Chapter 9951 Sincerity

Chi Wu exclaimed: "My divine orifice, how did my divine orifice begin to close? Heaven is going to kill me!"

False Shuyao almost subconsciously said: "Your divine orifice has also begun to close?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she regretted it. Didn't this expose herself to be short? !

However, it seems that everyone's magic is gradually closing, what the **** is this?

Yun Chujiu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Chi Wu and fake Shuyao said.

The reason why she looked stiff just now was to find that the eye she had drilled in Divine Sense was actually closed!

What a joke, it took her a lot of effort to get out, how did she close it?

At first she thought that there was something tricky about fake Shuyao's consciousness attack, and then she heard what Chi Wu and fake Shuyao said and then she realized that everyone was like this.

She is a little bit happy now, because everyone's magical orifices are beginning to close. Does that mean that the eye she drilled is also a magical orifice?

She was happy, but the other three were not happy.

Especially fake Shuyao, if her divine orifice is closed, then her cultivation level is almost zero, one to three, isn't this looking for abuse? !

No, I have to leave this ghostly place as soon as the divine orifice is not completely closed, or else the three of them won't have to do it at that time, the heat wave alone will be enough to kill her.

Thinking of this, she turned around and ran.

As soon as he stepped out of a leg, there was a sharp burning pain in his leg, his leg softened, and he knelt on the ground with one leg.

Before she got up, Yun Chujiu held a sword on her neck: "Don't move!"

Fake Shuyao immediately calmed down after a moment of panic.

"Walk, our gods are all closing. At this time, we should put our differences aside and form an alliance.

Otherwise, neither you nor myself will be killed here. "

Yun Chujiu curled his lips: "It's true that you will die, I won't.

You talk too much nonsense, I just ask you one sentence, can you tell me your true identity? "

Seeing that Yun Chujiu's attitude was so tough, the fake Shu Yao sneered: "Do you think you can threaten me? Even if you cut off the sword, the one who died is just that idiot!

There is no harm to me at all. I advise you to better understand the current affairs and leave here together. "

Shu Yao in Zhihai was trembling with nervousness. She was really afraid that Yun Chujiu would cut her neck with a sword regardless of whether she was there.

The counterfeit is right, this body belongs to her, and she can only die.

Yun Chujiu did not immediately respond this time, and it took more than ten breaths before he said:

"What you said has some truth, although Shu Yao had a feast with me, but I can't bear her to die."

Shu Yao in the sea of ​​knowledge was moved. It seems that she had misunderstood Huan Cong before. What a kind person this is!

How could she be blinded by lard before to see her not pleasing to the eye?

If she can escape this catastrophe, she will treat Huan Cong as her sister in the future, and treat her heartily.

Fake Shu Yao thinks Yun Chujiu is a big fool!

She was worried about the life of that idiot? That idiot wishes her to die!

Of course, this is good for her, as long as Huan Cong is concerned about the life and death of that idiot, the initiative is in her hands.

"In that case, take your sword away! Let's leave here quickly, otherwise, once the divine orifice is completely closed, we will be burned by the heat wave and even die."

"Since it is a cooperation, it must be sincere anyway!

Tell me why we were sent here, what did you do? "Yun Chujiu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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