Although running outside for a day, perhaps because she was wearing breathable high heels, she had no odor.

"Throw point.


Jiang Hao held Le Huizhen's feet and began to rub slightly.

At first Le Huizhen felt a little painful.

But soon, she felt that her feet were not so painful.

Jiang Hao can naturally use the horse spell to treat Le Huizhen's feet.

Or use the method to use the method to return to the Spring Festival to help Le Huizhen to treat his feet.

But how to improve feelings.

Whether you can stay here today depends on your performance.

He has no place to sleep tonight.

After a moment.

In addition to feeling Jiang Hao's temperature, Le Huizhen could not feel the pain of his feet.

This surprised Le Huizhen.

Jiang Hao's medical skills are too good.

Then she helped her kneading for a while, and her feet basically didn't hurt very much.

"Does it still hurt now?"

"It's not so painful, a lot."

"Jiang Hao, your medical skills are so powerful, are you a doctor?"

"No, I just learned it. In fact, I was a Taoist priest, who specializes in ghosts.

"Taoist, you don't look like a Taoist priest at all, and where are there a ghost in this world."

Jiang Hao smiled and did not explain too much.

"Well, in fact, I'm a chef, and I cook deliciously.


"Do you open a restaurant or work at your own restaurant?"


"Nothing, I just came from the north, I was both from Hong Kong Island.


Now, Le Huizhen is even more surprised.

"But your Cantonese speaks well, just like the locals in Hong Kong Island. I can't hear that you just came from the north."

"I have the ability to be clever, and I am clever.

"Okay, you shouldn't hurt this foot.


"Well, a lot, Jiang Hao, thank you so much, not only saved me, but also helped me cure my feet. '

"You're polite, it's late now. Since you are okay, then I should leave." Jiang Hao got up.Essence

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