
As for Zhang Nianying, where is Ma's and Wu Lian going, where she follows.

Later, Jiang Hao asked Wu Lian to clean up.

When they finished cleaning up, everyone left.

As for where to go after leaving.

Naturally, I went to Shi Jian.

Now Wu Lian has found, Jiang Hao does not intend to stay in Guangzhou City.

I plan to take Wu Lian directly to Renjia Town.

But before, I promised to help Shi Jian.

Shi Jian also clearly stated that he needed Jiang Hao, and he left without saying hello. It must not work.

As for what Shi Jian asked him to help him.

If not in a hurry, Jiang Hao must first send Xiaoyun, Xiaoling and Lian to the town.

Soon, Jiang Hao and others came to Daotang again.

Shi Jian was not surprised to find Wu Lian so quickly.

After all, the accurate address is given to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao couldn't find talents.

"Shi Bo, do you say that there is something to help me, don't you know what you want?"

When he heard Jiang Hao's words, Shi Jian froze.

But others were not stupid, and soon understood what Jiang Hao asked him.


"It's not very anxious. After Shi Jian groaned for a moment, he said.

"If it wasn't very anxious, I planned to send Xiaoyun back first, and then e to help the teacher.

"Also." Shi Jian nodded.

Immediately afterwards.

"But Ahao, you'd better e here in half a month."

"e here in half a month?"

"I don't know what happened, let the uncle you feel so attentive?"

Jiang Hao began to be curious about what Shi Jian asked him to help him.Looking at this, things should be very important.

"Ah Hao, have you heard of long water?"

"Changshengshui?" Jiang Hao suddenly came with a trace of interest.

757 "Shi Bo, please also talk about it in detail."

"Qin Huang sent people to find the legend of long -lived medicine. Ah Hao Ji should have heard of it.

Jiang Hao nodded.

This story, he heard before he traveled.


Of course, in his world, even if such a thing is true, it cannot be related to supernatural power.

But in this world, there are supernatural power.

"Few people know that at the same time that Qin Huang sent people to east, he also secretly sent people to go west.

"The people in the east did not find long -lived medicines, but the people in the west have gained gains."

"They brought back a woman, a woman named Ziyuan."

"Ziyuan?" Jiang Hao stunned.

In the brain, a lot of information appeared immediately.

If the name of Ziyuan alone, he has nothing special.

But Ziyuan, another Qin Shihuang's relationship, made him immediately think of a movie he had watched.

Mummy's Dragon Emperor.

It is the third movie of the mummy series.

Is this world incorporated into the mummy series?

If this is the case, he may be able to find a time to go to the country.

After all, there are many good things in the world of mummy.

The Dead Bible can resurrect the dead, and there is no sequelae.

Although the Sun Bible only shows the ability to summon the old guard Mumini in the movie.

But it is not bad to be able to e with the Bible of the Dead.

In addition, it is the old spring that appeared in the third part.

Ziyuan and her daughter leaned on the long -lived water in the old springs and lived for more than two thousand years.

If the world of mummy is really incorporated into the world he is now.

He is bound to get the long water.

Although he doesn't need that thing, his woman, uncle Jiu, need.

If you have the ability and condition, Jiang Hao will take the medical treatment with the person he cares about.

As for the system, the ghost knows when it will give Jiang Hao a reward that can increase the life.

There are too many uncertainties.

So if this world really integrates the background of the mummy world, he will not be old.

"Yes, Ziyuan, this woman is an ancient refiner, and the Tao is very high, but even if the Tao is high, it is not immortal.

Old will die."

"And she has been looking for me.

"But I have never been able to find it."


"When she learned that Qin Huang was looking for the law of longevity, she took the initiative to find Qin Huang's people."

"Later, she was taken to Xianyang.


"When I saw Queen Qin, she taught Qin Huang's Qin to refining qigong, so that Qinhuang learned the technique of refining qi."

"This has made Qin Huang a great trust in her."

"Later, Qin Huang learned from her mouth about the news about Boyunquan."

"Because of the method of refining gas, Qin Huang already had trust in her, and also believed that what she said did not really exist.

"So she sent someone to find her old spring with her.

"In the end, she successfully found the old spring, but the heaven and earth did not allow an emperor who would never die. She taught Qin Emperor

The method of qi has affected her own luck.

"After Ziyuan realized this, I realized that if Qin Huang was told by Qin Huang, she would be punished."

"So she concealed what she had found.


"Instead, I went to the Western Regions and found a cursed witchcraft, and used the cursing witchcraft to lay witchcraft to Qinhuang, which made her a stone

picture."Of course, because this incident is too incredible, and it has affected Qin Guotong, Qin Guo blocked the news to the outside world.

"Later, the news of the fifth tour of Qin Emperor was announced. Finally, Qin Huang died in the fifth East Tour and died in Xingtai."


"And Qin Guo was also greatly affected, and finally died in the last two. (Looking at the storm novels, go to Novel Network!)

"And Ziyuan, because of the mantra to death the emperor in the world, was rejected. Although people did not die, they were twenty years old.Because of the reasons of the heavenly Tao, even if it is long

Raw water can not restore her appearance.


Listening to Shi Jian's words, Jiang Hao has bee more and more convinced. This is the plot of the Mummy 3 Dragon Emperor.(BBCG)

Although there are many differences pared to movies, it is indeed the plot of the Dragon Emperor.

In this way, the Mumini World has also incorporated this world.

So Laoquan should be true.[014005111 064173261]

I just don't know if it is in Shangri -La as in the movie.

The Dead Bible is certain, just in Egypt.

But don't rush to get it.

Anyway, no one can take it.

Mummy 1's plot was in 1923.

But the real plot took place in 1926.

Now the World War I have not ended.

The plot of Mummy 1 was very early, and I was not in a hurry to get that thing.

Anyway, there is nothing to be resurrected now.

"Shouldn't the uncle ask me to help you find that Laoquan? Jiang Hao asked with a smile.

Shi Jian shook his head.

"Even if you are a reincarnation fairy, it is difficult to find a Laoquan spring.

"After more than two thousand years, there are a lot of people who want to find Laoquan."

"But no one has found it at all, even if it is my ancestor of the Maoshan faction, there are no shortage of search, but they have not been found.

"If you want to find the old spring, the general method is not enough, but if there is the eye of the jade, it is not the same."

"The Eye of Lingyu? What is that?"

Jiang Hao was curious.

"That's a magic weapon made by Ziyuan. It is rumored that Laoquan will not always be in the same place."

"Because it exists in a cave world, every hundred years, cave sky will enter the void, and then appear in another


"After finding the old spring, Ziyuan created the eyes of Lingyu. Because there is an old spring in the eyes of Lingyu, so

As long as you hold the eyes of Lingyu, you can feel what Dongtian is.

*You can find the old spring again."

"During the Tang Dynasty, the eyes of Lingyu had been present for a while.

"It caused a shock in the cultivation world."


"But then no one could get the eyes of Lingyu, even if my ancestor of my Maoshan faction could not be obtained.

"After that, there is no news about the eyes of spiritual pressure."


"After returning from Renjia Town, I drank tea in the tea restaurant in the city and saw a newspaper from abroad. On it, I saw

The eyes of Lingyu.

Having said that, Shi Jian got up and went to his room.

After a while, he walked out with a newspaper.

Domestic newspapers have long been available. When the Qing Dynasty was still there, there was nothing, and naturally nothing was rare.

Jiang Hao also stood up.

When Shi Jian started a newspaper.

Later, Jiang Hao also saw a black and white picture on the newspaper.

In the picture, there is a huge blue diamond.

On the diamond, nine small dragon statues are visible.

Isn't this TM's eye in Shangri -La in the Dragon Emperor's movie?

Although now it has bee the eyes of Lingyu in his mouth.

But Jiang Hao is sure, this thing is the eyes of Shangri -La in the movie.

"This time, I just want to find Ah Hao, you acpany me to Ying Geely and bring the eyes of Lingyu back."

"Of course, the eyes of Lingyu will definitely return to Ah Hao. Although I have good strength, I can’t grasp this thing

Your kid is the person who can hold it.


"At that time, you can find the old spring, and your kid will give me some long water. Stone monsters e out.

"No problem, half a month later, I came back to find Shi Bo, Ying Geely, maybe we can really take a trip.

The eye of Lingyu, as the magic weapon of Ziyuan, is definitely not just as simple as the Dongtian of the Lao Spring.


It must also have some special effects.

And this means that it will definitely not be in the hands of ordinary people.

And there are prefectures in the east in the world, so whether the West exists?

Is the devil or angel a real existence?

Is the exorcist, magician, wizard, temple knight or something, do you really exist?

The probability is really exist.

Want to e to vampires, werewolfs or something.

In this case, Shi Jian was not sure that one person brought back the eyes of Lingyu, and it was normal to pull him together.

"Okay, then I will wait for Ah Hao, you are here."

Jiang Hao nodded, but did not leave directly, but said directly.

"Shi Bo, how much do you know about the ax gang?".

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