Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9986: Pretending to be reserved

Chapter 9986 pretending to be reserved

Even if Gu Qing wanted to get together, Zhou Lean and others were not in the mood.

After a few words of politeness, everyone was stunned and scattered.

Yun Chujiu was trying to comfort Gu Qing with a few words, but seeing Gu Qing instantly recovered his energy and spirit, it seemed that he was not affected by what happened just now.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but nodded, it seems that Gu Qing's psychological quality is still good!

Where did she know that Gu Qing had the bottom line because she "guessed" the undercover status of the four of them.

At dinner, Yun Chujiu took out the packet of dim sum and gave the old lady half of it.

The old lady refused for a long time before accepting it.

After dinner, Gu Qing took a chance to talk to the old lady.

The old lady first scolded Qiao Hai and Qiao Wen with his uncle and nephew, and then scolded Gu Qing:

"You stupid boy! As soon as he ran, you followed his will? Anyway, you should pay for severance!

Had it not been for your half-life, the Cold Wind Team would have been annexed by the Kuangxue Team. How could they have the scenery of their Qiao family uncle and nephew? !

Also, tell me, what happened to the four children? Why have I never heard you talk about them? "

Gu Qing lowered his voice: "Mother, the four young people are all big shots. I guess they are all undercover agents sent by Faxiu, who want to deal with the Faxiu who manages Xueshaping."

The old lady's face suddenly changed in fright: "Really, really?"

"Eight, nine are not separated from ten, but they still don't know that I have guessed their identity, mother, don't show your flaws."

The old lady slowed down, staring at Gu Qing and said, "Do you want to use them to save Roche?"

Gu Qing avoided the eyes of the old lady: "Mother, it's too early to think about this, so I'd better find a way to get the team to gain a foothold, and it's a business to make more money."

The old lady stretched out her finger and nodded Gu Qing's head:

"I don't know you yet?! Alas, do it with you, if you can really save Roche, you have another baby, even if I die, I can go without worry."

The old lady started to cry as she spoke, and Gu Qing comforted the old lady after a long time.

In the side room, Yun Chujiu was eating pork ribs with sauce.

The fake Shuyao originally thought that Yun Chujiu would invite her as the two days before, but after waiting for a long time, Yun Chujiu didn't intend to invite her.

The fake Shuyao couldn't help but glared at Yun Chujiu, and then closed her eyes bitterly.

Yun Chujiu curled his lips and ignored her, while gnawing on the sauce ribs while thinking about the next plan.

The most important thing now is to make money. Only with money can you arrange the following things, such as the identity documents of the four of them, such as entering the other three districts to investigate the situation.

In addition, I have to find an opportunity to explore the cultivation methods of Fa cultivation and see if the four of them can practice...

The fake Shuyao originally thought Yun Chujiu was "pretending to be reserved", but when she was about to fall asleep, Yun Chujiu still ignored her.

She snorted coldly, isn't she just eating a bit? Who is rare? !

Even if you ask me from now on, I won't want it!

The next day, Yun Chujiu and others got up early, especially Gu Qing, who almost didn't sleep all night.

Outside the city, Zhou Lean and others also arrived.

Although they came out very early, the people digging and grabbing the iceweed were all opened by pinching the gate, so there are still many people.

Seeing Gu Qing and others, someone asked about the allocation area.

Some of these people are curious, some are caring, and many are malicious.

When they heard that Gu Qing had been assigned to the nineteenth area, their expressions were different.

There is sympathy and indifference, and there are many gloating.

(End of this chapter)

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