Chapter 9914 fell down

Yun Chujiu was angry and anxious: "Wangcai, stop for me!"

Xiao Jinyun still ran fast as if he hadn't heard it.

This is due to the fact that it has installed jellyfish for a long time in the sea before, and it has no pressure to walk on four legs.

Yun Chujiu threatened: "If you don't stand still, I will be rude to you!"

Xiao Jinyun didn't buy it at all, and the four short legs smashed faster.

Yun Chujiu couldn't bear it, and when his consciousness moved, Xiao Jinyun immediately fell to the ground because of the pain in his consciousness.

It was quite tenacious, got up and continued to run, and then fell down again.

Yun Chujiu stepped forward and stepped on one of its short legs: "Running again will discount your legs!"

Xiao Jinyun was furious: "Bold and cheap maid! How dare to talk to Emperor Ben Yun, are you not afraid of me giving you death?"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

For a while, she was really not sure whether Xiao Jinyun was really crazy or pretending to be crazy, it would be easy to do it, if it was really crazy, it would be difficult.

Not to mention anything else, she couldn't put it in the storage ring or spirit beast bag, she could only put it in a secret bag.

If it makes any movement, it will be difficult to end.

Just then, the eight-tooth rake and the broken umbrella arrived.

I don't know if their power was exhausted, they didn't move anymore when they arrived in front of Yun Chujiu.

Shaking Tianding's angrily and frustrated voice immediately followed: "Smelly girl, what did you do to Lao Wu and Lao Ba?"

Yun Chujiu was upset about Xiao Jinyun's affairs, and said angrily: "They came here by themselves. What does it have to do with me?!

You might as well ask them.

I still have a lot of things to deal with, and I have no time to play any tricks with you. "

Yun Chujiu said as he picked up Xiao Jinyun, stuffed it into his secret pocket, turned around and left.

Shaking Tianding couldn't care about the trouble with Yun Chujiu, he kept calling for the eight-tooth rake and the broken umbrella, but there was no response.

Seeing that Yun Chujiu was almost gone, Shaking Tianding shouted through gritted teeth: "Stop! I have something to say to you."

Yun Chujiu said impatiently: "What do you want to say?"

She really didn't pretend, she was really impatient.

She now wants to confirm whether Xiao Jinyun is crazy or not, and she wants to learn about the situation of Beiming, the emperor in the cloud core, from Xiao Jinyun, she has no patience to deal with Tianding.

"Lao Wu and Lao Ba will be kept by you for the time being, and I will pick them up later.

I warn you, you will take care of them, and if you make them hurt, I will take your skin off! "

Yun Chujiu frowned: "I don't have time or energy to keep them, you should take them back!"

Shao Tianding hated in his heart, if I can take it back, I will tell you a fart!

It was really helpless. Before getting in touch with the old five and eighth, it didn't know what happened before, and it couldn't take them away.

Thinking about it can only maintain the status quo, let Yun Chujiu keep it first, and wait until the reason is found out.

"If you don't agree, then the two previous conditions will be invalidated, and I will tell those brats that what you are telling is a lie, there is no chaos to open the furnace!"

Yun Chujiu reluctantly said: "Okay, then I will keep it for you first.

However, you have to find a way to get it back soon. I don't want to take this risk. "

Seeing that she agreed, Shaan Tianding breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, it slapped and slapped the taste, it's not right, the stinky girl didn't lose anything, she earned her two conditions for nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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