Chapter 9969 Provocation

Qiao Wentong sneered inwardly, Gu Qing, Gu Qing, originally wanted you to stop for a few more days, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant that you brought such a girl movie to run me.

In that case, don't blame me for being cruel!

He pulled out a smile and said to Gu Qing:

"Qingzi, what I said just now is also anxious for you. You said before that you will pay the money for these four younger generations, plus the tolls for returning to the city, plus your own. The ice grass is gone.

If you can't make it right, you will be busy all day. "

Gu Qing actually had some worries in her heart. Yesterday, she had bought four wheatgrass for nothing. Is it true that today she has to buy eight wheatgrass for nothing?

But he smiled and said: "It's okay, maybe they will open in the afternoon. Even if I can't dig it, I should be an uncle to help."

Qiao Wentong had a hooked nose and said strangely: "Wen Tong, since someone is willing to be taken advantage of, what do you bother about?!

Then he said to the four Yun Chujiu: "Hey, the four of you are really rubbish. I didn't even dig a single icegrass all morning.

Fortunately, you are not from our Cold Wind team, otherwise it would be really shameful! "

Yun Chujiu smiled at him: "Yes, fortunately we are not from the Cold Wind team."

Ying Gou Nose always felt that there was something in her words, but couldn't think of any meaning, so he curled his lips and ignored her.

The rest time was very short, and after a short while, everyone was crawling on the ground looking for vents for the ice grass.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the location of Ying Hook's nose and several other candidates was very close to Gu Qing and the others, and they also spoke "in a low voice" from time to time.

In a low voice, Gu Qing and Yun Chujiu could hear them clearly.

"Our old captain will resign in three months. Who do you think Wen Tong and Gu Qing will take over?"

"Of course it's Wentong! Although Gu Qing has good mining skills, the captain can't rely on this alone.

Not to mention anything else, he is still thinking about rescuing Roche, and he doesn't put his energy on the team at all. "

"Isn't it?! I didn't expect that Gu Qing is still a lover. That Roche has been occupied for such a long time, and he is already a dying flower and a willow, and he is still thinking about it!"

"Then you don't know, Roche looks like a water spirit, let alone second-hand, even with three hands and four hands, there are people rushing to ask for it."


Gu Qing couldn't stand the insult no matter how well he kept it, and suddenly jumped up, their red eyes and the hook nose hit together.

Qiao Wentong had been staring at the movement here, and seeing that Gu Qing had started, his eyes flashed with success.

There are no fists and feet, and there are some people who missed to kill people. Even if you can't kill, at least you have to lie in bed for half a year. How can you fight with me? !

He wanted to do this a long time ago, but he was worried that Qiao Hai, his uncle was unhappy, and he had not made up his mind.

However, after seeing what happened at noon, more than half of the people actually stood on Gu Qing's side. If they didn't do anything, it is estimated that the team leader would fall into Gu Qing's hands.

The uncle is easy to handle, even if he is optimistic about Gu Qing, he must be biased towards his nephew in his heart.

Besides, on the surface, he didn't participate, and it was hard to blame him.

After Qiao Wen did not even think about fighting, Yun Chujiu's four would help Gu Qing.

Because in his opinion, the physique of the four Yun Chujiu is not ordinary, and anyone can take care of them.

(End of this chapter)

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