Chapter 9994 is missing

When it was Yun Chujiu's turn to be on duty, she held the city wall with her hand and looked down.

Although it was pitch black in the distance, with the help of the light on the wall, we could still vaguely see the situation under the wall.

She couldn't help but stunned, the gravel under the city wall was still gray, unchanged.

It is logical to say that the fire puppet is surrounded by flames, and the gravel should be burned to black. Why is there no change?

Is it because this kind of gravel is special?

Or is there another reason?

While she was watching, Yin Dafa came over and said:

"Qi Fan, originally I was really worried about your lack of strength, these sky-blindness is not useful, and can't defend the defense zone.

I didn't expect these days to be blinded, so I can rest assured! "

Yuan Qifan said with a cold face: "Don't be hypocritical here. I still have to adjust my breath and meditate. I don't have time to take care of you."

Yin Da fainted: "It's just a joke, are you serious?!

Hey, I heard that Yuan Tutor and his students have been silent for several days. Do you think something will happen? "

As soon as his voice fell, he heard a snapping sound and turned his head to see a sky-blind paralyzed on the ground, it was Gu Qing.

Gu Qing's head was buzzing, what happened to the Master Yuan?

What about them slowly? What should he do?

Yun Chujiu was also surprised when he heard this news, Yuan teacher is missing? Could it be that I haven't come back since we separated that day?

Seeing Gu Qing's unconsciousness, she said with a worried expression:

"Uncle, are you okay? Did you get tired from throwing cold stones just now?"

Seeing that Yuan Qifan and Yin Dafa were both looking at him, Gu Qing followed Yun Chujiu's words and said, "It's okay, I'll be fine for a while."

Yin Dafa gave him a scornful look, and continued to say to Yuan Qifan:

"If Master Yuan is there, there is no need to transfer so many days to the South City Gate."

Although Yuan Qifan didn't deal with him, but at this time, talking to some extent could relieve some of the tension in his heart, saying:

"These fire puppets are also evil gates. They attack the North City Gate every time, but this time they focus on the South City Gate.

Although there are a lot of blindness these days, they are all waste. No amount of use is of much use! "

"The waste is a little waste, but it is still useful at the critical moment."

When Yin Dafa said this, he cast a look at Yuan Qifan. Yuan Qifan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Yun Chujiu and the others, without saying a word.

Yun Chujiu felt that his scornful look was a little bit of invisible sympathy, and she couldn't help but sink, what is the effect of Yin Dafa's saying?

Anyway, it's not a good thing!

She has to investigate the situation a bit more so that she can come up with a solution.

She took out the dim sum she had bought in Xicheng and said to Yuan Qifan: "Two adults, you two have been guarding for so long, are you hungry?

I have some snacks here, you pad your stomach. "

When she said this, her face flushed, and the hand holding the snack even trembled. Everyone could see it. She said it with courage.

Yuan Qifan and Yin Dafa were both surprised, and Yin Dafa took a look:

"Oh, although this gray bean cake is not very good, it is also a luxury item for you sky-blind. You are really willing!"

"This, this is something I bought to honor my elders, so I bought it for a big price," Yun Chujiu said.

Yin Dafa was really hungry, and he took a small advantage on weekdays, took a piece and stuffed it in his mouth, disgustingly said:

"This bargain just doesn't work, so I can barely import it."

(End of this chapter)

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