Chapter 9910 Wangcai

Before Yun Chujiu could react, he heard the ball of yarn screaming:

"Ah, it went out! It was ejected!"

Almost with the scream of the ball of yarn, something hit a place not far from Yun Chujiu.

"Hahaha! I am Yunhuang! My Wangcai is the most powerful cloud in the world!"

"What dark clouds or white clouds are all **** in front of my noble gold!"

"Who is going to compete with the prosperous money?!"


Yun Chujiu was a little confused, not because of Xiao Jinyun's crazy words, after all, this guy has always been shameless.

What made her dazed was that Xiao Jinyun unexpectedly... grew out of four short legs. If she didn't look closely, she thought it was a golden poodle without a head.

When she was dumbfounded, Xiao Jinyun suddenly burst into tears:

"I'm actually nothing, I'm just a weak chicken."

"I am the world's biggest waste, I am the scum of the cloud world, and I am the shame of the cloud world."

"I live to set off the excellence of others. I am so useless!"


Yun Chujiu saw that it was so bitter, and was trying to comfort it, but saw that it suddenly started rolling:

"Hahaha! I am the most prosperous in the world! No one can stop me from sweeping the world!"

"Prosperous wealth is the most talented! Prosperous wealth is the most brilliant!"


Yun Chujiu finally understood why the ball of yarn said Xiao Jinyun was crazy. He cried and laughed for a while, felt that he was number one in the world, and felt that he was a weak chicken. What is this not crazy? !

Also, who can tell her why this thing has long legs?

Of course, what she cares most about now is what happened to the Emperor Beiming in the cloud core?

She looked at Xiao Jinyun who was crying again and said:

"Wangcai, stop crying, come here, I have something to ask you."

Xiao Jinyun ignored her at all, lying on her back, kicking on her four short legs:

"I am a waste, I am a rice bucket, I am a waste of resources to live, I might as well die!"

Yun Chujiu yelled twice again, and Xiao Jinyun was still crying there.

Yun Chujiu couldn't determine whether Xiao Jinyun was really crazy or pretending to be crazy, so he just stepped forward and picked up his short legs.

Xiao Jinyun kept on thumping: "Let go of me! You little chicken let go of me! If you don't let go, I will kill you!"

Yun Chujiu said with a cold face: "Wangcai, are you gutless?! Speak well, or I will be welcome."

Xiao Jinyun didn't listen to her at all, and started crying again after cursing a few words:

"Anyone can bully me, now even a weak chicken can bully me, I might as well die as alive, oh oh..."

Yun Chujiu frowned. She really couldn't think of the reason why Xiao Jinyun pretended to be crazy. Could it be that she was crazy?

It was involved in the passage before, and it was asleep for such a long time, it might be crazy.

While she was thinking about it, Shaking Tianding roared impatiently: "Are you deliberately distracting me with such a shit?

Hurry up and tell the truth, do you know Lao Liu and Lao Qi? "

Yun Chujiu remembered it later, and Shaking Tianding was still watching.

Before she thought about how to say it, Xiao Jinyun cursed: "Dare to say that your grandpa is a shabby thing, you are unfilial grandson, be careful that grandpa beats you!"

Shaking Tianding was so angry that he yelled, "You are just a spirit weapon with four different images. You dare to talk to me like this, you are looking for death!"

(End of this chapter)

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