Chapter 9953 crutches

False Shu Yao's face became gloomy, but still did not say to part ways with Yun Chujiu and the others.

My heart is cruel, and I will settle accounts after I leave this ghost place.

After walking for nearly an hour, even if there is a spirit weapon to defend her, her physical strength is somewhat unsupported.

The same goes for Chi Wu and Fei Yi, they both staggered.

However, looking around, it was still black rubble, and scattered white smoke.

Chi Wu couldn't help wondering whether the almighty girl made a mistake this time.

Yun Chujiu was also a little unsure, and asked the soul refinement with his spiritual sense: "Are you sure that this direction is correct?"

"Don't worry! The temperature here is definitely lower than before, and it's getting lower and lower." Soul Refining Fire Marrow said confidently.

Yun Chujiu had no choice but to continue walking forward. She wasn't particularly worried. She had the liquid secreted by the dog's tail grass, which was not affected by the high temperature at all.

When the time comes as a last resort, I will give Chi Wu and Fei Yi two drops. As for the fake Shu Yao, then she can only be given a ride!

She didn't kill the fake Shu Yao just now, mainly because she wanted to put a long line to catch big fish.

Although she could easily succeed just now, the fake Shu Yao is just a group of dark shadows that invaded Shu Yao's consciousness. Perhaps it was just a small ray of consciousness, and it was of little significance to behead.

It's better to keep her, maybe you can get more useful information.

After another half an hour, the Chi Wu trio were completely unable to walk.

Of course, in their opinion, Yun Chujiu was as exhausted as they were.

The fake Shuyao didn't even have the strength to curse Yun Chujiu. She thought that she would have better left alone if she knew this. Maybe the blind cat could get out of this ghost place when he ran into a dead mouse.

Just when Yun Chujiu was considering how to let the fake Shuyao die, Chi Wu said excitedly: "Human, someone! Look!"

Yun Chujiu hurriedly looked up, and a few people appeared in the distance, coming here.

Chi Wu almost cried: "Great! I finally saw people! As long as we follow them, we can go out!"

Although the fake Shuyao was also very happy, she sneered in an instant:

"Don't be too happy too early, we are all closed now, and we are not physically strong, it is the fish to be slaughtered.

Maybe they will kill people and we will die faster. "

Chi Wu suddenly yelled: "You crow's mouth! If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. If you weren't a broom star for your hands and feet, we would be reduced to this ghost place?

The little girl is kind, if I had killed you long ago! "

Yun Chujiu interrupted him: "Second brother, what she said is not unreasonable. We don't know whether the person who is here is an enemy or a friend. We have to be vigilant.

When people arrive for a while, all three of you don't talk and I will respond. "

The fake Shuyao was a little unconvinced, gagged, and finally swallowed the words back.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi had become accustomed to it, even if Yun Chujiu didn't say it, they planned to do the same.

As those people got closer, Yun Chujiu also saw their looks and costumes.

The leader was an old man, followed by five young men, all men.

The looks are very popular, not ugly but not handsome.

What attracted Yun Chujiu's attention was their outfits. They seemed to wear a special armor. The old man's armor was purple, and the five young men's armor was black.

Wait, what are they holding in their hands?

Why look at something like...a walking stick?

The walking sticks are also decorated with bells and whistles. Is this necessary?

(End of this chapter)

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