Chapter 9926 Hair

Seeing that the shadow had followed her advice, Shu Yao finally had a glimmer of hope in her heart.

If this counterfeit always pleases Raccoon, she will definitely take advantage of her character, even if she finds it is a counterfeit, she will not do anything.

But if the counterfeit is a threat to her life, she will definitely not sit back and die, maybe she can still have a chance.

When Shu Yao thought of this, she couldn't help but laugh at herself. She didn't expect that one day she would pin her life on her enemy.

At this time, Yun Chujiu and the others had already seen the leader Gan.

After Yun Chujiu said the intention of coming, the leader Gan did not immediately give a reply, only saying that Yun Chujiu and the others should go back and wait for the news.

Yun Chujiu knew that he was going to discuss with others, so he didn't say much, and brought Fei Yi and Chi Wu back to the yard.

Even if he didn't sleep all night, Yun Chujiu was still awake, thinking about how to get the media.

She suddenly remembered that there were some clothes worn by Emperor Beiming in her storage ring, and she hurriedly turned them over.

Seeing this, Er Gouzi asked, "Little fairy, what are you doing with your honorable clothes? Isn't the old man Xin Lei a part of the body? This clothes definitely won't work."

"I see if he has fallen hair on the clothes. If I can find one, it can be used as a medium." Yun Chujiu said.

It's a pity that Di Beiming has always been Xijie, and even the clothes he wears are not stained, let alone his hair.

Er Gouzi was stunned when he heard the word hair.

hair? Wait, I seem to have overlooked something, what am I missing?

The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't remember, I couldn't help scratching my dog's head in a hurry.

Sandan said coldly on the side: "Starting to scratch your bald head again? You scratch it for nothing. You can't even scratch the dog's hair, let alone the hair that the owner wants."

Er Gouzi suddenly became irritated, "I gave you a face, right?! I really think I'm a good bully?!"

Seeing that it was really angry, Sandan was a little confused. It wasn't that it was afraid that Ergouzi would not be able to beat Ergouzi. The main reason was that Ergouzi likes to sue the crime. Now the owner is in a bad mood. ? !

So Sandan Sayazi ran away.

Ergouzi gritted his teeth with anger. This **** three egg was trying to find fault yesterday, but today he came out again, it really owes a lot to clean up!

Wait, yesterday, my hair...

Er Gouzi suddenly wailed, and said incoherently: "Little fairy, little fairy, hahaha, hahaha, I know where there is a medium! I know where there is a medium!"

Yun Chujiu was surprised and delighted: "Really? Where is it?"

Er Gouzi roared and said: "It's in your storage ring!

Xiao Hei Niao told me that when you first met your master, he always wanted to shoot you to death. You left a lock of his hair and said you wanted to curse him. Is there such a thing? "

Before Er Gouzi's words were finished, Yun Chujiu turned over a veil in the corner of the storage ring.

Yun Chujiu took a deep breath in holding the veil, and then opened it carefully, revealing a lock of hair inside.

There are some burn marks on the hair.

Yes, at first, Xiao Bailian said that she had a shallow cultivation base and would not release the power of thunder and lightning. She didn't expect a flash of lightning and scorched his hair.

He had to cut off all the scorched parts. After he left, she deliberately left a bunch of pieces, ready to retaliate against him later...

(End of this chapter)

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