
The man is called Adolf, the German British Geese.It was also a werewolf.

This guy had had a holiday with Ol before, and Ol went to a girlfriend of his girlfriend, so every time the two met, the two were indispensable.

Adf is an old werewolf, and his strength is stronger.

However, because the rules of the werewolf are not allowed to easily do the rules of the clan, even if Adoff is unhappy with Ol, I dare not treat Ol.

Because once he shot Ol, he couldn't say that he could not beat the four Ols alone, even the time.

Afterwards, they will also be punished by the Presbyterian of the werewolf.

So every time I see Ol, Adorf is always indispensable and ridiculed.

When I saw Ol's face was not very good this time, he immediately realized that the opportunity was ing, and naturally he would not miss such a good opportunity.

And was ridiculed by Adoff, Ol's face immediately gloomy.

The whole person stood up directly from the stool.

But as soon as he stood up, he was stopped by David and others on the side.

Many werewolfs around, if Orr had done it with Adoff here, the punishment of the Presbyterian Club, could he escape

Just when the atmosphere is very bad.



The wooden door of the tavern was pushed away from the outside.

The wind chime at the door also rang, telling everyone in the tavern that there are newers here.

The four "three two" of Ol and David also looked at it subconsciously.

When the familiar figure appeared in the sight, the four were stunned.

It was then frightened.

Because the person who came in was not someone else, it was Jiang Hao.

It seemed to notice the attention of the four Ols, and Jiang Hao also looked at the four and showed a smile to them.

But this smile looks more like ridicule.

Especially Jiang Hao looked at their cold eyes, just like watching the dead.

For a moment, the coldness of the four rose from the bottom of his heart.

They don't know why they are so afraid of Jiang Hao.

But by Jiang Hao, they were just like ordinary people were posted by a fierce beast, and they couldn't control the fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Gradually occupy their brains.

"Then ... how did that guy find here.

"Damn, run quickly." The four Ol panicked.

At the same time, everyone else in the tavern looked at Jiang Hao.

When he saw Jiang Hao is a yellow race and did not feel the breath of the same family on him.

All the werewolfs were stunned.

"How did this yellow skin ghost e in, he was not our person.

twenty two

A black man in the tavern is talking.

When he exported, Jiang Hao's eyes also looked at him.

Today, Orr also said that he was a yellow -skinned ghost.

Jiang Hao did not want to panic and prepare for running Our and others.

Instead, he walked directly towards the black man.

"What did you just say?" Jiang Hao came to the black man and said high.

Looking at Jiang Haoju, the black man didn't care.

"Boy, I will make you dead.


The black man looked arrogant.

After that, his body began to swell.

You can clearly see that the bones under his skin are moving.

His face began to change drastically.

Two -rate kung fu.

The black man turned into a strong werewolf who was more than two meters high.

The fierce teeth were exposed.

A stench came.

"That's it?"

Jiang Hao smiled disdain.

The next second, he punch it.

This punch, he didn't keep his hand anymore.

The power of horror, the pupil hides the air.

The horrible wind pressure swept the whole tavern instantly.

The fist hasn't fell on the werewolf yet.

The horrible wind pressure, his face hurts.


A loud noise.

Everyone in the tavern was quiet, and I watched the scene that happened in front of them.

I saw where the black man was standing into the werewolf, at this moment, there were only a werewolf legs below the knee.

As for the body above the werewolf's legs, it was no longer a trace.

The rear of the entire tavern also appeared in a huge hole.

No one dares to believe the scene they see with their eyes.

Ol, who has stood up and preparing to run, also watched this scene incredibly.

Is that guy really humans?

Not to mention that the vampire hunter, even the church's town knight, none of them can do this level.

"Can you see me today without seeing me? I just e here to deal with some small things, okay, look at you, you, you, you

I am afraid that I ca n’t see me today. Forget it, I still work hard, kill you all!

"Hey, why did I talk nonsense with a group of dead people, really.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

But his words spread throughout the tavern, so that all the werewolfs were trembling in his heart.

The chills spread all over their whole body instantly.

In the next second, smart people have begun to run away.

Some people with a slow response saw that someone escaped, and they also reacted.

But Jiang Hao said that he was going to kill the gangs, how could they escape.


Super speed launch.

Everything around was like the X -Men quickly launched its own ability, and it was almost prohibited.

One punch one punch.

Without controlling forces, these people are more fragile than paper in front of Jiang Hao.

Basically, it is broken as soon as I touch it.

Some people directly turned back to the werewolf to escape in order to run quickly.

But no matter whether it is human form or a werewolf form, there is no difference in Jiang Hao.

Broken when it bumps.

When Jiang Hao canceled the super speed.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

All the werewolves present had bee a beacon.

Ol and others did not even have time to say the last words and forgiveness, and they died.

The werewolf in the tavern was also unlucky.

If it weren't for these four guys to e here, Jiang Hao would not e here to find them.

If Jiang Hao doesn't e here, then they don't have to die.[014005111 064193131]

Look at the tavern with a perspective to determine that there is no living mouth.

Jiang Haofang left the tavern.

It was almost half an hour after Jiang Hao left the tavern.

Someone here is here.

Gall is a werewolf, but pared to those low -level werewolfs who couldn't control his emotions, he was a senior werewolf.

Because he can perfectly control his emotions.

It will not bee werewolves because emotional out of control.

And after being a werewolf, whether it was body shape, strength, or recovery speed, he was stronger than other werewolves.

At this moment, he came to the tavern and planned to e here to find some cannon fodder, because a few days later, he had a action and needed some people.

But before he walked into the tavern, he smelled a strong bloody smell.

As a werewolf, even if he did not change, his sense of smell was more sensitive than ordinary people.

With a trace of doubt, he entered the tavern.

Then the next second, he saw a scene like hell.

In the whole tavern, there are minced meat everywhere.

The ceiling and ground of the tavern are full of minced meat and blood.

Occasionally you can see a broken arm or a broken foot ..

Even as a werewolf, he was used to the corpse.

Seeing such a scene, he almost spit it out.

"This ... what happened here?"

Gall murmured pale.

However, the people here have long been dead, and obviously no one can answer his doubts.

"No, I have to tell the elders here, if this is a conspiracy to the entire werewolf, we

You must know who did it, otherwise everyone would be in danger."

Endure the strong vomiting in the stomach.

Gall left the tavern.

Nothing overnight.

Early the next morning, Jiang Hao and Shi Jian, who got up early, after eating breakfast provided by Sinana.

Shi Jian continued his cultivation.

Jiang Hao took Jonathan and Evelyn to play.

Jiang Hao originally thought that the tavern last night would cause great movement in London.

But what surprised him was that there was no movement.

No news appeared.

This made Jiang Hao realize that the matter in the tavern should be suppressed.

However, Jiang Hao didn't care.

After all, he didn't care about the follow -up of this incident.

It was impossible for the werewolf to find his head.

However, although Jiang Hao didn't care, he did not mean that others didn't care.

The first thing to notice the tavern was the weling opponent, the vampire family.

Dozens of werewolves died at a time.

Although most of these werewolfs were low -level werewolfs, there were several senior werewolves.

Such bat power.

Even the vampire hunter wants to hunt them, it is difficult.

The most important thing is their way of death.

Everyone was beaten into minced meat.

What kind of power to kill them can make a strong werewolf into minced meat.

There is also the huge wall hole on the tavern wall.

What kind of person can cause such horrible destructive power.

The opponent attacked the werewolf and would attack them.

Although the vampire family is a hatred with the werewolf.

But the enemy of the enemy is a friend, but it is not applicable at any time.

The church also received the news.

This incident even attracted the attention of the pope.

After all, dozens of 1.3 werewolfs, but a lot of power.

The church people went to the scene to check the situation in person.

This incident was also suppressed by the church.

They know the situation of the tavern better than anyone else.

Information passed through the church.

Those werewolfs should die in the hands of a person.

In addition, people who kill the group of werewolfs are fast.

Of course, it may be something that the other party has time to control time, or it is just to master the magic of time.

The former is more likely.

The possibility of the latter is very low.

Because time magic is extremely powerful magic.

Even the Master of the Temple of the Church did not master the magic of time.

Regardless of whether there is something that can control time in the hands of the other party, this news is not good news for them.

Because such dangerous things are not in their hand ministers.

If it is in the hands of an evil person.

For this world, it is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

"Great Bishop, the heart of the angel, do you still have to continue?" After the report was reported, Alexander paired as the Templar Knight

Grand Bishop Adam asked.

Angel's heart to the London Museum exhibition.

In fact, it is a plan for the church.

The purpose is to seduce a demon that escaped from hell.Essence

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