
Looking at the blinking expression, the other three appeared a word.


I know what the three people who have a personality in the blink of an eye, where I ca n’t see this guy, but it ’s a futrious momentum. At this moment

"Okay, blinking, knowing that you are not afraid, Gui brother, is there any story about telling, it is best to be related to ghosts. Xiaohui laughed badly and proposed.

What is the idea of this guy.

Aguang and Agui reacted the first time.

Knowing that I was afraid of blinking, I also told a ghost story, just want to scare a blink of an eye."This is really ..." Agui first glanced at a blink of an eye, and then laughed.

Subsequently, Agui's story time began.

I don't want to listen to the blink of the eyes, but wherever my ears are placed, I don't want to hear it.

Seeing the blinking look, it became pale soon.

Agui is not happy.

But what they didn't know was that the night slowly darkened in their chat.

When they discovered, it was almost pletely dark.

"Not good, the sky is pletely dark, and you have to return to Chenfu quickly."

The four realized that it was not early.

After a hurry, I left.

After going out.

The four hurriedly ran towards Chenfu.

I didn't notice a blink of an eye, and accidentally kicked the iron basin with a lot of "May Eighty" paper in front of a door.

The gray in the iron basin was sprinkled.

"Ah, it's suffocated, I accidentally kicked people's iron pots." The blink of his eyes was a little annoyed.

Agui was very speechless.

"I said blinking, what's going on, I didn't see such a big flame.

"I really convinced you."

"Forget it, don't say it, let's go back early."

Everyone was not serious.

There was some annoyance in the blink of the eyes.

"Really, who is okay to put a brazier at the door of the house and put it in this place.

Then immediately kept up with Agui.

The sky has gradually darkened, and she dare not disconnect with Ah.

The four hurriedly returned to Chen Mansion and came to the theater.

Uncle Sheng had already waited there.

"You four, what do you do, this point is back."

"Hurry up to change clothes, then worship the ancestor of Huaguang, and then e to power."

"The show is about to start."

"I know, Uncle Sheng, we just delayed it, we went to change clothes, it must be too late."

"You can explain it for us." Agui said.

"By the way, Uncle Sheng, this is the roast duck packing you, you like to eat this."

When talking, Agui handed the roast duck to the restaurant to the other party.

"You stinky kids, I know, my medical and class leader said.


"A few of you, remember to change your clothes, you must go to Huaguang's ancestor to worship, do you know?"

"I know, Uncle Sheng, not a newer."

"Every time we worship, I will not forget this time."

Agui, who was talking to Uncle Sheng, didn't notice.

A very active blink of an eye on weekdays suddenly began to immersely immersed.

But at this moment everyone was in a hurry to e to power, and no one noticed this.

Looking at the figure of Agui and others, the blink of his eyes suddenly smiled, a touch of green light, flashed in.

"Blinking, what are you doing, don't e in yet."

"Oh, e!" The blink of his eyes sounded and followed.

Soon, the four changed their clothes.

The drama outside has already begun.

But weirdly, there are no audiences under the stage.

But the people who sang on the stage seemed to know that they still sang themselves.

"Agui, it's time for you."

"Ah? So fast, wait, can't you do it, you haven't worshiped the ancestor of Guang." The Aweson factory was shocked.

The ancestor of Hua Guang was Emperor Huaguang.

The drama class, walking south to the north, will inevitably encounter some bad things.

Therefore, Emperor Huaguang will be worshiped in the play class to seek the shelter of Emperor Huaguang.

"It's too late, let's go on stage first, and wait for the same way for a while."

The people who greeted several people came out on the stage.

Agui and others were helpless.

But you can only e to power first.

If you want to sing and worship, it's the same, it should be fine.

No one noticed that the blinking face was full of sneer.

The green light in the eyes is being more and more.

"Everyone, I go up and play first, you can find a chance to e together for a while."

But strangely, there was no one in his direction.

A candlelight was taken.

Wherever there is a black shadow flashed.

But soon disappeared, as if those black shadows just now were hallucinations.

On the stage, the drama continued.

Because of the martial arts, Agui was beaten.

About a few minutes.

Blogen suddenly.

One stick was drawn on the horn of the play class.

Although this guy has always looked down on the play class, because he is a horn.

Agui, they also read him.

But Agui never wanted to do it with Xin Shaojia.

But now, I blinked with a stick on Xin Shaoling.

Xin Shaojia was directly drawn down by that stick.

This scene was dumbfounded.

The uncle and others in the backstage were also stunned.

"Blinking, what are you doing?" Agui said angrily.

"Blinking, what blink, are you calling me? Hahahaha."

"Blinking, what are you doing, do you think it's so fun?


(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"Xiaohui, Aguang, don't go down to see how the guy of Xin Shaojia is."

The two were about to move, but ‘blinking the eyes” scored the sticks and blocked the two.

"No, you can't go on, you have to continue to sing with me."

There was a smile on his face.

Agui looked at the blink.[014005111 064203421]

I do n’t know why, he feels that the white blink of his eyes is very scary, and the other person’s smile makes him have a heart.

Stunning the feeling of flesh.

"Blinking, don't play anymore, you are already too hot." Xiaohui was saying this time.

As he said, he walked towards ‘blinking.”

"Xiaohui, don't pass, the guy wasn't blinking. Agui suddenly shouted.

He shouted, Fei Xiaohui stunned.

Then he suddenly noticed that the blinking expression was wrong.

Suddenly, he remembered a blinking character.

That guy is very timid. When they just joked with him, when they scared him, when will blink and scare them?


Has the joke.

Thinking of this, Xiaohui was shocked and sinking.

A chill, inaccurate to work from the bottom of my heart.

A Guang was dumbfounded.

In the background, the uncle who realized that the situation was wrong was also ugly.

He knew that Agui's gang guy provoked dirty things.

And the dirty things seemed to have blinked at this moment.

This is troublesome.

Thinking of this, he ran directly to the backstage of the theater.

Soon, he found the drama class management, Xiaomei.


"Uncle, what's wrong with you, why is your face so ugly?

"It's an accident, Xiaomei, I heard that there are experts from Maoshan School next door Renjia Town. You hold this amulet and let Huang Laosanhe

You run a trip to Renjia Town, please e over in Maoshan in the town.

"Otherwise, everyone in the opera class tonight is unlucky."


"Even miserable. Uncle's face was ugly and said with a serious tone.

If it is a ghost on weekdays.

But today is the Menglan Festival.

He really drew the hearts of his guys.

Why is it so troublesome.

Xiaomei also knew that the situation was urgent, and she knew that Uncle Sheng was old rivers and lakes, and would not be kidding.

The first time I went to find Uncle Huang, Huang Lao San.


Xiaomei was also one of the actresses in the play class before, but because of her misconduct and injury, she had never been in it for a while.


Although she is a girl, she is not bad, and her physical fitness is naturally not bad.

Huang Laosan is a Taiwan service in the opera class.

"Huang Laosan, when Agui came to power, is there any worshipers?"

Seeing Huang Laosan, Uncle Sheng asked directly.

"Then ... that ..., no, it's too anxious at that time, the play began, and Agui couldn't go to the stage, so

Think of ...


Huang Lao San wrapped his face.

He naturally noticed the abnormalities on the stage at this moment.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense."

"Xiaomei, Huang Laosan, you hurried to Renjia Town to find someone.

"What do you do that uncle?"



"I hope the statue of the ancestor of Huaguang will be more for a while. Uncle Sheng can only say this.

Later, I went directly to the backstage to get the statue of the ancestor of Hua Guang.

Of course, after getting the statue of the ancestor of Huaguang.

Uncle Sheng didn't go out for the first time.

It was hidden behind the stage.

I plan to go out when I am most endangered, because at this time, delay more time to Xiaomei.



At this moment, Uncle Jiu and Wu Lian.

Jiang Hao, Liu Xiaoyun, Zhou Shuiling, Ren Tingting, Renfa.

Wens of talents and prosperity are all there.

At this moment, everyone is planning to eat.

But before eating, they also need to burn the paper to the ancestors who died in the yard.

Even Uncle Jiu was burning.

Uncle Jiu did not jump out of the stone seam, and he also had parents.

And Wu Lian and they gave their father, 2 and grandfather's relatives burned.

As for Jiang Hao, it is purely acpanying Liu Xiaoyun, Zhou Shuiling, Ren Tingting, and Renfa to burn them.

After all, he has no relatives except Uncle Nine in this world.

No need to burn paper for anyone.

At the eyes of Jiang Hao's Faya, he can clearly see that many Yizhuang is out of the way, and he is in Yizhuang to pick up the coins.

Among them, many of them are lonely ghosts.

Nine uncle will burn some paper money every year.

This year is no exception.

He burned as much money before.

Not to mention that you have money this year.

And because he has money this year, he has more burned.

So this year's lonely soul ghosts have e more than in previous years.

As for so many lonely ghosts, will there be any chaos.

Don't worry at all.

Don't look at where this is.

If you can have chaos here, there will be no stable places at the end of the day.

What's more, there are four ghosts standing not far away, and no ghost dares to mess here.

After burning the paper, Jiang Hao placed the table directly in the yard and had dinner.

Because there are many people, this dinner is more lively.

The laughter sounds from time to time.

It took a bit of warmth to this silent environment.Essence

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