Chapter 988 is a shameful loss

Emperor Beibei hooked his mouth and did not speak, but helped the cloud to simmer a bowl of rice.

"Right, male god, how is your mother's good end to give me the name of a deceased woman? Is it because I want to open it? I feel that my daughter-in-law is not bad?" Yunchu has been puzzled.

Emperor Beibei’s face is a bit stiff: “Xiaojiu, I think my mother should be, I feel that this can cause you trouble!”

At the beginning of the cloud, I sneaked a little, then I laughed: "She is really subtle and she wants to trouble me. I just have to kiss you in person, there must be a lot of goblins to kill me!"

Emperor Beibei is also a laughing smile. Although his mother is not forgiving, she is not so hot in her heart, otherwise she will not be beaten by the small nine times.

Yunchu had eaten lunch and yawned: "Men, I haven’t slept well these days, I have to make up, but I feel that the time with you is too precious, I can’t bear to sleep. It is."

The heart of Emperor Beibei became a group: "I am sleeping with you, you can rest assured that you will not wake up, I will not go."

At the beginning of the cloud, I took off my coat and lay on the bed: "Men, you are coming over, I am going to sleep with you!"

Emperor Beibei nodded and took off his coat and lay on the outside of the bed.

At the beginning of the cloud, holding the arm of Emperor Beibei, he soon fell asleep sweetly.

Emperor Bei sighed and couldn’t eat. This is really a sweet torture. How can Xiaoqi’s cockroaches not come? !

The beginning of the cloud has been sleeping until the next morning, the first thing that opened his eyes, the first thing is to kiss the face of Emperor Beibei.

In the brain of this goods, the brain has filled up a lot of unsuitable pictures, and the corner of the mouth reveals a wretched smile.

Emperor Beibei picked up his eyebrows: "Xiaojiu, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah, ah, I didn't think about anything. I mean, you are very powerful. Yes, that's what I mean." Yunchu almost bit his tongue, Emma, ​​shameful and lost!

The emperor believes that she has a ghost, and she feels the taste inside.

The face of the cloud is blushing, and the loser does not lose the line and says: "Hey! Who can't say big words?!"

The eyes of Emperor Beibei are one deep: "Xiaojiu, how is it that we are practicing now?"

When the cloud was scared, he jumped out of bed. The goods were purely thieves and thieves. They laughed twice: "I will say later, I will continue to say that I will not open the flowers!"

Emperor Beibei was also teasing her, and she was shy and said no more.

After the two people finished washing, they had breakfast. The first sigh of the cloud sighed: "If there is a good thing that can be easily accommodated, you can go out with me in a bright and honest way. Now, like a thief, although stimulating But you can't go out with me."

(End of this chapter)

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