Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9942: never heard of that

Chapter 9942 never heard of

When Qi Ling was uneasy, Yun Chujiu said:

"Little jar, if I verify that what you are saying is true in the future, I can satisfy your wish, as long as it is not too much."

Qi Ling was overjoyed immediately, and then it will let her break the contract with its body, and then it will be free!

It couldn't help being proud, but it didn't expect the smelly girl to be quite cheating, stupid.

It suppressed the ecstasy and said: "Since you are so interesting, I have to be worthy of you.

Don't put me in the storage ring. If I stay outside, I might be able to collect useful information for you. "

Yun Chujiu raised his eyebrows: "You help me collect information? How do you collect it?"

"What? Look down on me? I am the ancestor of ten thousand furnaces, all alchemy furnaces and medicine cauldrons must listen to me!

Don't underestimate those spirits, they know more gossip! "Qi Ling said triumphantly.

Yun Chujiu didn't believe its nonsense at all:

"All the alchemy furnaces and medicine cauldrons will listen to you?

Then I ask you, does the spirit that shake Tianding listen to you? "

Qi Ling was a little confused: "Shaking Tianding? The name sounds shameless, but I haven't heard of it."

Yun Chujiu was puzzled. Hearing the meaning of shaking Tianding, he must have known that Chaos opened the heavenly furnace, and he was anxious. Why did the little pot say that he had never heard of the book?

She didn't suspect that Qi Ling was lying, because its tone was natural and it should be the truth.

It seems that there should be something strange in this.

Yun Chujiu wanted to verify whether what Qi Ling said was true, but unfortunately, in her storage ring, only the Heaven and Earth Qiankun Furnace had the Qi Ling, but the Lingzhi was still very weak and could not be used for experimentation.

She thought for a while and said: "Even if what you said is true, I can't carry your broken jar every day, right? If someone recognizes me, would I ask for trouble?!"

"You don't need to hold me, don't you have five cauldrons on the sign on your waist? I can turn into one of the cauldrons, and others can't see it." Qi Ling said in a whisper.

As soon as the voice fell, it disappeared in place.

Because Yun Chujiu signed a contract with its body, he could perceive its existence.

Following the sense of spirit, I found that one of the five tripods on the brand of Wuding Pharmacist was slightly more prominent than the other four tripods.

She stretched out her hand and touched it, Qi Ling giggled: "Oh, you touched my tickle!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

The Ergouzi in the spirit beast bag said: "Little fairy, I see it croaking for a long time just to stay outside.

If it's useful, put it aside, it's okay, and no amount of disguise is useless, it just reveals it. "

Yun Chujiu felt that what Er Gouzi said was reasonable, so he said to Qi Ling: "Can you guarantee not to speak outside?"

Qi Ling immediately swore: "Don't worry, unless you let me talk, or I will be dumb!"

Yun Chujiu thought for a while, but agreed.

She was skeptical of Qi Ling's words, letting it get what she wanted might expose it to flaws.

Qi Ling didn't know what Yun Chujiu thought, only thought that he had been too high to see Yun Chujiu before.

Humph, just a yellow girl, so foolish!

Yun Chujiu thought of the Hall Master Xiang and Yao Shi Meng who were waiting above, and talked to Qi Ling about the method he had thought of long ago.

Qi Ling promised, it is now proud and in a good mood!

Yun Chujiu asked Qi Ling to send her back to the previous small platform, and she gave Chi Wu and Fei Yi the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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