Chapter 9893 things are revealed

Deputy Hall Master Yin heard the words of Hall Master Xiang and felt that what had just happened was over. It should be another matter to find him from the Hall Master, so he was completely relieved.

The two went out of the hive and arrived at the yard of Hall Master Xiang.

As soon as he entered the study, Deputy Hall Master Yin was taken aback.

Because there were many people sitting in the study room, Situ Huizhu, Gan Lengzhu and all the big guys were all present.

His heart sank suddenly and felt something was wrong.

After saluting the hall lord to the lord Gan, he said: "Leader, Yin Youde intends to poison the colorful winged bee. There are all physical witnesses, please make your decision."

The deputy hall master Yin was afraid and angry: "The surname Xiang, why do I blame you or worry about you slandering me like this?! Lord, you must be fair to me!"

Hall Master Xiang sneered: "Yin Youde, it's about this time, do you still want to deny? Do you think you have made a perfect fit?

It's a pity that you were too careless. You actually did things like poisoning yourself. I don't know if you are too arrogant or too stupid!

Do you not admit it? What do you think this is? "

Speaking to the hall master, his sleeves flicked, and a small mirror appeared in front of everyone.

Inside the mirror is the picture after the former Deputy Hall Master Yin entered the hive. There are not only pictures but also sounds.

He gave another order to the hall master, and immediately some disciples walked in with a few people.

At first glance, Deputy Hall Master Yin knew that the general situation was gone, because these people were all arranged by him, and none of them slipped through the net.

He knew that he had jumped into a pit that others had dug a long time ago, and now it was too late to climb out.

He knelt on the ground with a soft leg: "Leader, I, I was just a momentary fascination, so I did such a **** thing.

Seeing that I had no credit and hard work in these years, please forgive me! "

Yaoshi Meng and Yaoshi Kong were also in the room, and their expressions were a bit complicated.

Although they thought that Deputy Hall Master Yin did not want Yun Chujiu to wake up the colorful-winged bee, they never thought that the Deputy Hall Master Yin did not want to wake up the colorful-winged bee.

This, this is too vicious, and too stupid!

League Master Gan was also shocked and angry, but for a while, he didn't know how to punish Deputy Hall Master Yin, so he was sent to detain him and a group of accomplices, waiting to be sent off.

Before being detained, the deputy hall master Yin asked the hall master:

"I admit it, but you have to tell me, where did I reveal the flaw? When did you put your retrospective mirror in the hive?"

Sneered to the hall master: "You only need to know that many acts of injustice will kill you, and you don't need to know the others."

Deputy Hall Master Yin was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but couldn't, and was detained.

Sighed to the hall master, the original words Yun Chujiu said to him at that time were:

"To the hall master, we have to get a snake out of the cave, but the key to this plan is to have an object such as a photo stone, the more concealed the better."

It happened that there was a retrospective mirror for the hall master, which was very small, so he asked Guan Zhu to cooperate and put the retrospective mirror in the hidden place of the hive after spending other people's expenses.

In fact, this plan is not so thorough or superb. The main reason for its success is that the deputy hall master Yin is too arrogant and the time is too tight. He can only take risks.

While Hall Master Xiang was feeling emotional, League Master Gan said: "Hall Master Xiang, what is going on in this matter? Tell me in detail."

He didn't conceal it from the hall master, and told everything about it, including every word Yun Chujiu and him said.

Master Situ Hui murmured, "Could she really be Zuo Feibai's apprentice?"

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, huh?



(End of this chapter)

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