Annie and Emma were very happy to play.

Jiang Hao felt more like a spring tour teacher with a shield to play with the museum.

After all, looking at a bunch of old antiques, I really can't mention any interest.

This is not as good as a dance that can make Jiang Hao feel more emotional.

And for the US team or something.

Jiang Hao couldn't talk about worship.

After all, this is the hero of the lighthouse.

Jiang Hao does not deny that the beautiful team in the movie is very good.

But that's how.

This world never lacks good people.

"Does it feel boring?

Suddenly, a sound sounded from the side.

Jiang Hao knew that someone stood beside him and was still watching.

It's just that he didn't care.

In the distance, Annie and Emma were still taking pictures.

"It's okay." Jiang Hao nodded and looked at the speaker.

It was a white -haired white man in his thirties, strong and strong.

Jiang Hao is no stranger to him.

Steve Rogers, Captain America.

After the New York War, everyone in the entire lighthouse country knew what Captain America was still alive.

So Steve did not deliberately hides.

He often runs in Lincoln Park, and the news is that he does not lack reports that he moves in Lincoln Park.

At the beginning, many fans would go to Lincoln Park to squat him deliberately.

Later, "Seven Seven Three" was reduced by being disturbed, he changed to a small park to run.On weekdays, he works for the SHIELD and performs some jobs that ordinary people cannot implement.

After the holiday, he will not take his family and friends to picnic or something like others.

Because he is unfortable with the current era.

He has no family or friends.

Because of the different times, whether it is words and deeds or the way of talking, he feels that he is inpatible with this world.

So as he felt confused.

And every time he was confused, he would e to his memorial alone, here to see his old friends.

Look at the previous video.

Recall that past.

"A person who is still alive has a memorial, it is very interesting, isn't it?" The US team.

"Not adapt to this era?"

"For this era, I am just a remaining old man."

"The old man is not as strong as you, and your pectoral muscle is also very good.



"I feel that you are familiar, where have we seen? The US team suddenly said.

I don't know why, Jiang Hao felt a little familiar.

But he can guarantee that she is the first Asian in front of her eyes.

"I think you may have seen me in a certain news or mand.


The beautiful team frowned slightly.

Soon what he thought.

"You are the mysterious person, the people of the SHIELD are looking for you everywhere, but you don't expect you to be here."

"Why, the Captain America was going to arrest me? Jiang Hao asked with a smile.

The US team shook her head.

"You have no crime, I have no right to arrest you.


"You suddenly appeared that day, although a traffic accident, but in the end you don't know what means to use to let those reports report

Waste vehicles and injured people, as well as damaged roads, have recovered."

"You have no crime, so I have no right to arrest.

"I want to ask you if there is a question."


"You are an obedient soldier or so good.

The beautiful team was stunned.


This question has been heard a long time ago.

The person who asked him about this question changed his life.

"No need to answer me, because this answer is slowly revealed.

"By the way, in view of your words, how about sending you a message?"

"What?" The US team was puzzled.

Jiang Hao is undoubtedly mysterious and powerful.

He can be sure of this.


"Your good brother, Bucky, he hasn't died yet, he is still alive." Jiang Hao smiled.

The current timeline is basically the plot point of the US team 2.

Jiang Hao wanted to see that when the US team knew that Bucky was fine in advance, the story would develop.

"What? Bucky is not dead, why do I believe you."

Jiang Hao smiled slightly.

I don't know where to take out a piece of white paper.

"This is his address."

"But he is now brainwashed by the nine -headed snake, code -named Winter Soldier, and a nine -headed snake. He controlled him to kill many people, of which

There is also your friend, the Howard couple.

"How is it possible?" The US team was shocked.

If Jiang Hao said is true, then this is definitely what he doesn't want to see the most.

Jiang Hao's hand suddenly condensed a green pill.

Jiang Hao threw it to the US team.

The latter is subconsciously caught.

"This is a pill that allows your good friends to get rid of the nine -headed snake control."

"If he is controlled, you can feed him to eat, and he will return to normal."

"I have given you the address, do you want to save people, you decide yourself."

"By the way, tell you a message again. '


"The current Aegis Bureau, two -thirds of the people, are all nine -headed snake people."

"Alexander Pierce, the Minister of the United Nations Security Council, the boss of Nick Furry, he is the head of the nine snakes

At the same time, it is also a good brother who controls your, Barcelona."

"So, if you want to act, it is better not to let the Aegis Bureau know what you want to do, otherwise, the nine -headed snake will be the first

Time receives the news, then your good brother will be transferred.

"Why tell me these, why do you help me."

"Because you just said.


"If someone asks me, you can say truthfully.

"Because I never care about whether I will be exposed.

"I just don't like to be disturbed.

"God, you ... you are the US captain Steve Rogers.

At this moment, Emma and Annie came to Jiang Hao after taking a photo.


As a result, as soon as the two sisters came, they saw the US team Steve Rogers.

In the lighthouse country, the popularity of the US team is definitely the only one.

The deeds of the US team can be said to be well known in the lighthouse country.

He was once the protagonist of a ic.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Many people even grew up watching the American ics.

Such as Carson.

The guy was a beautiful ic when he was a child.

It even watched the American team's ics grew up.

This is why he was so excited when he first saw the US team.

"Can we take a picture with you?"

"Of course." The US team did not refuse.

Smiling with Emma and Annie took a picture.

"Do you want to e together? Friends.


The US team finally looked at Jiang Hao.

"I can."

Then the US team and Jiang Hao came.

After taking photos.

Both Emma and Annie are very happy.

After playing again for a while.[014005111 064253161]

The three left.

The US team watched the three of them left.

Then I took out the white paper given by Jiang Hao and looked up, and the front was an address.

And the no green pill.

Just now, Jiang Hao gave him a great shock.

If Jiang Hao is talking about it.

Then, no matter the Aegis Bureau or the Avengers, there will be big trouble.

Moreover, he already felt what Nick Furui was carrying him on his back ..

He just didn't want to care about it before.

But now from Jiang Hao, at least two -thirds of the Aegis Bureau are nine -headed snake.

He felt what he should do.

Of course, he needs to confirm whether Jiang Hao's words are feasible.

The method of confirming is naturally the address given to Jiang Hao to see if his good brother Buck is really as what Jiang Hao said.

Really controlled nine -headed snake control, secretly detained there.

Leave the museum.

Annie and Emma are still in excitement.

After all, they saw Captain America and took a photo with him.

"Jiang, you know the captain, is it a friend?"

"I see you two chatting."

"No, this is the first time I saw him, we are not friends."

"Well, I thought you are friends. In this case, you may be a member of the Avengers."

Jiang Hao looked at Emma.

This girl seems to like Chaoying very much.

"You like the Avengers very much.


"Not particularly like it. Maybe, I prefer they have strong power and can help others.

Jiang Hao heard the words and laughed.

"Where do we go next, Jiang.



'Emma put the camera in the trunk, opened the door, and took the driving seat.

"Ask Emma, it doesn't matter where I go." Jiang Hao said.

"How about going to eat barbecue." Emma Titan said.

She couldn't eat and drink because of illness before.

But she often watched food.

Therefore, she is envious of those who can eat meat.

Especially eating barbecue.

Annie looked at Jiang Hao.

"Then go to eat barbecue."

"Jiang, I really love you, you are really the best brother -in -law." Emma cheered happily.

Anne blushed on the side.

But did not refute.

Instead, he looked at Jiang Hao secretly.

Jiang Hao noticed Annie's sight.

"What do you think of me, driving, and after walking for a memorial for the afternoon, in fact, I am hungry."

After the three of them ate barbecue, they went home.

As soon as I go home.

The tired Emma first washed it early and went back to her own room.

For a while, Jiang Hao and Annie left in the living room.

"I'll take a bath too." Jiang Hao said with a statement.

Then I took a bath 1. 6 to take a bath.

Jiang Hao is actually okay without taking a bath, because he will not secrete sweat, dust or something, and will not be stained with him.

But taking a bath or something has long been a habit of Jiang Hao, even if he is clean, the hospital algae.

Because you can play water.

As we all know, playing water is very attractive to men.

Whether it is a little boy or an adult, neither can resist the charm of the water.

Jiang Hao just put the bathtub with water and lay into the bathtub.

The door of the bathroom was suddenly opened from the inside.

Annie appeared in front of Jiang Hao around the white scarf.

Her face blushed and looked shy.

But then she also entered the bathtub under Jiang Hao's gaze.

In this case, Jiang Hao naturally does not do nothing.

After all, he is not an eunuch.

Emma came out of the room to drink from the room because of thirst.

However, there was a vagueness of the bathroom.

She glanced at Jiang Hao and sister's room, and the doors were open.

Emma immediately realized what happened.

She walked lightly to the door of the bathroom and pasted her ears.

After a moment, she flushed and ran away.

Back to the bed in the room, Jiang Hao looked like Jiang Hao.

For a while, Emma couldn't sleep.Essence

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