Chapter 9938

Master Niu Lu noticed the look in Hall Master Xiang, and then he stepped forward in a panic:

"Subordinates welcome the hall master, Yao Shi Meng."

He nodded coldly to the hall master, although he was extremely dissatisfied with him, but it was not good to say something in front of Prisoner Ji. After all, it would be a matter of Dan League closed the door to be ashamed.

Prisoner Ji warmly invited the hall master Xiang and the others to rest in the prisoner’s mansion, and politely declined.

What are you kidding about, they are members of the Dan League, and they are rushing to open the furnace of chaos, of course they have to go to the medicine room.

What they never expected was that Prisoner Ji was cheeky and wanted to go with him to the medicine room. The reason was grandiose, and he used the friendship of the landlord.

It’s not easy to refuse to the hall master. Prisoner Ji is the prisoner of the Buddha prison, so he still wants to show some face.

If it were usual, Lord Niulu would have stumbled Prisoner Ji a long time ago, but now how can he still have this thought? !

Unconsciously, everyone was asked to board the chariot and rush to the Buddha City.

Arriving at the entrance of the Medicine House, a group of pharmacists lined up to welcome him. Yun Chujiu said with his hands behind his back: "Things are not humans!"

The owner of Niu Lu was staggered, hated and afraid, and dare not say anything.

The expressions of those pharmacists were also very wonderful, their news was blocked, so they didn't know what happened.

But they knew the brand of Wuding Pharmacist, because the owner of Niulu often showed his brand of Siding Pharmacist intentionally or unconsciously.

Mingming Meiyou had just become pharmacists when they left, how could they become Wuding pharmacists in a sudden change? In the end what happened?

Could it be that good luck took place at the grand meeting of all laws?

Pharmacist Hou was even more trembling with fright. At the beginning, he took Chi Wu and Yun Chujiu as medicine attendants and fed them poison. Now that the two have become Wuding Pharmacists, will they retaliate against him?

However, Yun Chujiu didn't even give him a look, it was not worth wasting time on such an idiot.

Everyone entered the living room. Although the owner of Niu Lu was the owner, he didn't dare to show the owner, and he didn't even dare to sit.

It's that Prisoner Ji had the intention of hospitality, and he laid out cakes and tea fruits.

Where the hall master and others can see these things, the right should be decoration.

After some courtesy, Prisoner Ji said: "Hall Master Xiang, Yao Shi Meng, forgive me, this time the two came to the Secret Realm of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Furnace, right?

I don't mean anything else, it's because we are easy to handle and order me to cooperate with your alliance to explore the mystery of the ancestor of ten thousand furnaces. "

Exchanged glances with the hall master and Meng Yaoshi, they had expected this scene before they came.

The Buddha Prison, the Hell of Karma and the Endless Hell, as well as some places without sect affiliation, are all under the control of Feng Mo Mausoleum, and the principal is called the commander.

Feng Mo Mausoleum has a special position in the Hongmeng world, and it is usually rarely mixed with the affairs of the major forces, just as they did not participate in the previous Ten Thousand Dharma Gala.

But if it involves the Buddha Prison, the Hell of Karma, and the Endless Hell, it is not easy to bypass them, after all, it is the jurisdiction of others.

Leader Gan clearly explained that if Feng Moling wanted a share of the pie, he agreed as long as the conditions were not too harsh, and if the conditions were too outrageous, he would negotiate with Yi Zhangling.

Now, listening to the hall master and Meng Yaoshi listening to Prisoner Ji say "full cooperation", he was somewhat relieved. It seems that Feng Mo Mausoleum just wanted to monitor and didn't mean to divide it up, so it would be much easier.

There was a smile on the face of the hall master Xiang, and he said politely: "If this is the case, then there is Prisoner Lau Ji."

 There are two more chapters, at ten o'clock.



(End of this chapter)

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