Chapter 9896 Selecting the best and upgrading

The hallmaster Xiang held back the urge to smash the tea cup over and asked: "If you have anything to say, don't stray around here."

Yun Chujiu happily said, "Xiang Master, don't be familiar with me. There is no way for people to be short and thin. I am also forced by life!"

A cold snort to the hall master, without words.

Yun Chujiu was not embarrassed, and continued to lick his face and said, "Yin Youde can succeed this time. Of course he is sinister and vicious, but have you ever thought of another reason?"

Frown to the hall master: "What is the reason?"

Yun Chujiu just rubbed his hands constantly, without speaking.

He persuaded himself to the hall master, the leader said that this little girl was the one who Shake Tianding was staring at, she couldn't do it, she had to endure it.

He took a deep breath: "If what you said makes sense, I will find a way to give you Yin Youde's bet."

Yun Chujiu was sitting loosely, but now he straightened up immediately, with bright eyes:

"To the Hall Master, I knew you were a good person."

To the hall master, he said silently: You can't shoot to death, can't strangle to death, endure.

Fortunately, Yun Chujiu knew that enough was enough, and said with a straight face:

"The main reason why those colorful winged bees were fooled by Yin Youde was that they wanted to upgrade too much.

Or else consider the elixir to upgrade them..."

Before Yun Chujiu's words were finished, he interrupted to the hall master: "This is absolutely impossible! Their job is to pollinate, what level to upgrade?!"

Yun Chujiu Yile: "Don't be too busy drawing conclusions. It's not too late to make a decision after listening to me.

What you worry about is nothing more than two points, one is delaying pollination, and the other is poor control.

In fact, this is not a problem at all, you can choose the best and upgrade! "

The hall master was puzzled: "Selecting the best? What do you mean?"

"That is to say, only the queen bee who performs well is eligible for promotion. There is only one qualification for each harvest season. Only the queen bee with the fastest and best pollination is qualified.

In this way, those queen bees will form a competition mechanism and work efficiency will be greatly increased.

Because there is only one quota, even if the queen bee and his subordinates are all dormant, it will not affect the harvest in the next harvest season.

The benefits of upgrading are obvious. The quality and speed of their pollination will be improved, and the quality of honey will also be better. Selling it can also increase a portion of income.

As for the control, this is even simpler. There is no end to the upgrade. You can always use the pill to catch them!

Besides, it's just a group of little monsters. The big Dan League is afraid that they won't succeed? ! "

Having said this, Yun Chujiu said meaningfully: "To the hall master, my master told me that the so-called control of the beast is not to intimidate but to let him follow willingly.

The only pursuit of those colorful winged bees is to upgrade their ranks. If you can satisfy their wishes, even if there are ten more Yin Youde, you will not let them subdue. "

Hearing Yun Chujiu’s words, the hall master Xiang Xiang thought for a long time, and exclaimed:

"No wonder it is said that Zuo Fei Bai is a peerless genius who came out in ten thousand years, not to mention other things, this understanding of controlling beasts alone, even people from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect may not have such insights."

At this time, in the heart of Hall Master Xiang, at this time, it was already believed that Yun Chujiu's master was Zuo Feibai, so all the credit was given to Zuo Feibai.

Yun Chujiu's heart moved: "Xiang Master, you said that my master is Zuo Feibai, can you tell me about my master?"

(End of this chapter)

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