Chapter 9929 screen

The dog's tail was so angry:

"Is this what you are talking about?! Do I have to do it if I'm outside?

If I did this, grandma would not hate me forever? ! Will I still survive? ! "

Yarn Ball mumbled: "I am not a human being, of course I am not speaking human words."

Dog's tail grass:"……"

At this time, the little black beads said:

"Dogtail's hands on the outside may not allow her to withdraw her spiritual consciousness, and it will damage her spiritual consciousness if it is not done well, it is better for us to join hands.

The dog's tail grass suddenly felt that the black beads were a hundred times more pleasing to the eye than the ball of yarn. This is what people say.

When the three free meals reached a consensus and were about to take a shot, a sudden change occurred.

A picture appeared on the light curtain, but it was very blurry.

Vaguely you can see an alley with many buildings on both sides.

The picture only lasted about ten breaths before it disappeared.

Yun Chujiu persisted for a while, seeing that no more images appeared, and then he withdrew his spiritual consciousness.

In spite of the throbbing pain from Zhihai, Yun Chujiu took out a pen and paper to draw the picture she had just seen, because she was afraid that it would take a long time and would not remember some details.

As soon as she finished painting, she fainted.

Gouweicao was not in a hurry to wake up Yun Chujiu, because it knew that she was just overwhelming her consciousness and it would be good to take a break.

This item got close to the painting Yun Chujiu drew just now and watched it carefully.

This is also one of the reasons why it didn't wake Yun Chujiu. Once Yun Chujiu fell asleep, Er Gouzi couldn't know the outside world through her spiritual sense, so naturally he couldn't see this painting.

This is a great opportunity for it to take advantage of Ergouzi.

If it can judge the whereabouts of the big evil star from the painting, it can overwhelm Ergouzi.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is a bit cold.

The picture is very vague, except that it is an alley with many buildings on both sides, nothing else can be seen.

There are more alleys like this. Where can I know the exact location? !

It hasn't seen why, Yun Chujiu is already awake.

Her face was a little pale, and Er Gouzi in the spirit beast bag said hurriedly:

"Little fairy, didn't you find a bottle of pill to treat the damage of your mind in the tripod cover before? Take one quickly!

Don't bear it, nothing is as important as your body.

Besides, if those people see you like this tomorrow, I'm afraid there will be a mess of speculation. "

Gouweicao hated in his heart that this Ergouzi was the most cunning. He was obviously using flowers to offer Buddha, but he said the same thing.

Yun Chujiu took out the bottle of pill and poured a pill into his mouth. It almost melted in his mouth.

After a while, the discomfort of the divine consciousness was alleviated a lot, and the effect of the medicine was really immediate.

Er Gouzi babbled again: "Little fairy, I said it would be okay to respect the auspicious person, now you can rest assured?"

The dog's tail was so angry that this dead dog is really good at behaving. Everyone has said this clearly, but it is a shameless invitation.

Compared to when nothing appeared on the light curtain, Yun Chujiu's mood was indeed much better.

She vaguely agreed, and her eyes fell on the painting.

Not only her, all the spiritual pets and the old man Xin Lei are watching the painting.

The old man Xin Lei was shocked. He didn't expect Yun Chujiu's consciousness to be so strong that he saw the picture.

At this time, Yun Chujiu asked:

"Senior, do you know where the painting is?"

(End of this chapter)

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