And Ren Fa and Ren Tingting did not know. Their conversation was heard by Jiang Hao, the old six.

In the small courtyard, Jiang Hao took back his eyes.

Jiang Hao had long expected that he only needed to show a little meaning to Ren Tingting, and Ren Fan would help him.

It seems that Ren Fa did do it as expected.

For most people, it is difficult to get Ren Fa than Ren Tingting.

But in Jiang Hao, it is simpler than Ren Tingting.

Nothing overnight.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Hao went to Renfu with Wen Cai and Wangcai.

Then he took a large group of Renfu and Ren Fa and Ren Tingting up the mountain to move Ren Weiyong to the grave.

During this period, Jiang Hao also saw Ren Tingting's No. 1 dog, Tian Wei, Captain Awei.

This guy is like a movie, and is the captain of the security team of Renjia Town.

"Brother Jiang, the weather today is so hot. e on, this is the iconic plum soup that I make in advance. It is best to drink it on a hot day.

"Huang Laosi, what are you standing there?

Wait until Huang Laosi sent a bowl of sour plum soup.

Awei stood up and held his hands, and kicked him respectfully in front of Jiang Hao.

"Brother Jiang, e, drink sour plum soup."

When Jiang Hao saw this, he did not refuse.

He is a superman who destroys the Japanese. No matter how big the sun is exposed to him, he will not feel hot, but will feel very fortable.

But he still took the sour plum soup handed over by Awei.

Then drink it.

"It tastes good, Awei, good.


"Hahaha, Brother Jiang, as long as you are happy, everything I do is willing.

"Um." Jiang Hao nodded.

"How much did your sour plum soup bring?"

"There are many more.


"All the people who came, let them solve the heat.

"Okay, let me do it."

Tian Wei heard the words, and immediately took the person to the people who gave it to the sour plum soup.

Why does it bee like this to Avi.

This also starts from Renfa to call him alone this morning.

At first, I learned that Ren Fa intends to assign Ren Tingting Xu Jiang Hao, and Ren Tingting himself agreed that Tian Weina called a sadness.

After all, he still wanted to eat Tingting's soft rice.

But then, he learned Jiang Hao's identity from Ren Fa.

Knowing that Wang Jie in the provincial capital, Wang Jie was under Jiang Hao's men, and respectfully respect Jiang Hao Bi.

Tian Weili is not sad.

Ren Tingting is very beautiful, and once she married her, the family of Ren's family will inevitably return to Ren Tingting.

After all, Ren Fa was a daughter like Tingting.

But Ren Fa obviously did not marry Ren Tingting to him. Now that Ren Fan wants to marry Ren Tingting to Jiang Hao, then he has no chance

It's right.

So Tianwei began to change his mind.

Now that Ren Tingting is no longer playing.

Can you please Jiang Hao, and then use Jiang Hao's relationship to find a difference in Wang Jie's hands?

Isn't this better than his little security team captain in Renjia Town?

As long as you have the right, will the money be not?

With money and power, will there be no women?

So after seeing Jiang Hao, the guy began to give up unlimitedly.

None of the re -election and Ren Tingting.

Of course, no matter how much it values it before, the respect for the should be given, Tian Wei is still given.

After all, Ren Fa will bee Jiang Hao's father -in -law.

Therefore, the relationship with Renfa still needs to be maintained.

It's just as diligent as before.

And he knew that his cousin Renfa didn't actually like him.

So he rarely appeared in front of Renfa.

As for Tian Wei, he diligently and pleased Jiang Hao.

Ren Fa looked in his eyes.

He didn't look down on Tian Wei. Instead, he felt that this guy sometimes couldn't turn his mind, and he was dying.

In fact, the emotional intelligence is quite high, the key to the thick face, the lower face, the lower body.

It is barely considered a personal talent.

Of course, the premise of talent is that other women women have fascinated his eyes.

Because sometimes, the big characters have changed from the little people who are humble.

Although there are not many examples, he does exist.

Soon, everyone came to the half mountainside where Ren Weiyong was.

After finding Ren Weiyong's tomb.

First, let Wen Cai and Wangcai put tribute.

Then Jiang Hao did a few ways to let Ren Fa move to Ren Wei Yong's grave.


Hope he don't get angry.

Later, the coffin was raised.

When the coffin is opened, it is not the corpse that has only left the bone, but a corpse that has just been buried.

Seeing this scene, Ren Fa widened his eyes.

His father has died for more than 20 years.

It stands to reason that the bone should have only had white bones.

He looked at Jiang Hao puzzled.

Jiang Hao also told the original mittee of the matter.

It is nothing more than a way to burial.

Make a good acupoint into a corpse.

The reason why Ren Weiyong's bones have not corrupted and turned into white bones.

It is because the corpse has been developed by a zombie. If he is not cremated, he will smell the popularity and will start the factory tonight.

At that time, the first to find was he Ren Fa and Ren Tingting.

And this is obviously the Feng Shui division deliberately.

And Ren Fa also talked about the good Feng Shui hole that had won this place, which was forced by Ren Weiyong.

The force that was forced was the Feng Shui master who was buried by Ren Weiyong.

Before Ren Fa thought the Feng Shui master didn't care.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

After all, they gave him a lot of money.

He should thank him for his family.

Unexpectedly, the man was so ruthless.

pared to the more euphemistic than Uncle Jiu in the movie.

Jiang Hao's words are more direct.[014005111 064203231]

The reason why Uncle Jiu's words in the movie are euphemistic is that there are many people present, and the other is that he and Renfa's identity gap.

In addition, Uncle Jiu does have a way to solve the problem of Ren Weiyong's corpse. Fire is just the best choice, but it is not the only choice.

This can also highlight him.

I didn't expect to be pitted by two apprentices in the end.

Unlike the identity of Uncle Jiu, Jiang Hao's identity, he has to be above Renfa, and he is not worried about offending Renfa.

So speaking is more direct.

Although Ren Weiyong's problem, although he also has other ways to solve it, in Jiang Hao's view, direct cremation is still solving this

The most effective way (BBCD) is the most effective way.

At that time, another better Feng Shui hole will be picked up, and the ash altar will be put in, the effect is the same.

After hearing Jiang Hao's suggestion.

In the end, I chose to be cremated on the spot.

After all, Jiang Hao is now a quasi -son -in -law. He said so, so he listened to Jiang Hao.

In this regard, Jiang Hao is obviously more professional.

After Ren Fa agreed to the cremation, things were simple.

There is no need to find any wood.

Jiang Hao rubbed the flames directly, and a purple inflammation flew out of his hands, falling in the body of Weiyong.

A kung fu of breathing, Ren Weiyong had been burned cleanly, leaving a little black and gray.

This is the first time Jiang Hao has shown an extraordinary side in front of the world.

In this hand, I directly watched Ren Fa, Ren Tingting, Tian and others.

The look of Wen Cai and Wangcai is slightly calm.

Although it is a new way they haven't seen before.

But knowing that Jiang Hao is a reincarnation immortal, they feel that Jiang Hao has done anything unreasonable, which is reasonable.

So it's not too surprised.

Instead, he calmly took out the ashes that had long been prepared and packed Ren Weiyong's ashes.

Although there are not many, there are some, anyway, do you think of Ren some thoughts?

Two days later, after Jiang Hao took a lot of places, he helped Ren Weiyong pick a good Feng Shui hole, and put the bones with Ren Weiyong ashes.

After the gray altar continues.

Ren Weiyong's relocation of the grave can also end.

After the incident was resolved, Ren Fa also invited Jiang Hao, Wencai, and Wangcai to eat at Renfu for the first time.

Ren Fa also invited Uncle Jiu.

But was rejected by Uncle Jiu.

If he used to participate before.

Because Uncle Jiu actually likes lively.

But now with Wu Lian, most of the time of Jiu Shu is used to acpany Wu Lian for most of the time. Where can I go to the banquet of Ren Fa.

Wencai and Wangcai naturally went to the fart.

In addition to being able to eat delicious.

The key is the day when I was given to money.

As soon as they arrived, Ren Fa had asked his subordinates to send them the money, saying one hundred silver dollars, but Renfa finally gave two two


Wen Cai and Wangcai have one hundred.


The two are naturally very happy.

But when they were eating, they were unhappy.

Because Ren Fang announced publicly to Jiang Hao, his daughter Ren Tingting.

As for the days of marriage, it will be agreed in the future.

But the matter of marrying his daughter Ren Tingting to Jiang Hao was already on the board.

Hearing this news.

The two people who ate Zhengxiang immediately felt that the rice in her mouth was not fragrant.

A few days later, Liu Xiaoyun and Zhou Yongling who returned from visiting relatives learned that the two of them would have an additional sister.

Not only are you not angry, but you can't be happy.

Ren Tingting chatted with her every day, and took her to play everywhere.

The marriage period of Jiang Hao and Ren Tingting was set behind Uncle Jiu.

You can't get married by his own master. As a result, he is an apprentice and marry the third.

The set time is relatively close.

After Jiu Shucheng kissed, it was the marriage between Jiang Hao and Ren Tingting every two days.

In this way, the uncle Jiang Hao's uncle did not need to run on both ends.

And Ren Fa's side is to inform him of his relatives.

Although Ren Weiyong posted such a son.

But Ren Weiyong has two brothers, but people are not on Lingnan, but on Guangxi.

Ren Weiyong's two brothers have also passed away, but their children are still there.

The relationship with Renfa is a cousin, and there is a relationship with each other.

This time, Ren Tingting was a marriage, and he would definitely notify them to e.

Fortunately, there are more than a month before the marriage period, and it is pletely too late.

At the ceremony, Jiang Hao gave not many things. Except for some necessary, he did not send money.

Instead, he gave Renfa a strong body Dan as a gift.

As for Ren Tingting's side, naturally there is no less.

Now the strong body in Jiang Hao's hands is flooding, and no one is sent out, and no one eats it.

And Ren Fa found that Jiang Hao's father -in -law is also a family.

Strong Dan, he has his own share.

Even Wang Jie's side, because he did well, Jiang Hao affirmed his ability, and asked Qiu Sheng to send him a strong body.

Wang Jie ate the strong body Dan and felt the effect of strong body Dan, and it was naturally loyal to Jiang Hao.

He ran a trip to Renjia Town himself and gave Jiang Hao a lot of things.

After learning that Jiang Hao was going to be married with Ren Tingting a month, he also said that he would prepare a gift for Jiang Hao. At that time, he will be sent to Jiang Hao.

Ps; another five more 15,000 words, e some flowers monthly tickets, brothers, there are many flowers, more monthly tickets, the more updates


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